How to Show Confirmation Message for User-Defined Values to PropertyGridDropDownListEditor
Product Version | Product | Author |
2023.1.314 | RadPropertyGrid for WinForms | Desislava Yordanova |
PropertyGridDropDownListEditor accepts only valid values specified in the DataSource property. Any other user's input can't be set to the underlying data object since the DataSource of the editor restricts the input. In order to allow the user to enter custom values and these values to be stored and committed to the source object, they have to be added to the DataSource collection related to the editor. We will extend the following article to show a confirmation dialog before submitting the new item to the editor's source collection: How to allow end-users to add custom items to PropertyGridDropDownListEditor
If the user clicks "No", the original value should be returned. This behavior is similar to pressing Escape. The PropertyGridDropDownListEditor internally stores the original value when the item enters edit mode. Thus, when the user types something new and hits Escape, the editor knows what value to put in the editor. However, the original value is not publicly accessible and it requires storing the initial value in the EditorInitialized event. Then, after pressing "No" the old value may be returned.
Allow custom values ONLY after the user confirms the newly added value in PropertyGridDropDownListEditor
private Dictionary<string, string> SourceDict = new Dictionary<string, string>();
public TestForm()
SourceDict.Add("0001AAA", "dog");
SourceDict.Add("0002BBB", "cat");
SourceDict.Add("0003CCC", "bird");
SourceDict.Add("0004DDD", "fish");
RadPropertyStore StoredColumnNameSets = new RadPropertyStore();
PropertyStoreItem NewItem;
NewItem = new PropertyStoreItem(typeof(string), "Animal", "0003CCC");
this.radPropertyGrid1.ItemFormatting += RadPropertyGrid1_ItemFormatting;
radPropertyGrid1.SelectedObject = StoredColumnNameSets;
this.radPropertyGrid1.EditorRequired += RadPropertyGrid1_EditorRequired;
this.radPropertyGrid1.EditorInitialized += RadPropertyGrid1_EditorInitialized;
this.radPropertyGrid1.Edited += RadPropertyGrid1_Edited;
private void RadPropertyGrid1_Edited(object sender, PropertyGridItemEditedEventArgs e)
if (e.Item.Label == "Animal")
if (this.radPropertyGrid1.SelectedGridItem.Tag != null)
DialogResult dialogResult = RadMessageBox.Show("Do you want to add this item to the data source?",
"This Item is not in the data source!", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo);
if (dialogResult == DialogResult.Yes)
SourceDict.Add(this.radPropertyGrid1.SelectedGridItem.Tag.ToString(), this.radPropertyGrid1.SelectedGridItem.Tag.ToString());
((PropertyGridItem)this.radPropertyGrid1.SelectedGridItem).Value = this.radPropertyGrid1.SelectedGridItem.Tag;
((PropertyGridItem)this.radPropertyGrid1.SelectedGridItem).Value = this.radPropertyGrid1.Tag + "";
this.radPropertyGrid1.SelectedGridItem.Tag = null;
this.radPropertyGrid1.Tag = null;
private void RadPropertyGrid1_EditorInitialized(object sender, PropertyGridItemEditorInitializedEventArgs e)
PropertyGridDropDownListEditor editor = e.Editor as PropertyGridDropDownListEditor;
if (editor != null)
this.radPropertyGrid1.Tag = editor.Value; //store the initial value
BaseDropDownListEditorElement el = editor.EditorElement as BaseDropDownListEditorElement;
if (e.Item.Label == "Animal")
el.DropDownStyle = RadDropDownStyle.DropDown;
el.DropDownStyle = RadDropDownStyle.DropDownList;
private void RadPropertyGrid1_EditorRequired(object sender, PropertyGridEditorRequiredEventArgs e)
if (e.Item.Label == "Animal")
PropertyGridDropDownListEditor PropertyGridDropDownListEditor = new CustomPropertyGridDropDownListEditor();
e.Editor = PropertyGridDropDownListEditor;
BaseDropDownListEditorElement El = PropertyGridDropDownListEditor.EditorElement as BaseDropDownListEditorElement;
El.DataSource = SourceDict;
El.DisplayMember = "Value";
El.ValueMember = "Key";
public class CustomPropertyGridDropDownListEditor : PropertyGridDropDownListEditor
public override bool EndEdit()
PropertyGridItemElement ItemElement = this.OwnerElement as PropertyGridItemElement;
BaseDropDownListEditorElement El = this.EditorElement as BaseDropDownListEditorElement;
// Checking if the typed value exists in the datasource
Dictionary<string, string> Source = El.DataSource as Dictionary<string, string>;
foreach (var Pair in Source)
if (Pair.Value == El.Text)
return base.EndEdit();
ItemElement.Data.Tag = El.Text;
return base.EndEdit();
private void RadPropertyGrid1_ItemFormatting(object sender, PropertyGridItemFormattingEventArgs e)
PropertyGridItem item = e.Item as PropertyGridItem;
PropertyGridItemElement element = e.VisualElement as PropertyGridItemElement;
if (item != null && item.Label == "Animal" && item.Value != null)
element.ValueElement.Text = SourceDict[item.Value + ""];
Private SourceDict As Dictionary(Of String, String) = New Dictionary(Of String, String)()
Public Sub New()
SourceDict.Add("0001AAA", "dog")
SourceDict.Add("0002BBB", "cat")
SourceDict.Add("0003CCC", "bird")
SourceDict.Add("0004DDD", "fish")
Dim StoredColumnNameSets As RadPropertyStore = New RadPropertyStore()
Dim NewItem As PropertyStoreItem
NewItem = New PropertyStoreItem(GetType(String), "Animal", "0003CCC")
AddHandler Me.RadPropertyGrid1.ItemFormatting, AddressOf RadPropertyGrid1_ItemFormatting
RadPropertyGrid1.SelectedObject = StoredColumnNameSets
AddHandler Me.RadPropertyGrid1.EditorRequired, AddressOf RadPropertyGrid1_EditorRequired
AddHandler Me.RadPropertyGrid1.EditorInitialized, AddressOf RadPropertyGrid1_EditorInitialized
AddHandler Me.RadPropertyGrid1.Edited, AddressOf RadPropertyGrid1_Edited
End Sub
Private Sub RadPropertyGrid1_Edited(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As PropertyGridItemEditedEventArgs)
If e.Item.Label = "Animal" Then
If Me.RadPropertyGrid1.SelectedGridItem.Tag IsNot Nothing Then
Dim dialogResult As DialogResult = RadMessageBox.Show("Do you want to add this item to the data source?",
"This Item is not in the data source!", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo)
If dialogResult = DialogResult.Yes Then
SourceDict.Add(Me.RadPropertyGrid1.SelectedGridItem.Tag.ToString(), Me.RadPropertyGrid1.SelectedGridItem.Tag.ToString())
CType(Me.RadPropertyGrid1.SelectedGridItem, PropertyGridItem).Value = Me.RadPropertyGrid1.SelectedGridItem.Tag
CType(Me.RadPropertyGrid1.SelectedGridItem, PropertyGridItem).Value = Me.RadPropertyGrid1.Tag & ""
End If
Me.RadPropertyGrid1.SelectedGridItem.Tag = Nothing
Me.RadPropertyGrid1.Tag = Nothing
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub RadPropertyGrid1_EditorInitialized(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As PropertyGridItemEditorInitializedEventArgs)
Dim editor As PropertyGridDropDownListEditor = TryCast(e.Editor, PropertyGridDropDownListEditor)
If editor IsNot Nothing Then
Me.RadPropertyGrid1.Tag = editor.Value
Dim el As BaseDropDownListEditorElement = TryCast(editor.EditorElement, BaseDropDownListEditorElement)
If e.Item.Label = "Animal" Then
el.DropDownStyle = RadDropDownStyle.DropDown
el.DropDownStyle = RadDropDownStyle.DropDownList
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub RadPropertyGrid1_EditorRequired(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As PropertyGridEditorRequiredEventArgs)
If e.Item.Label = "Animal" Then
Dim PropertyGridDropDownListEditor As PropertyGridDropDownListEditor = New CustomPropertyGridDropDownListEditor()
e.Editor = PropertyGridDropDownListEditor
Dim El As BaseDropDownListEditorElement = TryCast(PropertyGridDropDownListEditor.EditorElement, BaseDropDownListEditorElement)
El.DataSource = SourceDict
El.DisplayMember = "Value"
El.ValueMember = "Key"
End If
End Sub
Public Class CustomPropertyGridDropDownListEditor
Inherits PropertyGridDropDownListEditor
Public Overrides Function EndEdit() As Boolean
Dim ItemElement As PropertyGridItemElement = TryCast(Me.OwnerElement, PropertyGridItemElement)
Dim El As BaseDropDownListEditorElement = TryCast(Me.EditorElement, BaseDropDownListEditorElement)
Dim Source As Dictionary(Of String, String) = TryCast(El.DataSource, Dictionary(Of String, String))
For Each Pair In Source
If Pair.Value = El.Text Then
Return MyBase.EndEdit()
End If
ItemElement.Data.Tag = El.Text
Return MyBase.EndEdit()
End Function
End Class
Private Sub RadPropertyGrid1_ItemFormatting(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As PropertyGridItemFormattingEventArgs)
Dim item As PropertyGridItem = TryCast(e.Item, PropertyGridItem)
Dim element As PropertyGridItemElement = TryCast(e.VisualElement, PropertyGridItemElement)
If item IsNot Nothing AndAlso item.Label = "Animal" AndAlso item.Value IsNot Nothing Then
element.ValueElement.Text = SourceDict(item.Value & "")
End If
End Sub