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Input Behavior

The SchedulerInputBehavior is responsible for processing the keyboard and mouse input in RadScheduler.

Below are the methods which handle the respective events:

  • HandleMouseDown

  • HandleMouseMove

  • HandleMouseUp

  • HandleNavigationKey

  • HandleMouseWheel

  • HandleMouseEnter

  • HandleMouseLeave

  • HandleCellElementDoubleClick

  • HandleAppointmentElementDoubleClick

  • HandleCellElementKeyPress

Each of these methods can be overridden and the instance of the SchedulerInputBehavior used in RadScheduler can be replaced with a custom one. This allows you to modify the default behavior of the control. The following example demonstrates how to alter the default behavior and allow moving appointments via CTRL + arrow keys. In order to accomplish this, we need to inherit the SchedulerInputBehavior class and override the HandleKeyDown method:

Custom Input Behavior

public class MySchedulerInputBehavior : SchedulerInputBehavior
    public MySchedulerInputBehavior(RadScheduler scheduler)
        : base(scheduler)
    public override bool HandleKeyDown(KeyEventArgs args)
        bool isControl = (args.Modifiers & Keys.Control) == Keys.Control;
        IEvent selectedAppointment = this.Scheduler.SelectionBehavior.SelectedAppointment;
        if (isControl && selectedAppointment != null)
            if ((args.KeyData & Keys.Up) == Keys.Up)
                selectedAppointment.Start = selectedAppointment.Start.AddHours(-1);
                selectedAppointment.End = selectedAppointment.End.AddHours(-1);
            else if ((args.KeyData & Keys.Down) == Keys.Down)
                selectedAppointment.Start = selectedAppointment.Start.AddHours(1);
                selectedAppointment.End = selectedAppointment.End.AddHours(1);
        return base.HandleKeyDown(args);

Public Class MySchedulerInputBehavior
    Inherits SchedulerInputBehavior
    Public Sub New(scheduler As RadScheduler)
    End Sub
    Public Overrides Function HandleKeyDown(args As KeyEventArgs) As Boolean
        Dim isControl As Boolean = (args.Modifiers And Keys.Control) = Keys.Control
        Dim selectedAppointment As IEvent = Me.Scheduler.SelectionBehavior.SelectedAppointment
        If isControl AndAlso selectedAppointment IsNot Nothing Then
            If (args.KeyData And Keys.Up) = Keys.Up Then
                selectedAppointment.Start = selectedAppointment.Start.AddHours(-1)
                selectedAppointment.[End] = selectedAppointment.[End].AddHours(-1)
            ElseIf (args.KeyData And Keys.Down) = Keys.Down Then
                selectedAppointment.Start = selectedAppointment.Start.AddHours(1)
                selectedAppointment.[End] = selectedAppointment.[End].AddHours(1)
            End If
        End If
        Return MyBase.HandleKeyDown(args)
    End Function
End Class

Now we need to assign this new input behavior to the SchedulerInputBehavior property of RadScheduler:

Set Behavior

scheduler.SchedulerInputBehavior = new MySchedulerInputBehavior(scheduler);

scheduler.SchedulerInputBehavior = New MySchedulerInputBehavior(scheduler)

You can see the result below:

Figure 1: Custom Input Behavior

WinForms RadScheduler Custom Input Behavior

See Also

In this article