Let us consider the following example: we need to apply animation to LineSeries in iOS. Create a class which inherits from Telerik.XamarinForms.ChartRenderer.iOS.CartesianChartRenderer and override the UpdateNativeWidget and CreateChartDelegate methods:
public class LineWithAnimationRenderer : CartesianChartRenderer
public LineWithAnimationRenderer()
protected override void UpdateNativeWidget()
this.Control.AllowAnimations = true;
protected override TKChartDelegate CreateChartDelegate(RadCartesianChart chart)
return new ChartWithAnimationDelegate(chart);
UpdateNativeWidget method takes care of allowing animations for the chart. CreateChartDelegate supplies an instance of a class that inherits from TKChartDelegate, configured with animations as per the iOS chart help. ChartWithAnimationDelegate inherits from Telerik.XamarinForms.ChartRenderer.iOS.CartesianChartDelegate, which in turn inherits from TKChartdelegate. This way you only need to extend it with the desired features:
public class ChartWithAnimationDelegate : CartesianChartDelegate
public ChartWithAnimationDelegate()
public override CAAnimation AnimationForSeries(TKChart chart, TKChartSeries series, TKChartSeriesRenderState state, CGRect rect)
var duration = 0.0;
var animations = new List<CAAnimation>();
for (int i = 0; i < (int)state.Points.Count; i++)
var pointKeyPath = state.AnimationKeyPathForPointAtIndex((uint)i);
var keyPath = pointKeyPath + ".y";
var point = state.Points.ObjectAtIndex((uint)i) as TKChartVisualPoint;
var oldY = rect.Size.Height;
if (i > 0)
var animation = new CAKeyFrameAnimation();
animation.KeyPath = keyPath;
animation.Duration = (double)(0.1 * i );
animation.Values = new NSNumber[] { new NSNumber(oldY), new NSNumber(oldY), new NSNumber(point.Y) };
animation.KeyTimes = new NSNumber[] { new NSNumber(0), new NSNumber(i / (i + 1.0)), new NSNumber(1.0) };
duration = animation.Duration;
var animation = new CABasicAnimation();
animation.KeyPath = keyPath;
animation.From = new NSNumber(oldY);
animation.To = new NSNumber(point.Y);
animation.Duration = 0.1;
var group = new CAAnimationGroup();
group.Duration = duration;
group.Animations = animations.ToArray();
return group;
chart.Palette = CustomPalettes.CustomDark;
Now you only need to register your custom renderer using the ExportRenderer assembly level attribute:
[assembly: Xamarin.Forms.ExportRenderer(typeof(Telerik.XamarinForms.Chart.RadCartesianChart), typeof(LineWithAnimationRenderer))]