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RibbonBar UI

RadRichTextBox control comes with a predefined number of shortcuts which trigger commands that allow you to manipulate the selected text the way you want. However, in many cases it is more convenient for the user to click buttons which execute these commands instead of pressing a shortcut key. The purpose of this article is to demonstrate how you can build user interface appropriate for the purposes of RadRichTextBox with the help of RadRibbonBar for WinForms.

What is more, at the end of the article you will find a link to a project which implements a RadRibbonBar built according to the RadRichTextBox capabilities. You will also find a description of how you can bind this RadRibbonBar to an existing RadRichTextBox.

Building RadRibbonBar UI

Building the user interface of the RadRichTextBox-enabled is pretty simple. You can use the design-time capabilities of RadRibbonBar to insert and arrange elements in it. The other option is to insert elements through code. The following code snippet demonstrates how to insert a 'Home' tab, a 'Font' group and a button which toggles the bold mode of the text:

public RichTextBoxRibbonUI()
    RibbonTab tabHome = new RibbonTab();
    tabHome.Text = "Home";
    RadRibbonBarGroup grpFont = new RadRibbonBarGroup();
    grpFont.Text = "Font";
    RadToggleButtonElement btnBold = new RadToggleButtonElement();
    btnBold.Text = "Bold";
    btnBold.ToggleStateChanged += new StateChangedEventHandler(btnBold_ToggleStateChanged);
void btnBold_ToggleStateChanged(object sender, StateChangedEventArgs args)

Public Sub New()
    Dim tabHome As New RibbonTab()
    tabHome.Text = "Home"
    Dim grpFont As New RadRibbonBarGroup()
    grpFont.Text = "Font"
    Dim btnBold As New RadToggleButtonElement()
    btnBold.Text = "Bold"
    AddHandler btnBold.ToggleStateChanged, AddressOf btnBold_ToggleStateChanged
End Sub
Private Sub btnBold_ToggleStateChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal args As StateChangedEventArgs)
End Sub

Of course, RadRichTextBox and RadRibbonBar UI should always be in sync, so you should handle the CurrentEditingStyleChanged event as it is described for CurrentParagraphStyleChanged event in the following documentation article: Working with RadRichTextBox.

Using the RadRichTextBox-enabled RadRibbonBar

You can download the customized RadRibbonBar component from the following links (C#/VB.NET): TelerikWinFormsEditor in C#, TelerikWinFormsEditor in VB

After you download the project, please follow the steps below:

1. Add the project to your solution.

2. Add a project reference from the downloaded project to the project in which you plan to use the customized RadRibbonBar.

3. Set the target framework of the project in which you are going to use the customized RadRibbonBar instance to .NET Framework 4.0 or .NET 4.0 Client Profile.

4. Add the following Telerik references to the main project:

  • Telerik.WinControls.dll

  • Telerik.WinControls.RichTextBox.dll

  • Telerik.WinControls.SpellChecker.dll

  • Telerik.WinControls.UI.dll

  • TelerikCommon.dllIf there is a RichTextBox on one of the forms in the main project, these references should already exist.

5. Build the downloaded project. The customized RadRibbonBar component should appear in your Toolbox.

6. Drag it from your Toolbox to your Form.

7. Set the AssociatedRichTextBox property to the RadRichTextBox instance that will be controlled by the RadRibbonBar user interface.

8. Run your solution.

9. The commands that you trigger by using the RadRibbonBar interface will be applied to the text of the associated RadRichTextBox instance.

10. The following properties will allow you to control the visibility of the tabs of the customized RadRibbonBar implementation:

In case you are using RadRibbonForm, you can substitute the Telerik.WinControls.UI.RadRibbonBar type with TelerikEditor.RichRibbonBar type in the Designer code file of the RadRibbonForm.

Feel free to add more properties that will be suitable for your scenario.

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