PipsPagerElement |
Initializes a new instance of the RadPipsPager class. |
ItemSize |
Gets or sets size of the items(pips). |
NumberOfPages |
Gets or sets the number of pages. If BindingSource is set, this property returns the BindingSource.Count. |
SelectedIndex |
Gets or sets the index of the selected pips pager item. |
MaxVisiblePips |
Gets or sets the number of visible pips displayed in the control. |
BindingSource |
Gets or sets the data source. |
Orientation |
Gets or sets a value indicating how to orientate the pips - horizontally or vertically. |
AllowAnimation |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to use animation when changing its state. |
AnimationInterval |
Gets or sets the animation interval. |
AnimationFrames |
Gets or sets the animation frames. |
AnimationEasingType |
Gets or sets the animation easing type. |
IsInfiniteScrollingEnabled |
Determines whether infinite scrolling from last to first pip item and vice versa is enabled. |
ButtonsVisibility |
Determines whether and how to display the navigation buttons. |
AutoHideButtonsDelay |
Determines how long it takes to the navigation buttons to be hidden after the mouse leaves the control(in milliseconds). Used only when the uttonsVisibility is VisibleOnMouseOver. |