Display Row Details in RadWindow
As explained in the External Row Details article, in order to display the row details outside of the RadGridView control, you need to place a DetailsPresenter control somewhere around RadGridView and wire them up. Well, it does not need to be around, really. This article will show how to place it in a RadWindow control and position it next to the selected row.
Example 1: Creating a RadWindow and setting a DetailsPresenter as its Content
private void Grid_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
this.window = new RadWindow();
this.window.Content = new DetailsPresenter()
// Link the external details presenter to our RadGridView.
DetailsProvider = this.clubsGrid.RowDetailsProvider
this.window.WindowStartupLocation = Telerik.Windows.Controls.WindowStartupLocation.Manual;
this.window.Header = "Row Details";
this.window.ResizeMode = ResizeMode.NoResize;
this.Grid.RowDetailsProvider.PropertyChanged += this.OnRowDetailsProviderPropertyChanged;
Example 2: The IDetailsProvider interface
public interface IDetailsProvider : INotifyPropertyChanged
DataTemplate Template { get; }
Visibility Visibility { get; }
object DataContext { get; }
//Rest of the code is omitted
Example 3: Handling the PropertyChanged event
private void OnRowDetailsProviderPropertyChanged(object sender, System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventArgs e)
if (e.PropertyName == "DataContext")
// This indicates that selection has changed in RadGridView.
var currentItem = this.clubsGrid.RowDetailsProvider.DataContext;
if (currentItem != null)
// A row is selected.
var row = this.Grid.ItemContainerGenerator.ContainerFromItem(currentItem) as GridViewRow;
Point newLocation = this.CalculateWindowLocation(row);
// Show the window next to the row on the right
this.window.Left = newLocation.X;
this.window.Top = newLocation.Y;
// There is no selection.
private Point CalculateWindowLocation(GridViewRow row)
var lastCell = row.Cells[row.Cells.Count - 1];
GeneralTransform generalTransform = lastCell.TransformToVisual(this.LayoutRoot);
return generalTransform.Transform(new Point(lastCell.ActualWidth + 10, 0));