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Properties, Methods and Events for RadNotifyIcon

RadNotifyIcon's Properties

Property Description
GuidItem Gets or sets the Guid id that will be used to identify the notify icon when sending messages to it.
ThemeName Gets or sets theme name.
TrayIcon Gets or sets the icon to be displayed in the windows notification area.
BalloonTitle Gets or sets the title of the balloon tip.
BalloonText Gets or sets the text of the balloon tip.
BalloonIcon Gets or sets the icon of the balloon tip.
TrayContextMenu Gets or sets the context menu.
PopupContent Gets or sets the control that is set as the content of the the popup which the notify icon shows.
ContextMenuActivationMouseEvent Gets or sets the mouse action that must be performed over the notify icon to show the TrayContextMenu. The possible user actions can be LeftClick, RightClick, MiddleClick, LeftDoubleClick, RightDoubleClick, MiddleDoubleClick, or All. Default value is RightClick.
PopupActivationMouseEvent Gets or sets the mouse action that must be performed over the notify icon to show a popup with PopupContent. The possible user actions can be LeftClick, RightClick, MiddleClick, LeftDoubleClick, RightDoubleClick, MiddleDoubleClick, or All. Default value is LeftClick.
TooltipText Gets or sets the content of the tooltip that will be shown when the mouse hovers over the notify icon.
PopupShowDuration Gets or sets the amount of time in milliseconds after which the popup will begin to close automatically.
IsPopupOpen Gets a value indicating whether a popup is open.
PopupShowAnimation Gets or sets the animation played when opening the popup. Animations can be Fade, Slide, or None.
PopupHideAnimation Gets or sets the animation played when hiding the popup.
ShowTrayIcon Gets or sets whether the icon is visible in the notification area.
PopupCloseMode Gets or sets the mode in which the popup closes. Modes can be Deactivate, TimeOut, or None.

RadNotifyIcon's Events

Event Description
TrayIconMouseDown Occurs when the user presses a mouse button over the notify icon.
TrayIconMouseUp Occurs when the user releases a mouse button over the notify icon.
TrayIconMouseClick Occurs when the user clicks on the notify icon.
TrayIconMouseDoubleClick Occurs when the user double clicks on the notify icon.
TrayIconMouseMove Occurs when the user moves the mouse over the notify icon.
BalloonTipShown Occurs when a balloon tip is shown.
BalloonTipClosed Occurs when a balloon tip is closed.
BalloonTipClicked Occurs when the user clicks on a balloon tip.
TrayContextMenuOpening Occurs before the context menu of the notify icon is opened.
TrayContextMenuOpened Occurs when the context menu of the notify icon is opened.
PopupOpening Occurs before the popup of the notify icon is opened.
PopupOpened Occurs when the popup of the notify icon is opened.
Selected Occurs when the user selects a RadNotifyIcon in the Windows notification area.

RadNotifyIcon's Methods

Method Description
GetUserNotificationState Checks the state of the computer for the current user to determine whether sending a notification is appropriate.
AddIcon Adds the notify icon to the Windows notification area.
UpdateIcon Sends an update message to the notify icon.
RemoveIcon Removes the icon from the Windows notification area.
ShowBalloonTip Shows a balloon tip.
HideBalloonTip Hides the balloon tip.
ShowPopup Shows the popup at certain location.
HidePopup Hides the popup.

See Also

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