Navigation Step
RadScheduler offers the ability to navigate through dates by using day/week/month steps. The step is defined by the developer.
In order for NavigationStep and the NavigationStepType properties to be respected, the AutomaticNavigation property of the RadScheduler needs to be set to false.
You can use the following properties to control the Navigation Step behavior:
NavigationStepType – this property can take the following values:
Day – one day navigation;
Week – one week navigation;
Month – one month navigation.
NavigationStep – this property contains the custom step that you have to set. The default value is 1 and the minimum value is 1. The major cases that are supported are:
In Day view and Timeline view:
NavigationStepType is Day, and NavigationStep is 1 – in this case the view will be moved with a day. If NavigationStep is 2 the view will be moved with 2 days, etc.
NavigationStepType is Week, and NavigationStep is 1 – in this case the view will be moved with a week. If NavigationStep is 2 the view will be moved with 2 weeks, etc.
NavigationStepType is Month, and NavigationStep is 1 – in this case the view will be moved with a month. If NavigationStep is 2 the view will be moved with 2 months, etc.
In Month view and Week view:
NavigationStepType is Day, and NavigationStep is 1 – in this case nothing will be changed in the view.
NavigationStepType is Week, and NavigationStep is 1 – in this case the view will be moved with a week. If NavigationStep is 2 the view will be moved with 2 weeks, etc.
NavigationStepType is Month, and NavigationStep is 1 – in this case the view will be moved with number of days in the month (if the month has more than 28 days, then the view will be moved with 5 weeks instead of 4). When NavigationStep is set to a value bigger than one then the view will move with the week count in the NavigationStep months. This may lead to some date false positives (aka discrepancies) in the Week and Month views when navigating to PREV/NEXT month.