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How to Display Code Snippets in Chat Messages


Product Version Product Author
2023.3.1010 RadChat for WinForms Desislava Yordanova


This tutorial demonstrates a sample approach how to display C# code snippets in chat messages by using RadSyntaxEditor.

Code snippet in a Chat Message


Depending on the code snippet's language, the proper tagger has to be used to observe the respective syntax highlighting.

Since RadSyntaxEditor is a heavy control with rich functionalities, it is used as a control, and can not be used as an element. However, it is important to note that using controls in visual chat elements may slow down the scrolling and will cause visual glitches as the controls don't support clipping. Please have this in mind as side effects in case you decide to use the demo.


To achieve the above result, follow the steps:

1. Create a derivative of TextMessageItemElement and replace its ChatMessageBubbleElement with a custom one which hosts a read-only RadSyntaxEditor. Thus, you will benefit from the code formatting that RadSyntaxEditor offers.

2. Then, create a custom Chat Factory and integrate the custom message element as follows:

        public RadForm1()

            this.radChat1.Author = new Author(, "Nancy");

            this.radChat1.ChatElement.ChatFactory = new CustomChatFactory();

            Author author2 = new Author(, "Andrew");
            ChatTextMessage message1 = new ChatTextMessage("Hello", author2, DateTime.Now.AddHours(1));
            ChatTextMessage message2 = new ChatTextMessage("Hi, could you please share the code snippet?", this.radChat1.Author, DateTime.Now.AddHours(1).AddMinutes(10));
            ChatTextMessage message3 = new ChatTextMessage("We would like to announce that in the R2 2018 release " +
                                                           "we introduced Conversational UI", author2, DateTime.Now.AddHours(3));
            string code1 = @"    public class ChatTextMessage : ChatMessage
        private string message;

        public ChatTextMessage(string message, Author author, DateTime timeStamp)
            : this(message, author, timeStamp, null)
        { }

        public ChatTextMessage(string message, Author author, DateTime timeStamp, object userData)
            : base(author, timeStamp, userData)
            this.message = message;

        public string Message
            get { return message; }
                if (this.message != value)
                    this.message = value;

            CodeSnippetChatMessage message4 = new CodeSnippetChatMessage(code1, author2, DateTime.Now.AddHours(3));

            ChatTextMessage message5 = new ChatTextMessage("I used another message type:", this.radChat1.Author, DateTime.Now.AddHours(3));

            string code2 = @"    public class MediaMessageDataItem : BaseChatDataItem
        private ChatMediaMessage message;

        public MediaMessageDataItem(ChatMediaMessage message)
            : base(message)
            this.message = message;

        public ChatMediaMessage MediaMessage
            get { return this.message; }
            CodeSnippetChatMessage message6 = new CodeSnippetChatMessage(code2, this.radChat1.Author, DateTime.Now.AddHours(3));

        public class CodeSnippetChatMessage : ChatTextMessage
            public CodeSnippetChatMessage(string message, Author author, DateTime timeStamp) : base(message, author, timeStamp)

        public class CustomChatFactory : ChatFactory
            public override BaseChatDataItem CreateDataItem(ChatMessage message)
                CodeSnippetChatMessage codeSnippetMessage = message as CodeSnippetChatMessage;
                if (codeSnippetMessage != null)
                    return new CodeSnippetDataItem(codeSnippetMessage);
                return base.CreateDataItem(message);
            public override BaseChatItemElement CreateItemElement(BaseChatDataItem item)
                if (item.GetType() == typeof(CodeSnippetDataItem))
                    return new CodeMessageItemElement();
                return base.CreateItemElement(item);

        public class CodeSnippetDataItem : TextMessageDataItem
            public CodeSnippetDataItem(ChatTextMessage message) : base(message)

        public class CodeMessageItemElement : TextMessageItemElement
            protected override Type ThemeEffectiveType
                    return typeof(TextMessageItemElement);

            public override bool IsCompatible(BaseChatDataItem data, object context)
                return data.GetType() == typeof(CodeSnippetDataItem);

            protected override LightVisualElement CreateMainMessageElement()
                return new CustomChatMessageBubbleElement();

            public override void Synchronize()
                CustomChatMessageBubbleElement bubble = this.MainMessageElement as CustomChatMessageBubbleElement;
                bubble.DrawText = false;
                bubble.CodeElement.Document = new Telerik.WinForms.SyntaxEditor.Core.Text.TextDocument(bubble.Text);
                bubble.CodeElement.Text = bubble.Text;

        public class CustomChatMessageBubbleElement : ChatMessageBubbleElement
            protected override Type ThemeEffectiveType
                    return typeof(ChatMessageBubbleElement);

            RadHostItem host;
            RadSyntaxEditor  codeElement;

            public RadSyntaxEditor  CodeElement
                    return this.codeElement;

            protected override void CreateChildElements()
                codeElement = new RadSyntaxEditor ();
                codeElement.IsWordWrapEnabled = true;
                codeElement.SyntaxEditorElement.IsReadOnly = true;
                CSharpTagger currentLanguageTagger = new CSharpTagger(codeElement.SyntaxEditorElement);
                host = new RadHostItem(codeElement);
                codeElement.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;
                host.MinSize = new Size(400, 200);

            public override string Text
                    return this.codeElement.Text;
                    base.Text = value;
                    this.codeElement.Text = value;

    Public Sub New()
        Me.RadChat1.Author = New Author(, "Nancy")
        Me.RadChat1.ChatElement.ChatFactory = New CustomChatFactory()
        Dim author2 As Author = New Author(, "Andrew")
        Dim message1 As ChatTextMessage = New ChatTextMessage("Hello", author2, DateTime.Now.AddHours(1))
        Dim message2 As ChatTextMessage = New ChatTextMessage("Hi, could you please share the code snippet?", Me.RadChat1.Author, DateTime.Now.AddHours(1).AddMinutes(10))
        Dim message3 As ChatTextMessage = New ChatTextMessage("We would like to announce that in the R2 2018 release " & "we introduced Conversational UI", author2, DateTime.Now.AddHours(3))
        Dim code1 As String = "    public class ChatTextMessage : ChatMessage
        private string message;

        public ChatTextMessage(string message, Author author, DateTime timeStamp)
            : this(message, author, timeStamp, null)
        { }

        public ChatTextMessage(string message, Author author, DateTime timeStamp, object userData)
            : base(author, timeStamp, userData)
            this.message = message;

        public string Message
            get { return message; }
                if (this.message != value)
                    this.message = value;

        Dim message4 As CodeSnippetChatMessage = New CodeSnippetChatMessage(code1, author2, DateTime.Now.AddHours(3))
        Dim message5 As ChatTextMessage = New ChatTextMessage("I used another message type:", Me.RadChat1.Author, DateTime.Now.AddHours(3))
        Dim code2 As String = "    public class MediaMessageDataItem : BaseChatDataItem
        private ChatMediaMessage message;

        public MediaMessageDataItem(ChatMediaMessage message)
            : base(message)
            this.message = message;

        public ChatMediaMessage MediaMessage
            get { return this.message; }
        Dim message6 As CodeSnippetChatMessage = New CodeSnippetChatMessage(code2, Me.RadChat1.Author, DateTime.Now.AddHours(3))
    End Sub

    Public Class CodeSnippetChatMessage
        Inherits ChatTextMessage

        Public Sub New(ByVal message As String, ByVal author As Author, ByVal timeStamp As DateTime)
            MyBase.New(message, author, timeStamp)
        End Sub
    End Class

    Public Class CustomChatFactory
        Inherits ChatFactory

        Public Overrides Function CreateDataItem(ByVal message As ChatMessage) As BaseChatDataItem
            Dim codeSnippetMessage As CodeSnippetChatMessage = TryCast(message, CodeSnippetChatMessage)

            If codeSnippetMessage IsNot Nothing Then
                Return New CodeSnippetDataItem(codeSnippetMessage)
            End If

            Return MyBase.CreateDataItem(message)
        End Function

        Public Overrides Function CreateItemElement(ByVal item As BaseChatDataItem) As BaseChatItemElement
            If item.[GetType]() = GetType(CodeSnippetDataItem) Then
                Return New CodeMessageItemElement()
            End If

            Return MyBase.CreateItemElement(item)
        End Function
    End Class

    Public Class CodeSnippetDataItem
        Inherits TextMessageDataItem

        Public Sub New(ByVal message As ChatTextMessage)
        End Sub
    End Class

    Public Class CodeMessageItemElement
        Inherits TextMessageItemElement

        Protected Overrides ReadOnly Property ThemeEffectiveType As Type
                Return GetType(TextMessageItemElement)
            End Get
        End Property

        Public Overrides Function IsCompatible(ByVal data As BaseChatDataItem, ByVal context As Object) As Boolean
            Return data.[GetType]() = GetType(CodeSnippetDataItem)
        End Function

        Protected Overrides Function CreateMainMessageElement() As LightVisualElement
            Return New CustomChatMessageBubbleElement()
        End Function

        Public Overrides Sub Synchronize()
            Dim bubble As CustomChatMessageBubbleElement = TryCast(Me.MainMessageElement, CustomChatMessageBubbleElement)
            bubble.DrawText = False
            bubble.CodeElement.Document = New Telerik.WinForms.SyntaxEditor.Core.Text.TextDocument(bubble.Text)
            bubble.CodeElement.Text = bubble.Text
        End Sub
    End Class

    Public Class CustomChatMessageBubbleElement
        Inherits ChatMessageBubbleElement

        Protected Overrides ReadOnly Property ThemeEffectiveType As Type
                Return GetType(ChatMessageBubbleElement)
            End Get
        End Property

        Private host As RadHostItem
        Private _codeElement As RadSyntaxEditor

        Public ReadOnly Property CodeElement As RadSyntaxEditor
                Return Me._codeElement
            End Get
        End Property

        Protected Overrides Sub CreateChildElements()
            _codeElement = New RadSyntaxEditor()
            _codeElement.IsWordWrapEnabled = True
            _codeElement.SyntaxEditorElement.IsReadOnly = True
            Dim currentLanguageTagger As CSharpTagger = New CSharpTagger(_codeElement.SyntaxEditorElement)
            host = New RadHostItem(_codeElement)
            _codeElement.Dock = DockStyle.Fill
            host.MinSize = New Size(400, 200)
        End Sub

        Public Overrides Property Text As String
                Return Me._codeElement.Text
            End Get
            Set(ByVal value As String)
                MyBase.Text = value
                Me._codeElement.Text = value
            End Set
        End Property
    End Class

See Also

In this article