This article describes the release history of the control.
Latest Release Notes
You can find out the latest release notes here.
Q3 2013
What's Fixed
- Visual Studio's designer automatically switches to design view when RadContextMenu is used inside RadDropDownButton
Q2 2013
What's new
Created new RadMenuGroupItem and RadMenuSeparatorItem.
Added handler for PopupCommands.Close and PopupCommands.CloseAll commands.
Added integration between RadDropDownButton/RadSplitButton and RadContextMenu.
Implemented scrolling in RadContextMenu.
Implemented ItemContainerTemplateSelector for MenuBase and RadMenuItem.
Added DropDownWidth and DropDownHeight properties to RadMenuItem.
Added InputGestureText property to RadMenuItem.
What's fixed
RadContextMenu is not closed when the ItemsSource is changed on ItemClick.
When you set a Windows8Touch Theme and then change it at runtime the FontSize is not changed correctly.
In most of the themes when you set Background property of a RadMenuItem, it is applied only on the Icon area.
In Windows8Touch Theme submenus do not have vertical border for the icon.
SubMenu stays open when you click over Separator in parent RadMenuItem.
RadMenuItem doesn't receive click in some cases when the template is changed.
Image put as an Icon of RadMenuItem is stretched in Windows8 theme, while in OfficeBlack (and other themes) it isn't.
Q1 2012
What's New
One instance of RadContextMenu can now be attached on multiple elements
When RadContextMenu is attached on multiple elements and opened with IsOpen=true then PlacementTarget must be specified
RadContextMenu and RadMenu will close on LeftAlt, RightAlt or F10 key down (WPF)
What's Fixed
GetClickedElements now works correctly when browser is zoomed
Placemet is now correct when browser is zoomed
Placemet is now correct when FlowDirection is RightToLeft
RadContextMenu now shows in the correct window when using Silverlight 5 OOB multiple windows
When SubMenu or RadContextMenu is opened with keyboard (or with IsOpen=true) and mouse appears over RadMenuItem then this RadMenuItem will not be focused/highlighted until mouse move