WinForms SwissQR Barcode Overview
The QR-bill makes issuing and paying invoices simpler, and is being introduced throughout Switzerland to modernize payment transactions. Its most striking feature is the Swiss QR code, which contains all the payment information in a digital format, which can be read using a smart phone or a slip scanner.
The Swiss QR Code is part of Telerik UI for WinForms, a
professional grade UI library with 160+ components for building modern and feature-rich applications. To try it out sign up for a free 30-day trial.
Figure 1: A Swiss QR-bill
The Swiss QR Code encodes all the information necessary for a payment in specific format and structure. Along with the printed information, the Swiss QR Code forms the payment part of the QR-bill. The allowed currencies for payments are CHF and EUR. The QR-Bill also guarantees you compliance with the regulatory requirements arising from the revised Anti-Money Laundering Ordinance.
The Swiss QR Code symbol requires an error correction level "M", which means a redundancy or assurance of around 15%.
In addition, the measurements of the Swiss QR Code for printing must always be 46 x 46 mm (without surrounding quiet space) regardless of the Swiss QR Code version. Depending on the printer resolution, the Swiss QR Code produced might require size adjustments.
Generating a Swiss Barcode
To generate a Swiss Barcode using Telerik UI for WinForms, you need to first set the Symbology of the barcode to SwissQRCode.
Example 1: Setting the SwissQRCode symbology
SwissQRCode symbology = new SwissQRCode();
symbology.Module = 4;
symbology.SizingMode = Telerik.WinForms.UI.Barcode.SizingMode.Manual;
this.radBarcode1.Symbology = symbology;
Dim symbology As SwissQRCode = New SwissQRCode()
symbology.[Module] = 4
symbology.SizingMode = Telerik.WinForms.UI.Barcode.SizingMode.Manual
Me.radBarcode1.Symbology = symbology
The Swiss QR code standard mandates that the input provided for the generation of the barcode is strictly formatted. Both, validating and generating this input, are complex processes and to facilitate them you can use the SwissQRCodeValueStringBuilder helper class. Its purpose is to hold the information needed for a SwissQRCode in a type-safe manner, to validate this information and to generate the input. Through its constructor, you need to set the following properties:
Iban: The IBAN of the Account/Payable to.
Currency: The currency of the payment - CHF or EUR.
Creditor: The information of the contact that receives the payment.
Reference: The reference information for the payment.
AdditionalInformation: The additional information for the payment.
Debtor: The information of the contact that makes the payment.
Amount: The amount of the payment.
AlternativeProcedure: The alternative procedures for the payment.
Example 2: Creating the SwissQRCodeValueStringBuilder
Telerik.WinForms.UI.Barcode.SwissQRCodeValueStringBuilder qrCodeValue = new SwissQRCodeValueStringBuilder(
new Iban("CH4431999123000889012", IbanType.QRIBAN),
new Contact("Max Muster & Söhne",
new StructuredAddress("CH", "8000", "Seldwyla", "Musterstrasse", "123")),
new Reference(ReferenceType.QRR, "210000000003139471430009017"),
new AdditionalInformation("Order from 15.03.2021", "//S1/10/1234/11/201021/30/102673386/32/7.7/40/0:30"),
new Contact("Simon Muster", new StructuredAddress("CH", "8000", "Seldwyla", "Musterstrasse", "1")),
new AlternativeProcedure("Name AV1: UV;UltraPay005;12345", "Name AV2: XY;XYService;54321"));
Dim qrCodeValue As Telerik.WinForms.UI.Barcode.SwissQRCodeValueStringBuilder = New SwissQRCodeValueStringBuilder(
New Iban("CH4431999123000889012", IbanType.QRIBAN),
New Contact("Max Muster & Söhne", New StructuredAddress("CH", "8000", "Seldwyla", "Musterstrasse", "123")),
New Reference(ReferenceType.QRR, "210000000003139471430009017"),
New AdditionalInformation("Order from 15.03.2021", "//S1/10/1234/11/201021/30/102673386/32/7.7/40/0:30"),
New Contact("Simon Muster", New StructuredAddress("CH", "8000", "Seldwyla", "Musterstrasse", "1")),
CDec(1949.75), New AlternativeProcedure("Name AV1: UV;UltraPay005;12345", "Name AV2: XY;XYService;54321"))
Once you've set up the SwissQRCodeValueStringBuilder you can call its Validate method which validates all its fields and the relations between them. The method returns a string which contains the accumulated errors. If there are no errors - null is returned. In this case, you can call the BuildValue method of the string builder which will build the string value to be provided to the RadBarcode.
Example 3: Validate and build barcode value
string errors = qrCodeValue.Validate();
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(errors))
this.radBarcode1.Value = qrCodeValue.BuildValue();
Dim errors As String = qrCodeValue.Validate()
If String.IsNullOrEmpty(errors) Then
Me.radBarcode1.Value = qrCodeValue.BuildValue()
End If
Invoking the code from Example 3 will generate the following result: