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Customize Position

The Position property of the RadTileViewItems controls the positions of the Restored and/or Minimized items. This article will demonstrate how this property can be bound to a property in the model in an MVVM scenario.

Creating the Model and ViewModel

For the purposes of this article we will create a class that holds data for customer accounts in a bank and a viewmodel that holds a collection of customer accounts. The ItemsSource of the RadTileView will be the collection of customer accounts. We will order the positions the accounts by their balance in a descending order.

Example 1: Creating the model and viewmodel

public class CustomerAccount : ViewModelBase 
    public string Name { get; set; } 
    public string City { get; set; } 
    public decimal Balance { get; set; } 
    public string Description { get; set; } 
    private int position; 
    public int Position 
        get { return position; } 
        set { 
            if(this.position != value) 
                this.position = value; 
public class BankViewModel 
    private string LoremIpsumText = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. "; 
    public ObservableCollection<CustomerAccount> Customers { get; set; } 
    public BankViewModel() 
        this.Customers = new ObservableCollection<CustomerAccount>(); 
    public void AddCustomers() 
        this.Customers.Add(new CustomerAccount() 
            Name = "Michael Johnson", 
            City = "New York", 
            Balance = 1200, 
            Description = LoremIpsumText, 
        this.Customers.Add(new CustomerAccount() 
            Name = "Alan Rickman", 
            City = "Boston", 
            Balance = 2500, 
            Description = LoremIpsumText, 
        this.Customers.Add(new CustomerAccount() 
            Name = "Jesse Hernandez", 
            City = "Miami", 
            Balance = 5600, 
            Description = LoremIpsumText, 
        this.Customers.Add(new CustomerAccount() 
            Name = "Mike Dunbar", 
            City = "Las Vegas", 
            Balance = 9000, 
            Description = LoremIpsumText, 
        this.Customers.Add(new CustomerAccount() 
            Name = "John Waldner", 
            City = "Chicago", 
            Balance = 5800, 
            Description = LoremIpsumText, 
        this.Customers.Add(new CustomerAccount() 
            Name = "Carla Archie", 
            City = "San Francisco", 
            Balance = 3600, 
            Description = LoremIpsumText, 
    private void SetPositionAccordingToBalance() 
        var count = 0; 
        var orderedCustomersByBalance = this.Customers.OrderByDescending(c => c.Balance); 
        foreach (var customer in orderedCustomersByBalance) 
            customer.Position = count++; 
Public Class CustomerAccount 
Inherits ViewModelBase 
    Public Property Name() As String 
    Public Property City() As String 
    Public Property Balance() As Decimal 
    Public Property Description() As String 
    Private _position As Integer 
    Public Property Position() As Integer 
            Return _position 
        End Get 
        Set(ByVal value As Integer) 
            If Me._position <> value Then 
                Me._position = value 
            End If 
        End Set 
    End Property 
End Class 
Public Class BankViewModel 
    Private LoremIpsumText As String = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. " 
    Public Property Customers() As ObservableCollection(Of CustomerAccount) 
    Public Sub New() 
        Me.Customers = New ObservableCollection(Of CustomerAccount)() 
    End Sub 
    Public Sub AddCustomers() 
        Me.Customers.Add(New CustomerAccount() With { 
            .Name = "Michael Johnson", 
            .City = "New York", 
            .Balance = 1200, 
            .Description = LoremIpsumText 
        Me.Customers.Add(New CustomerAccount() With { 
            .Name = "Alan Rickman", 
            .City = "Boston", 
            .Balance = 2500, 
            .Description = LoremIpsumText 
        Me.Customers.Add(New CustomerAccount() With { 
            .Name = "Jesse Hernandez", 
            .City = "Miami", 
            .Balance = 5600, 
            .Description = LoremIpsumText 
        Me.Customers.Add(New CustomerAccount() With { 
            .Name = "Mike Dunbar", 
            .City = "Las Vegas", 
            .Balance = 9000, 
            .Description = LoremIpsumText 
        Me.Customers.Add(New CustomerAccount() With { 
            .Name = "John Waldner", 
            .City = "Chicago", 
            .Balance = 5800, 
            .Description = LoremIpsumText 
        Me.Customers.Add(New CustomerAccount() With { 
            .Name = "Carla Archie", 
            .City = "San Francisco", 
            .Balance = 3600, 
            .Description = LoremIpsumText 
    End Sub 
    Private Sub SetPositionAccordingToBalance() 
        Dim count = 0 
        Dim orderedCustomersByBalance = Me.Customers.OrderByDescending(Function(c) c.Balance) 
        For Each customer In orderedCustomersByBalance 
            customer.Position = count 
            count += 1 
        Next customer 
    End Sub 
End Class 

Creating the View

Next, we will setup the RadTileView in xaml. We will create an ItemTemplate and ContentTemplate to configure how the RadTileViewItems will visualize the customer accounts. We will also bind the Position property of the RadTileViewItems to the Position property of the model through a Style.

Example 2: Creating the model and viewmodel

    <local:BankViewModel x:Key="ViewModel" /> 
<Grid DataContext="{StaticResource ViewModel}"> 
        <DataTemplate x:Key="ItemTemplate"> 
            <TextBlock Text="{Binding Name}" /> 
        <DataTemplate x:Key="ContentTemplate"> 
            <StackPanel > 
                <TextBlock Text="{Binding City,StringFormat='City: {0}'}"/> 
                <TextBlock Text="{Binding Balance,StringFormat='Balance: {0:C0}'}"/> 
                <TextBlock Text="{Binding Description,StringFormat='Decription: {0}'}" TextWrapping="Wrap"/> 
        <!-- If you are using the NoXaml binaries, you have to base your style on the default one like so--> 
        <!--<Style TargetType="telerik:RadTileViewItem" BasedOn="{StaticResource RadTileViewItemStyle}">--> 
        <Style TargetType="telerik:RadTileViewItem"> 
            <Setter Property="Position" Value="{Binding Position, Mode=TwoWay}" /> 
    <telerik:RadTileView x:Name="xTileView"  
                         ItemTemplate="{StaticResource ItemTemplate}" 
                         ContentTemplate="{StaticResource ContentTemplate}" 
                         ItemsSource="{Binding Customers}" 

Figure 1: RadTileViewItems with customized position in the Office2016 theme

RadTileViewItems with customized position

Note, that if there is a Maximized item, by default it will be on Position 0. Therefore setting another RadTileViewItem Position to 0, will maximize this item instead.

See Also

In this article