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Binding RadSlider to ASP DataSource components

RadSlider can now be data bound to a data source. When you data bind it, it automatically creates items and populates the Items collection. That is why to be able to data bind RadSlider you should explicitly set ItemType="Item"

To control the data binding you should use the new ItemBinding inner property which provides the following properties:

  • TextField - determines which field of the data source will be displayed as text of the item

  • ToolTipField - determines which field of the data source will be displayed as tooltip of the item

  • ValueField - determines which field of the data source will provide the value associated with the item

In addition, you can also add the data bound items to already declared items by setting AppendDataBoundItems="true".

Below is demonstrated how a data source for a RadSlider can be configured. You can also refer to the Databinding online demo, which contains a more detailed example of this feature.

<telerik:RadSlider RenderMode="Lightweight" ID="slider" runat="server" DataSourceID="SqlDataSource1" Width="800"
   ItemType="Item" Height="100" AutoPostBack="true">
   <ItemBinding TextField="Name" ToolTipField="Description" ValueField="ID" />

<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:TelerikConnectionString %>"
SelectCommand="SELECT * FROM Countries INNER JOIN CountryDetails ON Countries.Name = CountryDetails.CountryName ORDER BY Name ASC"

Database-friendly Value setting

The RadSlider control provides DbValue property for setting a value in a database-friendly way. By default the RadSlider accepts values of type decimal. If a value of incompatible type, for example string, is passed to the Value property of the control, this will result in exception. In such cases the property DbValue can be used, instead of Value. It converts the passed value to a type that can be used by the RadSlider, so that you can avoid problems due to setting incorrect type. The online demo Database-friendly Value setting provides an example of the setup that should be used in such scenario.

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