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MVVM Support

This topic will go through the approach of using RadVirtualGrid in MVVM scenarios. This can be achieved by benefiting from the DataProvider mechanism of the control. More information on this matter can be found in the Getting Started and Custom DataProvider topics.

Defining the business model

Firstly, we need an object model that will be used to populate RadVirtualGrid with data. For this purpose, the following Club object is defined.

Example 1: Defining the Club object

public class Club : ViewModelBase 
    private string name; 
    private DateTime established; 
    private int stadiumCapacity; 
    private int primaryKey; 
    public int PrimaryKey 
        get { return this.primaryKey; } 
            this.primaryKey = value; 
    public string Name 
        get { return; } 
            if (value != 
       = value; 
    public DateTime Established 
        get { return this.established; } 
            if (value != this.established) 
                this.established = value; 
    public int StadiumCapacity 
        get { return this.stadiumCapacity; } 
            if (value != this.stadiumCapacity) 
                this.stadiumCapacity = value; 
    public Club() 
    public Club(string name, DateTime established, int stadiumCapacity) 
    { = name; 
        this.established = established; 
        this.stadiumCapacity = stadiumCapacity; 
    public static ObservableCollection<Club> GetClubs() 
        ObservableCollection<Club> clubs = new ObservableCollection<Club>(); 
        Club club; 
        club = new Club("Liverpool", new DateTime(1892, 1, 1), 45362) { PrimaryKey = 1}; 
        club = new Club("Manchester Utd.", new DateTime(1878, 1, 1), 76212) {PrimaryKey = 2}; 
        club = new Club("Chelsea", new DateTime(1905, 1, 1), 42055) { PrimaryKey = 3 }; 
        club = new Club("Arsenal", new DateTime(1886, 1, 1), 60355) { PrimaryKey = 4 }; 
        return clubs; 

Implementing a custom DataProvider

The next step is to define a custom DataProvider that handles some specific scenarios. It demonstrates how the selection of the control can be persisted when sorting or filtering. Note, that by default the selection is being cleared when processing these operations. Also, the example demonstrates how to hide a given column, define a custom editor, set a given column to be readonly and apply a custom header.

Example 2: Implementing a Custom DataProvider

public class MyDataProvider : DataProvider 
        private List<int> selectedIndexes; 
        public MyDataProvider(IEnumerable source) : base(source) 
            this.selectedIndexes = new List<int>(); 
        //At this state the SelectedIndexes are not cleared yet and can be persisted. 
        protected override void SortDescriptorPrepared(SortedEventArgs e) 
            var selectedIndexes = this.ParentGrid.SelectedIndexes.ToList(); 
            if (selectedIndexes.Count > 0) 
        //Update the selection after the sorting is processed. 
        protected override void OnSortingCompleted() 
        //Hide the primary key property 
        public override IList<ItemPropertyInfo> ItemProperties 
                return base.ItemProperties.Skip(1).ToList(); 
        protected override void OnHeaderValueNeeded(HeaderValueEventArgs e) 
            if (e.HeaderOrientation == VirtualGridOrientation.Horizontal) 
                int propertyIndex = this.GetPropertyIndex("Name"); 
                if (e.Index == propertyIndex) 
                    e.Value = "Club Name"; 
        protected override void OnEditorNeeded(EditorNeededEventArgs args) 
            int propertyIndex = this.GetPropertyIndex("Established"); 
            if (args.ColumnIndex == propertyIndex) 
                var editor = new RadDateTimePicker(); 
                var item = (this.Source.GetItemAt(args.RowIndex) as Club); 
                args.Editor = editor; 
                editor.SelectedValue = item.Established; 
                args.EditorProperty = RadDateTimePicker.SelectedValueProperty; 
        protected override bool IsColumnReadOnly(int columnIndex) 
            int propertyIndex = this.GetPropertyIndex("Name"); 
            if (columnIndex == propertyIndex) 
                return true; 
            return base.IsColumnReadOnly(columnIndex); 
        /// <summary> 
        /// Gets the index of a given property 
        /// </summary> 
        /// <param name="propertyName">The property name</param> 
        /// <returns>The property index</returns> 
        private int GetPropertyIndex(string propertyName) 
            ItemPropertyInfo itemProperty = this.ItemProperties.Where(ip => ip.Name == propertyName).FirstOrDefault(); 
            int index = this.ItemProperties.IndexOf(itemProperty); 
            return index; 
        /// <summary> 
        /// Persists the selected indexes 
        /// </summary> 
        /// <param name="selectedIndexes"></param> 
        private void PersistSelection(IEnumerable<int> selectedIndexes) 
            foreach (int index in selectedIndexes) 
        /// <summary> 
        /// Adds the previously persisted indexes 
        /// </summary> 
        /// <param name="selectedIndexes"></param> 
        private void UpdateSelection(IEnumerable<int> selectedIndexes) 
            foreach (int index in selectedIndexes) 
                if (!this.ParentGrid.SelectedIndexes.Contains(index)) 

Defining the View Model

The following code snippet demonstrates how the custom DataProvider can be exposed by a view model.

Example 2: Defining the View Model

public class MyViewModel: ViewModelBase 
    private MyDataProvider dataProvider; 
    public MyDataProvider DataProvider  
            if (this.dataProvider == null) 
                this.dataProvider = new MyDataProvider(Club.GetClubs()); 
            return this.dataProvider; 

Populate RadVirtualGrid

This section shows how the View Model can be set to be the DataContext of RadVirtualGrid and how its DataProvider property can be bound to the custom DataProvider.

Example 3: Populating RadVirtualGrid

    <local:MyViewModel x:Key="MyViewModel"/> 
<Grid DataContext="{StaticResource MyViewModel}"> 
    <telerik:RadVirtualGrid DataProvider="{Binding DataProvider}"  
                            Margin="5" > 

See Also

In this article