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Upgrading Telerik UI Trial to Telerik UI Developer License or Newer Version

This article will guide you through the process of upgrading your Telerik UI Trial to a Developer license or a newer version.

Automatic Upgrade to a Newer Version of UI for WPF

To automatically upgrade to the newer version, you can utilize the Progress Telerik UI for WPF Extension wizards. You can find more information in the respective articles:

Upgrade to Newer Version or Other License of UI for WPF

In order to manually upgrade your controls to a newer version of the suite, you need to perform the following steps:

MSI Installation

If you have installed the trial version of UI for WPF and try to install the developer version of the same release, you will receive the following message:

Common Installing Already Installed WPF

In this case, you need to remove the trial version first.

Alternatively, if a previous version is detected, you will observe the following prompt:

Common Installing Already Installed WPF

Checking the Assemblies' Version

To check what type of license the binaries you're using have, you can check the Properties of the Telerik.Windows.Controls.dll file. Only this file contains information for the dlls version in its metadata. To get this information use the following steps:

  1. Right click on the Telerik.Windows.Controls.dll file and select the Properties options from the context menu.
  2. Go to the Details tab in the Properties window.
  3. Check the File description attribute. It will contain the "Trial Version" suffix if the dlls are Trial. Otherwise, there will be only the dll's name.

Figure 1: Telerik.Windows.Controls.dll Properties

Telerik.Windows.Controls.dll Properties

If your dll files contain this suffix in the description then they are of the Trial version and you have to replace them with the licensed assemblies.

Updating NuGet Packages

If you're using the Telerik NuGet packages, you can update them via the NuGet Package Manager:

Figure 2: Updating NuGet Packages

Updating NuGet Packages

If you're upgrading from a Trial version, you will need to first remove the packages with the .Trial suffix before installing the Development packages (which lack this suffix). Alternatively, you can edit the project file and remove the suffix from the NuGet PackageReferences.

See Also

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