This topic covers the specific events exposed by the RadRadialMenu control.
RadRadialMenu Events
The RadRadialMenu control raises the following specific events:
Opening: Occurs before RadRadialMenu gets opened.
Opened: Occurs each time the RadialMenu gets opened.
Closed: Occurs each time RadRadialMenu gets closed.
Navigated: Occurs when the user navigates to another view (child items) or returns back through the RadialMenuButton.
All of the listed events receive two arguments:
The sender argument contains the RadRadialMenu. This argument is of type object, but can be cast to the RadRadialMenu type.
A RadRoutedEventArgs object.
The PreviewToolTipOpen event occurs when the ToolTip is about to be shown. The event receives the following arguments:
The sender argument contains the RadRadialMenu. This argument is of type object, but can be cast to the RadRadialMenu type.
RadialMenuNavigatingEventArgs object. It provides Placement property which sets the position of the ToolTip.
Available, since the R1 2021 release and occurs before a menu level changes. The event receives the following arguments:
The sender argument contains the RadRadialMenu. This argument is of type object, but can be cast to the RadRadialMenu type.
RadialMenuNavigatingEventArgs object, which exposes the following properties:
IsNavigatingBack: A boolean property, which indicates whether the user is navigating backward.
MenuItemSource: Gets the menu item from which the navigation started, if there is one.
MenuItemTarget: Gets the menu item to which the user is trying to navigate to.
AutoSizeMenuItems: Gets or sets whether the level to which the user is navigating will have its segments auto-sized.
Example 1: Handling the Navigating event
private void RadRadialMenu_Navigating(object sender, Controls.RadialMenuNavigatingEventArgs e)
// Auto-size menu items only when they are more than 2
if (e.MenuItemTarget != null && e.MenuItemTarget.ChildItems.Count <= 2)
e.AutoSizeMenuItems = false;
RadRadialMenuItem Events
RadRadialMenuItem raises the following specific event:
Click: Occurs each time an item gets clicked. The event handler receives two arguments:
The sender argument contains the RadRadialMenuItem. This argument is of type object, but can be cast to the RadRadialMenuItem type.
A RadRoutedEventArgs object.