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Property Description
AutoSize Gets or sets whether the edit control is auto-sized.
SmallImageList Gets or sets the small image list.
Text Gets or sets the text of the control.
CausesValidation Gets or sets a flag indicating whether the control causes validation.
CommandTabs Gets the collection of command tabs.
ContextualTabGroups Gets the collection of contextual tab groups.
QuickAccessToolBarHeight Gets the QuickAccessToolBar element.
EnableKeyboardNavigation Allows the user to navigate the control using the keyboard.
HelpButton Represent the Ribbon Help button.
ExpandButton Represent the Ribbon Expand button.
ShowHelpButton Get or sets value indicating whether RibbonBar Help button is visible or hidden.
ShowExpandButton Get or sets value indicating whether RibbonBar Help button is visible or hidden.
EnableKeyMap Gets or sets whether Key Map (Office 2007 like accelerator keys map) is used for this specific control. Currently this option is implemented for the RadRibbonBar control only.
ApplicationMenuAnimantionType Gets or sets a value indicating the type of the fade animation.
QuickAccessToolbarBelowRibbon Gets or sets if the quick access toolbar is below the ribbon.
QuickAccessToolBarItems Gets the collection of quick access menu items.
QuickAccessToolBar Gets the QuickAccessToolBar element.
StartButtonImage Gets or sets the image of the start button placed in the top left corner.
StartMenuItems Gets the collection of the start button menu item.
StartMenuRightColumnItems Gets the collection of the start button menu items which appear on the right.
StartMenuBottomStrip Gets the collection of the start button menu DropDown which is displayed when the button has two columns.
StartMenuWidth Gets or sets the width of the start menu.
OptionsButton Gets the options menu button.
ExitButton Gets the exit menu button.
SelectedCommandTab Gets the instance of the currently selected command tab.
RibbonBarElement Gets the instance of RadRibbonBarElement wrapped by this control. RadRibbonBarElement is the main element in the hierarchy tree and encapsulates the actual functionality of RadRibbonBar.
Expanded Gets or sets a value indicating whether the ribbon bar is expanded.
CollapseRibbonOnTabDoubleClick Gets or sets a value indicating whether the ribbon bar will be collapsed or expanded on ribbon tab double click.
MinimizeButton Gets or sets if the ribbon bar has minimize button in its caption.
MaximizeButton Gets or sets if the ribbon bar has maximize button in its caption.
CloseButton Gets or sets if the ribbon bar has close button in its caption.
LocalizationSettings Gets the localization settings associated with this control.


Event Description
CommandTabSelecting Occurs just before a command tab is selected.
CommandTabSelected Occurs when a command tab is about to be selected.
ExpandedStateChanged Occurs when the RadRibbonBar is either expanded or collapsed. The state of the control can be acquired from the Expanded property.
KeyTipActivating Occurs when the user is press Key tip.
KeyTipShowing Occurs when the RadRibbonBar is painting Key tips.

See Also

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