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Property Description
Culture Gets or sets the current culture associated to the RadTimeSpanPicker
EditMode Gets or sets a value indicating how the users will edit the TimeSpan value.
EditMode.Mask The value will be edited in masked edit box.
EditMode.Popup The value will be edited only in pop-up.
EditMode.Combined The value is modified both in masked edit box and pop-up.
DaysStep Gets or sets the days step used when modifying the value.
HoursStep Gets or sets the hours step used when modifying the value.
MinutesStep Gets or sets the minutes step used when modifying the value.
SecondsStep Gets or sets the seconds step used when modifying the value.
MillisecondsStep Gets or sets the milliseconds step used when modifying the value.
ReadOnly Gets or sets a value indicating whether the contents of the TextBox control can be changed.
EnableNullValueInput Gets or set a value indicating whether end users can set the value to NULL.
NullText Gets or sets the text that is displayed when RadTimeSpanPicker has no text set.
Value Gets or sets the time value assigned to the control.
MinValue Gets or sets the Minimal TimeSpan value assigned to the control.
MaxValue Gets or sets the Maximal TimeSpan value assigned to the control.
Format Gets or sets the format string.
ShowSpinButtons Gets or sets a value indicating whether the spin buttons will be shown.
TextAlign Gets or sets the horizontal alignment of the text.


Event Description
ValueChanging Occurs when the editing value is about to be changed.
ValueChanged Occurs when the editing value has been changed.
PopupOpening Occurs when the pop-up about to be opened.
PopupOpened Occurs when the pop-up is opened.
PopupClosing Occurs when the pop-up about to be closed.
PopupClosed Occurs when the pop-up is closed.
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