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Change Control Appearance

The UI for WPF controls use Themes to change their appearance. The suite provides over 25 built-in themes that can fit in the majority of desktop application designs. A list of all the available themes can be found here.

There are two mechanisms that can be used to set a theme:

It is important to not mix the two approaches and always use the correct assemblies for the respective mechanism.

Custom Appearance

If you wish to simply change a few of the colors or font sizes of your controls, you can define a new style for them and override the desired properties.

Example 1: Custom styles for RadListBox

<Style TargetType="telerik:RadListBox"> 
    <Setter Property="Foreground" Value="Green" /> 
    <Setter Property="FontSize" Value="22" /> 
If you wish to apply further customizations such as repositioning the building parts of a control, however, you will most probably need to edit its control template.

Color Theme Generator

All Telerik themes starting from Windows8` and later (like Windows11, Crystal, Fluent, Material, Office2016, etc.) are fully customizable using the assocaited theme palettes properties.

For seamless color customization and faster palette creation that looks great and matches all controls, we created the Color Theme Generator.

Next Steps

See Also

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