Custom Appearance Properties
Apart from the common properties, every chart element may have unique appearance properties, e.g. “Figure”, “Rotation Angle”, “Text Properties”, etc. Here is a quick reference of the unique appearance properties of the chart and its elements.
Set dimensions | Layout -> Width Layout -> Height |
Set the chart type | Appearance -> DefaultType |
Set series orientation | Appearance -> Series Orientation |
Set a series palette | Appearance -> SeriesPalette Appearance -> CustomPalettes |
Set a predefined chart skin | Appearance -> Skin |
Set a bar overlap ratio How much two adjacent bars overlap each other | Appearance -> Appearance -> BarOverlapPercent |
Set bar width Define how much space will occupy all bars located on the same spot on the X Axis. The value represents percent of the total available space for that X Axis value. | Appearance -> Appearance -> BarWidthPercent |
Set text quality | Appearance -> Appearance -> TextQuality |
Set alternative text (accessibility feature) | Appearance -> AlternativeText |
Set the image MIME type (file type) | Settings -> ChartImageFormat |
Chart title
Set the form | Elements -> ChartTitle -> Appearance -> Figure |
Set a rotation angle | Elements -> ChartTitle -> Appearance -> RotationAngle |
Style the chart title marker | Elements -> ChartTitle -> Marker -> Appearance |
Style the legend title | Elements -> Legend -> TextBlock |
Style the legend marker | Elements -> Legend -> Marker -> Appearance |
Style the legend items’ appearance | Elements -> Legend -> Appearance -> ItemAppearance Elements -> Legend -> Appearance -> ItemMarkerAppearance Elements -> Legend -> Appearance -> ItemTextAppearance |
Set legend items’ orientation | Elements -> Legend -> Appearance -> Overflow |
Set a rotation angle | Elements -> Legend -> Appearance -> RotationAngle |
PlotArea and Axes
Style the empty series (no data) message | Elements -> PlotArea -> EmptySeriesMessage |
Set intelligent series’ label positioning | Elements -> PlotArea -> IntelligentLabelsEnabled |
Set the axis’ layout mode Determine whether the axis values’ positions match the gridlines or the values are places between the gridlines | Elements -> PlotArea -> [axis] -> LayoutMode |
Style the axis’ maximum value end | Elements -> PlotArea -> axis [axis] -> Appearance -> Cap |