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How To Change the Fold Size

To change the fold size you can use the FoldSize property of RadBook. It is of type Size. Here is an example below:

RadBook Fold Size

Example 1: Changing the fold size

<telerik:RadBook x:Name="RadBook1"  
                    FoldSize="150,150" RightPageIndex="1"> 
    <telerik:RadBookItem Background="Red"> 
            <TextBlock FontSize="36" Text="Page 1" /> 
            <Button Content="Click Me" /> 
    <telerik:RadBookItem Background="BlueViolet"> 
            <TextBlock HorizontalAlignment="Right"  
                        Text="Page 2" /> 
            <Image Width="320"  
                    Source="Koala.jpg" /> 
    <telerik:RadBookItem Background="RosyBrown"> 
        <TextBlock FontSize="36" Text="Page 3" /> 
    <telerik:RadBookItem Background="Chocolate"> 
        <TextBlock HorizontalAlignment="Right"  
                    Text="Page 4" /> 

See Also

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