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This article lists the events specific for the RadTabControl control.

  • PreviewTabClosed: Occurs when a RadTabItem is about to be closed. The event arguments are of type PreviewTabChangedEventArgs and provide access to the following properties:

    • TabItem: The RadTabItem that has been changed.

    • DataContext: The DataContext of the changed RadTabItem.

      Example 1: PreviewTabClosed Event Handler

              private void TabControl_PreviewTabClosed(object sender, Telerik.Windows.Controls.PreviewTabChangedEventArgs e) 
                  if (e.TabItem.Header.ToString() == "Tab 1") 
                      e.Cancel = true; 
  • TabClosed: Occurs when a RadTabItem is closed. The event arguments are of type TabChangedEventArgs and expose the following members:

    • TabItem: The RadTabItem that has been changed.

    • DataContext: The DataContext of the changed TabItem.

  • PreviewTabUnpinned: Occurs when a RadTabItem is about to be unpinned. Event arguments are of of type PreviewTabChangedEventArgs.

    Example 2: PreviewTabUnpinned Event Handler

        private void RadTabControl_PreviewTabUnpinned(object sender, Telerik.Windows.Controls.PreviewTabChangedEventArgs e) 
            MessageBox.Show($"{e.TabItem.Header} is about to be unpinned."); 
  • TabUnpinned: Occurs when a RadTabItem is unpinned. The event arguments are of type TabChangedEventArgs.

  • PreviewTabPinned: Occurs when a RadTabItem is about to be pinned. The event arguments are of type PreviewTabChangedEventArgs.

    Example 3: PreviewTabPinned Event Handler

        private void RadTabControl_PreviewTabPinned(object sender, Telerik.Windows.Controls.PreviewTabChangedEventArgs e) 
            e.Cancel = true; 
  • TabPinned: Occurs when a RadTabItem is pinned. The event arguments are of type TabChangedEventArgs.

  • DropDownOpened: An event that is raised when the Telerik.Windows.Controls.TabControl.DropDownMenu is opened. This is a RoutedEvent. The event arguments are of type DropDownEventArgs and expose the following members:

    • DropDownItemsSource: Gets or sets the items collection for the drop down context menu.

    • RoutedEvent: Gets or sets the RoutedEventAgs.RoutedEvent associated with this RoutedEventArgs instance.

      Example 4: DropDownOpened Routed Event

              private void RadTabControl_DropDownOpened(object sender, DropDownEventArgs e) 
                  List<string> dropDownItems = e.DropDownItemsSource.Cast<string>().ToList<string>(); 
                  dropDownItems.Add("New DropDown Item."); 
                  e.DropDownItemsSource = dropDownItems; 
  • DropDownClosed: This event is raised when the Telerik.Windows.Controls.TabControl.DropDownMenu is closed. This is a RoutedEvent. The event arguments are of type DropDownEventArgs.

  • ItemReordered: This event occurs when an item is reordered while dragging. This is a RoutedEvent. In order for this event to be raised, the AllowDragReorder property needs to be set to True. The event arguments are of type ItemReorderedEventArgs and expose the following members:

    • OldIndex: Gets the previous index of the dragged item.

    • NewIndex: Gets the next index of the dragged item.

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