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This topic describes the events you can use in RadSpreadsheet so you can get a notification about different actions.

RadSpreadsheet Events

  • ActiveSheetChanged—Occurs when the active sheet is changed.

  • ActiveSheetEditorChanged—Occurs when the active sheet editor is changed.

  • MessageShowing—Occurs when the user is presented with a warning message. The event arguments are of type MessageShowingEventArgs and expose the following properties:

    • IsHandled—Gets or sets whether the event is handled.
    • Header—Gets or sets the header of the message.
    • Content—Gets or sets the content of the message.
    • NotificationType—Gets or sets the type of the notification. The property is of type MessageBoxNotificationType.

    Disable messages related to protection using the MessageShowing event

        public void AttachToMessageShowingEvent() 
            this.radSpreadsheet.MessageShowing += radSpreadsheet_MessageShowing; 
        private void radSpreadsheet_MessageShowing(object sender, Telerik.Windows.Controls.Spreadsheet.MessageShowingEventArgs e) 
            if (e.NotificationType == Telerik.Windows.Controls.Spreadsheet.Dialogs.MessageBoxNotificationType.ProtectedWorksheetError) 
                e.IsHandled = true; 
        Public Sub AttachToMessageShowingEvent() 
            AddHandler Me.radSpreadsheet.MessageShowing, AddressOf radSpreadsheet_MessageShowing 
        End Sub 
        Private Sub radSpreadsheet_MessageShowing(sender As Object, e As Telerik.Windows.Controls.Spreadsheet.MessageShowingEventArgs) 
            If e.NotificationType = Telerik.Windows.Controls.Spreadsheet.Dialogs.MessageBoxNotificationType.ProtectedWorksheetError Then 
                e.IsHandled = True 
            End If 
        End Sub 
  • WorkbookCommandError—Notifies that an error occurred while executing a command in RadSpreadsheet. The arguments are of type CommandErrorEventArgs and you can use the Exception property to check what exactly the error is.

  • WorkbookChanging—Occurs when the workbook starts changing.

  • WorkbookChanged—Occurs when the workbook is changed.

  • WorkbookCommandExecuting—Occurs when workbook command starts executing. The arguments are of type CommandExecutingEventArgs and allow you to cancel the execution of the command.

    Cancel a command through WorkbookCommandExecuting

        private void radSpreadsheet_WorkbookCommandExecuting(object sender, Telerik.Windows.Documents.Spreadsheet.Commands.CommandExecutingEventArgs e) 
            if (e.CommandName == "AddShapeCommand") 
        Public Sub AttachToWorkbookCommandExecutingEvent() 
            AddHandler Me.radSpreadsheet.WorkbookCommandExecuting, AddressOf radSpreadsheet_WorkbookCommandExecuting 
        End Sub 
        Private Sub radSpreadsheet_WorkbookCommandExecuting(sender As Object, e As Telerik.Windows.Documents.Spreadsheet.Commands.CommandExecutingEventArgs) 
            If e.CommandName = "AddShapeCommand" Then 
            End If 
        End Sub 
  • WorkbookCommandExecuted—Occurs when workbook command is executed.

  • WorkbookContentChanged—Occurs when the content of the workbook is changed.

Workbook Events

  • ActiveSheetChanged—Occurs when the active sheet is changed.

  • WorkbookContentChanged—Occurs when the workbook content is changed.

  • IsProtectedChanged—Occurs when the current protection state has changed.

  • NameChanged—Occurs when the name of the workbook is changed.

  • ThemeChanged—Occurs when a theme is changed.

Worksheet Events

  • IsProtectedChanged—Occurs when the current protection state has changed.

  • LayoutInvalidated—Occurs when the layout is invalidated.

  • NameChanged—Occurs when the name of the worksheet is changed.

RadWorksheetEditor Events

  • PreviewSheetChanging—Occurs just before the sheet changing begins.

  • SheetChanging—Occurs when the sheet is changing.

  • PreviewSheetChanged—Occurs just before the sheet changing ends.

  • SheetChanged—Occurs when the sheet is already changed.

  • ScaleFactorChanged—Occurs when the scale factor is changed.

  • UICommandExecuting—Occurs when a UI command is executing. Using the event arguments, you can obtain the command that is going to be executed with its parameters.

  • UICommandExecuted—Occurs when the UI command is executed. Using the event arguments, you can obtain the command that was executed with its parameters.

  • UICommandError—Occurs on UI command error. The event args expose the Exception property, which can help you get the error that was thrown.

  • ScrollModeChanged—Occurs when the scroll mode is changed.

  • ActivePresenterChanged—Occurs when the active presenter is changed.

  • HyperlinkClicked—Occurs when a hyperlink in the document gets clicked. The event allows you to cancel or replace the navigation logic.

    Using the HyperlinkClicked to implement extra confirmation for the links in the document

        private void RadSpreadsheet_ActiveSheetEditorChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) 
            RadWorksheetEditor editor = (RadWorksheetEditor)this.radSpreadsheet.ActiveSheetEditor;  
            editor.HyperlinkClicked += this.Editor_HyperlinkClicked;          
        private void Editor_HyperlinkClicked(object sender, Telerik.Windows.Controls.Spreadsheet.Worksheets.MouseHandlers.HyperlinkClickedEventArgs e) 
            if (e.Url.EndsWith("exe")) 
                e.Handled = true; 
                MessageBoxResult Result = MessageBox.Show("You are about to open an executable file. Do you want to proceed?", "Possible unsafe link", MessageBoxButton.YesNo, MessageBoxImage.Question); 
                if (Result == MessageBoxResult.Yes) 
                    Process.Start(new ProcessStartInfo() 
                        FileName = e.Url, 
                        UseShellExecute = true 
    The HyperlinkClickedEventArgs exposes also the IsTrustedUrl property, which can be set to false to prevent the url from openning.

The events related to selection in RadSpreadsheet are described in the Working with UI Selection topic.

Cells Events

  • CellPropertyChanged—Occurs when a property of a cell is changed. The event arguments are of type CellPropertyChangedEventArgs and expose information about the exact property that was changed as well as the affected cell range.

    Using the CellPropertyChangedEvent to show a notification when the users change the fill of a cell

        public void AttachToCellPropertyChangedEvent() 
            this.radSpreadsheet.ActiveWorksheet.Cells.CellPropertyChanged += Cells_CellPropertyChanged; 
        private void Cells_CellPropertyChanged(object sender, CellPropertyChangedEventArgs e) 
            if (e.Property == CellPropertyDefinitions.FillProperty) 
                MessageBox.Show("The fill of a cell was changed!"); 
        Public Sub AttachToCellPropertyChangedEvent() 
            AddHandler Me.radSpreadsheet.ActiveWorksheet.Cells.CellPropertyChanged, AddressOf Cells_CellPropertyChanged 
        End Sub 
        Private Sub Cells_CellPropertyChanged(sender As Object, e As CellPropertyChangedEventArgs) 
            If e.Property = CellPropertyDefinitions.FillProperty Then 
                MessageBox.Show("The fill of a cell was changed!") 
            End If 
        End Sub 
  • CellRangeInsertedOrRemoved—Occurs when a cell range is inserted or removed. Through the arguments, you can obtain information about the affected ranges, as well as whether the range is removed or not.

  • MergedCellsChanged—Occurs when the merged cells collection in a worksheet is changed. The MergedCellRangesChangedEventArgs class represents the event arguments and holds the cell range related to the change.

Row/Column Events

  • ColumnsWidthChanged—Occurs when the columns' widths are changed.

  • RowsHeightsChanged—Occurs when the rows' heights are changed.

The arguments of the two events are of type RowColumnPropertyChangedEventArgs and expose the following properties:

  • Property—Gets the property that was changed.
  • FromIndex—Gets the first index of the changed range.
  • ToIndex—Gets the last index of the changed range.

See Also

In this article