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Adding an Image to a Map Pin


Product Version 2021.3.1123
Product RadMap for WinForms


RadMap supports pins and they can be added to it so that additional information be displayed in a friendly manner. The default implementation relies on the System.Drawing.Graphics and System.Drawing.GraphicsPath classes and at the end the pins are painted as shapes according to calculated paths. Currently, the MapPin object does not support images and this article will suggest a possible implementation.


The image below demonstrates the end result utilizing the custom pin.

Figure 1: Pin with an Image

radmap-custom-pins 001

The MapPin object will be extended with a new Image property. The actual rendering of the image will happen in the virtual Paint method, preserving the default implementation if no image is specified for a particular pin.

1. Inherit the MapPin class and add a new Image property to it.

  • Override the Paint method and use the Graphics.DrawImage method.
  • Override the ViewPortChanged and HitTest methods so that the pin`s location is validated. This way we will ensure that the pin is inside the visible portion of the map when the image will be painted.

Custom Pin Implementation

    public class CustomMapPin : MapPin
        private Image image;
        private PointL pixelLocation;
        private RectangleL drawRect;
        private bool isImageInViewPort;

        public CustomMapPin(PointG location)
            : base(location)

        public Image Image
                return image;
                this.image = value;

        public override bool IsInViewport
            get { return this.Image != null ? this.isImageInViewPort : base.IsInViewport; }

        public override void Paint(IGraphics graphics, IMapViewport viewport)
            object state = graphics.SaveState();

            MapVisualElementInfo info = this.GetVisualElementInfo(viewport);
            GraphicsPath path = info.Path.Clone() as GraphicsPath;
            GraphicsPath dotPath = new GraphicsPath();
            long mapSize = MapTileSystemHelper.MapSize(viewport.ZoomLevel);
            Matrix matrixOffset = new Matrix();
            matrixOffset.Translate(viewport.PanOffset.Width + info.Offset.X, viewport.PanOffset.Height + info.Offset.Y);

            Matrix matrixWraparound = new Matrix();
            matrixWraparound.Translate(mapSize, 0);

            for (int i = 0; i < viewport.NumberOfWraparounds; i++)
                RectangleF bounds = path.GetBounds();
                float diameter = bounds.Width / 3F;
                dotPath.AddEllipse(bounds.X + diameter, bounds.Y + diameter, diameter, diameter);
                graphics.FillPath(this.BorderColor, dotPath);

                //draw the image
                Point imageLocation = new Point((int)bounds.Location.X + (int)bounds.Width / 2 - this.image.Width / 2, (int)bounds.Location.Y);
                graphics.DrawImage(imageLocation, this.Image, true);



        public override void ViewportChanged(IMapViewport viewport, ViewportChangeAction action)
            if (this.Image == null)
                base.ViewportChanged(viewport, action);

            long mapSize = MapTileSystemHelper.MapSize(viewport.ZoomLevel);

            if ((action & ViewportChangeAction.Zoom) != 0)
                this.pixelLocation = MapTileSystemHelper.LatLongToPixelXY(this.Location, viewport.ZoomLevel);

            if ((action & ViewportChangeAction.Pan) != 0)
                this.drawRect = new RectangleL(pixelLocation.X - this.Image.Size.Width / 2, pixelLocation.Y - this.Image.Size.Height, this.Image.Size.Width, this.Image.Size.Height);

            RectangleL wraparoundDrawRect = this.drawRect;

            for (int i = 0; i <= viewport.NumberOfWraparounds; i++)
                if (wraparoundDrawRect.IntersectsWith(viewport.ViewportInPixels))
                    this.isImageInViewPort = true;


                wraparoundDrawRect.Offset(mapSize, 0L);

            if (!this.IsInViewport)

        public override bool HitTest(PointG pointG, PointL pointL, IMapViewport viewport)
            if (this.Image == null)
                return base.HitTest(pointG, pointL, viewport);

            return this.drawRect.Contains(pointL);

Public Class CustomMapPin
    Inherits MapPin

    Private _image As Image

    Private pixelLocation As PointL

    Private drawRect As RectangleL

    Private isImageInViewPort As Boolean

    Public Sub New(ByVal location As PointG)
    End Sub

    Public Property Image As Image
            Return _image
        End Get

        Set(ByVal value As Image)
            Me._image = value
        End Set
    End Property

    Public Overrides ReadOnly Property IsInViewport As Boolean
            Return If(Me.Image IsNot Nothing, Me.isImageInViewPort, MyBase.IsInViewport)
        End Get
    End Property

    Public Overrides Sub Paint(ByVal graphics As IGraphics, ByVal viewport As IMapViewport)
        Dim state As Object = graphics.SaveState()
        Dim info As MapVisualElementInfo = Me.GetVisualElementInfo(viewport)
        Dim path As GraphicsPath = TryCast(info.Path.Clone(), GraphicsPath)
        Dim dotPath As GraphicsPath = New GraphicsPath()
        Dim mapSize As Long = MapTileSystemHelper.MapSize(viewport.ZoomLevel)
        Dim matrixOffset As Matrix = New Matrix()
        matrixOffset.Translate(viewport.PanOffset.Width + info.Offset.X, viewport.PanOffset.Height + info.Offset.Y)
        Dim matrixWraparound As Matrix = New Matrix()
        matrixWraparound.Translate(mapSize, 0)

        For i As Integer = 0 To viewport.NumberOfWraparounds - 1
            Dim bounds As RectangleF = path.GetBounds()
            Dim diameter As Single = bounds.Width / 3.0F
            dotPath.AddEllipse(bounds.X + diameter, bounds.Y + diameter, diameter, diameter)
            graphics.FillPath(Me.BorderColor, dotPath)
            Dim imageLocation As Point = New Point(CInt(bounds.Location.X) + CInt(bounds.Width) / 2 - Me.Image.Width / 2, CInt(bounds.Location.Y))
            graphics.DrawImage(imageLocation, Me.Image, True)

    End Sub

    Public Overrides Sub ViewportChanged(ByVal viewport As IMapViewport, ByVal action As ViewportChangeAction)
        If Me.Image Is Nothing Then
            MyBase.ViewportChanged(viewport, action)
        End If

        Dim mapSize As Long = MapTileSystemHelper.MapSize(viewport.ZoomLevel)
        If (action And ViewportChangeAction.Zoom) <> 0 Then
            Me.pixelLocation = MapTileSystemHelper.LatLongToPixelXY(Me.Location, viewport.ZoomLevel)
        End If

        If (action And ViewportChangeAction.Pan) <> 0 Then
            Me.drawRect = New RectangleL(pixelLocation.X - Me.Image.Size.Width / 2, pixelLocation.Y - Me.Image.Size.Height, Me.Image.Size.Width, Me.Image.Size.Height)
        End If

        Dim wraparoundDrawRect As RectangleL = Me.drawRect
        For i As Integer = 0 To viewport.NumberOfWraparounds
            If wraparoundDrawRect.IntersectsWith(viewport.ViewportInPixels) Then
                Me.isImageInViewPort = True
                Exit For
            End If

            wraparoundDrawRect.Offset(mapSize, 0L)

        If Not Me.IsInViewport Then
        End If
    End Sub

    Public Overrides Function HitTest(ByVal pointG As PointG, ByVal pointL As PointL, ByVal viewport As IMapViewport) As Boolean
        If Me.Image Is Nothing Then
            Return MyBase.HitTest(pointG, pointL, viewport)
        End If

        Return Me.drawRect.Contains(pointL)
    End Function
End Class

2. Instatiate the custom pin object and add it to the map.

Use the Custom Pin

public RadMapCustomPin()
    MapLayer pointLayer = new MapLayer("PointG");
    MapPin element = new CustomMapPin(new PointG(34.04302, -118.26725))
        Image = Properties.Resources.NBALakers
    element.Text = "Los Angeles";
    element.BackColor = Color.Red;
private void SetupProviders()
    BingRestMapProvider bingProvider = new BingRestMapProvider();
    bingProvider.Culture = System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture;
    bingProvider.ImagerySet = ImagerySet.Road;
    bingProvider.UseSession = true;
    bingProvider.BingKey = this.bingKey;

Public Sub New()
    Dim pointLayer As MapLayer = New MapLayer("PointG")
    Dim element As MapPin = New CustomMapPin(New PointG(34.04302, -118.26725)) With {.Image = My.Resources.NBALakers}
    element.Text = "Los Angeles"
    element.BackColor = Color.Red
End Sub
Private Sub SetupProviders()
    Dim bingProvider As BingRestMapProvider = New BingRestMapProvider()
    bingProvider.Culture = System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture
    bingProvider.ImagerySet = ImagerySet.Road
    bingProvider.UseSession = True
    bingProvider.BingKey = Me.bingKey
End Sub

A complete solution providing a C# and VB.NET project is available here.

See Also

In this article