Snap to Tick
When the IsSnapToTickEnabled property is set to True and you drag the thumb, click the handles or simply click the track, then the thumb snaps to the nearest tick.
- When the IsSnapToTickEnabled property is set to True, draging the thumb or clicking on the track will move the thumb to the nearest tick
<telerik:RadSlider IsSnapToTickEnabled="True"
TickPlacement="BottomRight" />
- If the RadSlider handles are displayed, clicking on them will move the thumb to the nearest tick as long as the IsSnapToTickEnabled property is set to True
<telerik:RadSlider HandlesVisibility="Visible"
Ticks="2,4,6" />
The IsSnapToTickEnabled property has a higher priority than the IsMoveToPointEnabled property. This is why if you set both properties to True, clicking on the track will move the thumb to the nearest tick.