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Property Description
EnableKineticScrolling Gets or sets a value indicating whether the kinetic scrolling function is enabled.
EnableCustomGrouping Gets or sets a value indicating whether the data can be grouped programmatically.
IsEditing Gets a value indicating whether there are currently open editors.
ReadOnly Gets or sets a value indicating whether the user is allowed to edit the values of the properties.
ActiveEditor Gets the active editor.
BeginEditMode Gets or sets a value indicating how user begins editing a cell.
AutoExpandGroups Gets or sets a value indicating whether the groups will be expanded or collapsed upon creation.
RadContextMenu Gets or sets the shortcut menu associated with the control.
AllowDefaultContextMenu Gets or sets a value indicating whether the default context menu is enabled.
KeyboardSearchEnabled Gets or sets a value that determines whether the user can navigate to an item by typing when RadPropertyGrid is focused.
KeyboardSearchResetInterval Gets or sets a value that specifies how long the user must wait before searching with the keyboard is reset.
FindStringComparer Gets or sets the string comparer used by the keyboard navigation functionality.
SelectedGridItem Gets or sets the selected item.
SelectedObject Gets or sets the object which properties the is displaying.
SelectedObjects Gets or sets the objects which properties the is displaying.
Items Gets the Items collection.
Groups Gets the Groups collection.
EnableGrouping Gets or sets a value indicating whether grouping is enabled.
EnableSorting Gets or sets a value indicating whether sorting is enabled.
EnableFiltering Gets or sets a value indicating whether filtering is enabled.
GroupDescriptors Gets the group descriptors.
FilterDescriptors Gets the filter descriptors.
SortDescriptors Gets the sort descriptors.
SortOrder Gets or sets the sort order of items.
PropertySort Gets or sets the mode in which the properties will be displayed in the .
HelpVisible Gets or sets a value indicating whether the is visible.
HelpBarHeight Gets or sets the height of the .
ToolbarVisible Gets or sets a value indicating whether the search box of the should be visible
PropertyGridElement Gets the of this control.
ItemHeight Gets or sets the height of the items.
ItemSpacing Gets or sets the distance between items of the RadPropertyGridElement.
ItemIndent Gets or sets the width of the indentation of sub items.
BackColor RadPropertyGrid consists of multiple visual elements and separate settings are provided to customize their appearance. Current BackColor property might be ignored.
ForeColor RadPropertyGrid consists of multiple visual elements and separate settings are provided to customize their appearance. Current ForeColor property might be ignored.


Method Description
BestFit Uses a mechanism to maximize the visible strings in both columns of RadPropertyGrid.
BestFit(PropertyGridBestFitMode mode) Best fits the column(s) of RadPropertyGrid using the given mode.
ExpandAllGridItems Expands all categories.
CollapseAllGridItems Collapses all categories.
ResetSelectedProperty Resets the selected property to its default value.
BeginEdit Puts the current item in edit mode.
EndEdit Commits any changes and ends the edit operation on the current item.
CancelEdit Close the currently active editor and discard changes.


Event Description
SelectedObjectChanging Occurs before the selected object is changed.
SelectedObjectChanged Occurs after the selected object is changed.
SelectedGridItemChanging Occurs before a property grid item is selected.
SelectedGridItemChanged Occurs after the property item is selected. For more information about handling events, see also SelectedItemChanging.
ContextMenuOpening Occurs when opening the context menu.
CustomGrouping Fires for custom grouping operation.
ItemMouseDown Occurs when the user presses a mouse button over a property grid item.
ItemMouseMove Occurs when the user moves the mouse in the area of a property grid item.
ItemMouseClick Occurs when a mouse button is clicked inside a
ItemMouseDoubleClick Occurs when a mouse button is double clicked inside a
ItemExpandedChanging Occurs before the value of the Expanded property of a property grid item is changed.
ItemExpandedChanged Occurs after the value of the Expanded property of a property grid item is changed.
ItemFormatting Occurs when the item changes its state and needs to be formatted.
CreateItem Occurs when a new item element is going to be created.
CreateItemElement Occurs when a new item element is going to be created.
EditorRequired Occurs when editor is required.
Editing Occurs when editing is started.
EditorInitialized Occurs when editor is initialized.
Edited Occurs when editing has been finished.
PropertyValueChanging Occurs when item's value is changing.
PropertyValueChanged Occurs when a property value changes.
PropertyValidating Fires when a property value is validating.
PropertyValidated Fires when a peoperty has finished validating.
ValueChanging Fires before the value in an editor is being changed. The action can be canceled.
ValueChanged Fires when the value of an editor changes.

See Also

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