resizable Boolean (default: false)

Determines whether the resizing functionality will be enabled.

Note: When resizable is enabled items should have a defined rowSpan and colSpan.

Example - enable resizing

<script id="first" type="text/x-kendo-template">
<script id="second" type="text/x-kendo-template">
<div id="tilelayout"></div>
    containers: [
            colSpan: 1,
            rowSpan: 1,
            header: {
                text: "Item one"
            bodyTemplate: kendo.template($("#first").html())
            colSpan: 1,
            rowSpan: 1,
            header: {
                text: "Item two"
            bodyTemplate: kendo.template($("#second").html())
    columns: 4,
    resizable: true
In this article