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Customizing RadMessageBox with custom theme

Product Version Product Author Last modified
Q1 2009 RadControls for WinForms Martin Vassilev Feb, 11, 2009

Add a custom theme for RadMessageBox dialog.


Considering the fact that RadMessageBox is build on RadControl elements, the process of creating a theme is the same as it is for every Telerik control. The easiest way to make and apply a theme is:

  1. Make separate theme files, using Visual Style Builder, for RadForm, RadButton and RadLabel. Please note that these themes should have the same ThemeName, for example "CustomMessageBox".
  2. Import these files in the application with RadThemeManager and apply them to RadMessageBox:
RadMessageBox.Show(this, "Are you sure?", "Example Message", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, icon);    

RadMessageBox.Show(Me, "Are you sure?", "Example Message", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, icon)

Please, find an example solution here.

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