
    Expands the specified master table row. This shows its detail table row.


    row String|Element|jQuery

    A string, DOM element or jQuery object which represents the master table row. A string is treated as a jQuery selector. Expands specified master row.

    omitAnimations Boolean

    If set to false, the detail template is displayed without animations.

    Example - expand the first master table row

    Open In Dojo
    <div id="grid"></div>
    let encode = kendo.htmlEncode;
      columns: [
        { field: "name" },
        { field: "age" }
      dataSource: [
          { name: "Jane Doe", age: 30 },
          { name: "John Doe", age: 33 }
      detailTemplate: ({ name, age }) => `<div>Name: ${encode(name)}</div><div>Age: ${encode(age)}</div>`
    var grid = $("#grid").data("kendoGrid");
    In this article