Crawl Sequential URLs
Add a rule to Fiddler with Global scope as follows:
public static ToolsAction("Crawl Sequential URLs")
function doCrawl(){
var sBase: String;
var sInt: String;
sBase = FiddlerObject.prompt("Enter base URL with ## in place of the start integer", "");
sInt = FiddlerObject.prompt("Start At", "1");
var iFirst = int.Parse(sInt);
sInt = FiddlerObject.prompt("End At", "12");
var iLast = int.Parse(sInt);
for (var x=iFirst; x<=iLast; x++)
//Replace 's' with your HTTP Request. Note: \ is a special character in JScript
// If you want to represent a backslash in a string constant, double it like \\
var s = "GET " + sBase.Replace("##", x.ToString()) + " HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n";
var b=false;
var iT = Environment.TickCount + 10000;
FiddlerObject.StatusText = "Waiting 10 sec because we have too many requests outstanding...";
while (iT > Environment.TickCount){ Application.DoEvents(); }