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Print Header in RadGridView Only on the First Page


Product Version Product Author
2020.3.1020 RadGridView for WinForms Desislava Yordanova


This tutorial demonstrates how to have header only on the first printed page and skip it for the rest of the pages.

gridview-print-header-on-first-page 001

gridview-print-header-on-first-page 002


For this purpose, it is necessary to create a custom RadPrintDocument and in its PrintHeader method you can draw the header only for the necessary pages.

public class MyPrintDocument : RadPrintDocument
    protected override void PrintHeader(System.Drawing.Printing.PrintPageEventArgs args)
        if (this.PrintedPage == 1)
            Rectangle headerRect = new Rectangle(args.MarginBounds.Location, new Size(args.MarginBounds.Width, HeaderHeight));

    StringFormat stringFormat = new StringFormat();
    stringFormat.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center;

    string leftString = (this.ReverseHeaderOnEvenPages && this.PrintedPage % 2 == 0) ? this.RightHeader : this.LeftHeader;
    string rightString = (this.ReverseHeaderOnEvenPages && this.PrintedPage % 2 == 0) ? this.LeftHeader : this.RightHeader;

    if (this.HasLogoInHeaderFooterString(leftString) && this.Logo != null)
        this.PrintLogo(args.Graphics, new Rectangle(headerRect.X, headerRect.Y, headerRect.Width / 3, headerRect.Height));

    stringFormat.Alignment = StringAlignment.Near;
    args.Graphics.DrawString(ParseHeaderFooterString(leftString), this.HeaderFont, Brushes.Black, headerRect, stringFormat);

    if (this.HasLogoInHeaderFooterString(this.MiddleHeader) && this.Logo != null)
        this.PrintLogo(args.Graphics, new Rectangle(headerRect.X + (headerRect.Width / 3), headerRect.Y, headerRect.Width / 3, headerRect.Height));

    stringFormat.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center;
    args.Graphics.DrawString(ParseHeaderFooterString(this.MiddleHeader), this.HeaderFont, Brushes.Black, headerRect, stringFormat);

    if (this.HasLogoInHeaderFooterString(rightString) && this.Logo != null)
        this.PrintLogo(args.Graphics, new Rectangle(headerRect.Right - (headerRect.Width / 3), headerRect.Y, headerRect.Width / 3, headerRect.Height));

    stringFormat.Alignment = StringAlignment.Far;
    args.Graphics.DrawString(ParseHeaderFooterString(rightString), this.HeaderFont, Brushes.Black, headerRect, stringFormat);
            this.HeaderHeight = -1; 

private void radButton1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    //setup print style for the drid
    GridPrintStyle style = new GridPrintStyle();
    style.PrintHiddenColumns = false;
    style.FitWidthMode = PrintFitWidthMode.FitPageWidth;
    style.PrintHeaderOnEachPage = true;
    style.AlternatingRowColor = Color.LightGray;
    this.radGridView1.PrintStyle = style;

        MyPrintDocument doc = new MyPrintDocument();
        doc.Margins.Left = 35;
        doc.Margins.Right = 35;
        doc.Margins.Top = 75;
        doc.Margins.Bottom = 50;
        doc.HeaderHeight = 100;
        doc.Landscape = false;
        doc.AssociatedObject = this.radGridView1;
        doc.LeftHeader = "Left";
        doc.MiddleHeader = "[Logo]";
        doc.RightHeader = "Right";
        doc.Logo = Properties.Resources.Ferrari_Enzo;
        doc.FooterFont = new Font("Tahoma", 6);
        doc.RightFooter = "Page [Page #] of [Total Pages]. Printed on [Date Printed] [Time Printed].";
        RadPrintPreviewDialog dialog = new RadPrintPreviewDialog(doc);
        dialog.Owner = this;

Public Class MyPrintDocument
    Inherits RadPrintDocument

    Protected Overrides Sub PrintHeader(ByVal args As System.Drawing.Printing.PrintPageEventArgs)
        If Me.PrintedPage = 1 Then
            Dim headerRect As Rectangle = New Rectangle(args.MarginBounds.Location, New Size(args.MarginBounds.Width, HeaderHeight))
            Dim stringFormat As StringFormat = New StringFormat()
            stringFormat.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center
            Dim leftString As String = If((Me.ReverseHeaderOnEvenPages AndAlso Me.PrintedPage Mod 2 = 0), Me.RightHeader, Me.LeftHeader)
            Dim rightString As String = If((Me.ReverseHeaderOnEvenPages AndAlso Me.PrintedPage Mod 2 = 0), Me.LeftHeader, Me.RightHeader)

            If Me.HasLogoInHeaderFooterString(leftString) AndAlso Me.Logo IsNot Nothing Then
                Me.PrintLogo(args.Graphics, New Rectangle(headerRect.X, headerRect.Y, headerRect.Width / 3, headerRect.Height))
            End If

            stringFormat.Alignment = StringAlignment.Near
            args.Graphics.DrawString(ParseHeaderFooterString(leftString), Me.HeaderFont, Brushes.Black, headerRect, stringFormat)

            If Me.HasLogoInHeaderFooterString(Me.MiddleHeader) AndAlso Me.Logo IsNot Nothing Then
                Me.PrintLogo(args.Graphics, New Rectangle(headerRect.X + (headerRect.Width / 3), headerRect.Y, headerRect.Width / 3, headerRect.Height))
            End If

            stringFormat.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center
            args.Graphics.DrawString(ParseHeaderFooterString(Me.MiddleHeader), Me.HeaderFont, Brushes.Black, headerRect, stringFormat)

            If Me.HasLogoInHeaderFooterString(rightString) AndAlso Me.Logo IsNot Nothing Then
                Me.PrintLogo(args.Graphics, New Rectangle(headerRect.Right - (headerRect.Width / 3), headerRect.Y, headerRect.Width / 3, headerRect.Height))
            End If

            stringFormat.Alignment = StringAlignment.Far
            args.Graphics.DrawString(ParseHeaderFooterString(rightString), Me.HeaderFont, Brushes.Black, headerRect, stringFormat)
            Me.HeaderHeight = -1
        End If
    End Sub
End Class

Private Sub RadButton1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles RadButton1.Click
    Dim style As GridPrintStyle = New GridPrintStyle()
    style.PrintHiddenColumns = False
    style.FitWidthMode = PrintFitWidthMode.FitPageWidth
    style.PrintHeaderOnEachPage = True
    style.AlternatingRowColor = Color.LightGray
    Me.RadGridView1.PrintStyle = style

    If True Then
        Dim doc As MyPrintDocument = New MyPrintDocument()
        doc.Margins.Left = 35
        doc.Margins.Right = 35
        doc.Margins.Top = 75
        doc.Margins.Bottom = 50
        doc.HeaderHeight = 100
        doc.Landscape = False
        doc.AssociatedObject = Me.RadGridView1
        doc.LeftHeader = "Left"
        doc.MiddleHeader = "[Logo]"
        doc.RightHeader = "Right"
        doc.Logo = My.Resources.Ferrari_Enzo
        doc.FooterFont = New Font("Tahoma", 6)
        doc.RightFooter = "Page [Page #] of [Total Pages]. Printed on [Date Printed] [Time Printed]."
        Dim dialog As RadPrintPreviewDialog = New RadPrintPreviewDialog(doc)
        dialog.Owner = Me
    End If
End Sub

See Also

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