Drag and Drop
RadListView offers the Items Drag & Drop capability, allowing you to easily implement scenarios that require dragging and moving data items on the page. For an online sample project, please check the RadListView Items Drag & Drop demo.
To enable Items Drag & Drop in RadListView:
Set RadListView.ClientSettings.AllowItemsDragDrop="true".
Add a RadListViewItemDragHandle control to your
.Add a CSS marker on a data item container element (.rlvI for
, .rlvA forAlternatingItemTemplate
When Items Drag & Drop is enabled, RadListView renders client scripts that facilitate the dragging of items on the page. To be able to grab and move items, you need to place a RadListViewItemDragHandle control inside your
. This control renders a visual drag handle that you can use to move the items.
<telerik:RadListView ID="RadListView1" runat="server" DataSourceID="SqlDataSource1"
OnItemDrop="RadListView1_ItemDrop" ItemPlaceholderID="TrackContainer" DataKeyNames="TrackID"
ClientDataKeyNames="TrackID" EnableEmbeddedSkins="false" Skin="">
<ClientSettings AllowItemsDragDrop="true">
<ClientEvents OnItemDropping="trackDropping" />
<asp:PlaceHolder ID="TrackContainer" runat="server"></asp:PlaceHolder>
<div class="track rlvI">
<telerik:RadListViewItemDragHandle ID="RadListViewItemDragHandle1" runat="server"
ToolTip="Drag to organize" />
<div class="info">
<%# Eval("Track") %> <%# Eval("Title") %>
<div class="artist">
<%# Eval("Artist") %>
<div class="album">
<%# Eval("Album") %>
<%# Eval("Year").ToString() != "" ? "(" + Eval("Year").ToString() + ")" : "" %>
When you start moving your grabbed item, RadListView needs to create a dragged item HTML element that will be moved along with your mouse cursor. This dragged item is a replica of the HTML element representing your data item. Therefore, you need to specify the container element of your data items through the .rlvI and .rlvA CSS classes. These are the same CSS classes applied to RadListView's data items when using built-in RadListView Skins.
Item drag-and-drop is supported only with server-side data binding. For workarounds that may enable you to work with client-side data binding, see the following KB article: Item drag and drop with client data binding.
On the server, RadListView fires the ItemDrop event you can handle. The event argument passed to the handler is of type RadListViewItemDragDropEventArgs and it exposes the DraggedItem and DestinationHtmlElement properties. The former references the RadListViewDataItem that has been dropped, while the latter is the client ID of the target HTML element, if any.
On the client-side, RadListView provides 4 client events you can use:
OnItemDragStarted - Fired when an item is about to be dragged (cancellable)
OnItemDragging - Fired when an item is dragged (on mouse move)
OnItemDropping - Fired when an item is dropping on a target element (cancellable)
OnItemDropped - Fired after OnItemDropping, before RadListView postbacks
All client events, except for OnItemDragging, pass the dragged item display index as well as any client data key values to the event handler through the second (args) parameter. Additionally, the OnItemDropping
and OnItemDropped
events also pass the destination HTML element inside the event arguments object.
function OnItemDroppingHandler(sender, args)
var dest = args.get_destinationElement();
if (!dest || !dest.id || dest.id.indexOf("GenreLink") < 0)
Custom Drag Handle
As of version Q2 2010 SP1 of Telerik controls, RadListView supports custom drag handles. To implement a custom drag handle for your listview items, you should:
Add the .rlvDrag CSS class to your drag handle element
Add the following onmousedown event handler to the drag handle element:
Telerik.Web.UI.RadListView.HandleDrag(event, '[RadListViewClientID]', [ItemDisplayIndex])
where [RadListViewClientID] is the ClientID of the RadListView instance, while [ItemDisplayIndex] is the ListViewDataItem.DisplayIndex of the current item.
For example, if you have a generic <div>
container in your RadListView ItemTemplate that you want to turn into a drag handle, you can use the following markup:
<telerik:RadListView ID="RadListView1" runat="server">
<div class="rlvI">
<div class="rlvDrag" onmousedown="Telerik.Web.UI.RadListView.HandleDrag(event, '<%# Container.OwnerListView.ClientID %>', <%# Container.DisplayIndex%>)">
The above code demonstrates the usage of binding expressions to get the ClientID of the list view and DisplayIndex
of the current item. The container with class name .rlvDrag now can be used to drag the list view item. It is also possible to combine the .rlvI and .rlvDrag CSS classes into the topmost container to make the entire list view item draggable by clicking anywhere inside.