This article describes the release history of the control.
For the complete Release History of UI for WPF for WPF go to What's New Section.
Q1 2014
What's Fixed
PopupPlacementTarget in RadDateTimePicker is not respected when FlowDirection is RTL
When IsDropDownOpen is set to True the designer in VS2012 crashes
DateTimePicker throws ArgumentOutOfRangeException when ShortDatePattern = "MM/yyyy" and AllowParsingWithoutSeparator="True"
After changing the culture, the ErrorTooltipContent and the DateTimeWatermarkContent does not localize their value.
DateTimePicker throws exception when the Close button is not present in the ControlTemplate
DateTimeWatermarkContent cannot be set to null.
When Culture is set to Korean and the time part is changed it is wrongly parsed
When setting the AreWeekNumbersVisible property of the Calendar to False, DateTimePicker only shows the last row of numbers
The ToolTip is shown in the right corner of the DateTimePicker instead of the left one
TimePicker loses focus when a different value is selected from the dropdown
Q3 2013
What's New
- Extend the parsing mechanism of the control to support military date and time parsing
What's Fixed
Incorrect parsing when inputing only 2 or 3 digits
The Year is not parsed correctly when "yyyy" format is set and one number is typed
There is a Border next to the Image for the Button in DateTimePicker in Windows8 theme which can be clicked and causes issues with the focus
When 30th is selected and "Feb" is typed in the DatePicker, and exception is thrown
The dropdown is closing when you try to zoom in when in Month, Year or Decade view in Touch
The current year does not look focused when DateSelectionMode = "Year"
AccessViolationException in RadDateTimePicker when using JAWS in Month/Year selection mode
Bug when parsing Time entered without separators and with seconds
DateTimePicker parses incorrectly time when the entered string ends with colon when in Time InputMode
Exception is thrown when 29th February is used and user inserts a value from a non-leap year
When Numeric and DateTimePicker are put in a ScrollView with IsTabStop=False set, the application hangs
If in a RadWindow the first elements are two consecutive DateTimePicker controls and that Window is focused the application hangs
When the theme is switched at runtime the TextBox in the DateTimePicker loses the text
Q2 2013
What's New
- Keyboard navigation improvements
What's Fixed
The drop down of the RadDatePicker is not closed when date selected with touch
ErrorTooltip is visible out of the frame if its content is big enough
The extension popup does not disappear when user move the window that contains the RadDatePicker
The name of the RadDropDownButton in the RadDateTimePicker in Expression_Dark theme is " DP" instead of "PART_DropDownButton"
SelectedValue doesn't clear after clearing the text in the RadDateTimePicker
Q1 2013
What's New
- Implement military date/time parsing. Check here for more details.
What's Fixed
Fixed disabled state of RadDateTimePicker and RadWaterMarkTextBox
Clock layout is not updated when ClockItemSource is changed
A double line appears in Calendar Control when AreWeekNamesVisible="False" and ViewsHeaderVisibility="Visible"
RadDateTimePicker doesn't focus its textbox part after selecting a value from the calendar
RadDateTimePicker leaks when popup is opened
Closing Dropdown by clicking on other control outside the RadDateTimePicker doesn't release the focus
The drop down of the DatePicker is not closed when date selected with touch