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In this article you can find the client and server-side APIs exposed by RadListView for performing client-side binding and controlling the control behavior when bound this way.

Server properties

RadListView defines the following new properties in the ClientSettings.DataBinding settings:


** Property ** ** Description **
ItemPlaceHolderID ID of HTML element in the layout template that will contain the items
ContainerID ID of the container HTML element that will contain the rendered RadListView
LayoutTemplate HTML layout template. If this template is omitted, the server-side LayoutTemplate needs to be defined.
ItemTemplate HTML item template
AlternatingItemTemplate HTML alternating item template
ItemSeparatorTemplate HTML item separator template
EmptyDataTemplate HTML template rendered when RadListView contains no data
SelectedItemTemplate HTML template rendered when item is selected
DataService.Location web service location
DataService.DataPath path or method name to append to location when requesting data
DataService.CountPath path or method name to append to location when requesting item count
DataService.HttpMethod Post/Get; HTTP method to use when accessing web service. Default: Post
DataService.DataPropertyName field name in the JSON result containing the data array
DataService.CountPropertyName field name in the JSON result containing the item count
DataService.EnableCaching false/true; specifies if data caching is used. Default: false
DataService.ResponseType JSON/JSONP; specifies the response format. Default: JSON
DataService.StartRowIndexParameterName request parameter name specifying start row index
DataService.MaximumRowsParameterName request parameter name specifying the maximum rows
DataService.SortParameterName request parameter name specifying sort expression
DataService.SortParameterType List/Linq/OData/Sql; specifies the format of the sort expression. Default: List
DataService.FilterParameterName request parameter name specifying filter expression
DataService.FilterParameterType List/Linq/OData/Sql; specifies the format of the filter expression. Default: List

Client APIs

Client-side databinding enabled many new APIs in the client RadListView component. With these new additions RadListView's client-side capabilities are greatly enhanced. Here is a list of the new properties and methods in RadListView, as well as the new client-side events that have been added:

Client properties

** Property ** ** Description **
get_dataSource() Returns the currently set datasource of the control.
get_isDataBinding() Indicates whether RadListView is currently databinding on the client-side.
get_isInitializedOnClient() Indicates whether RadListView is initialized entirely on the client-side with no server-side control.
get_isDataBoundOnClient() Indicates whether RadListView is setup for client-side databinding.
set_dataSource() Sets the datasource to which the control should bind.
get_selectedIndexes() Returns the indexes of all items that are currently selected.
set_selectedIndexes() Selects the items at the provided indexes.
get_allowMultiItemSelection() A boolean property indicating whether multi-item selection has been enabled.
get_allowPaging() A boolean property indicating whether paging has been enabled.
set_allowPaging() A boolean property used to enable/disable paging depending on the boolean value passed as an argument.
get_pageCount() Returns the current number of pages in the control.
get_pageSize() Returns an integer representing the page size in the listview.
set_pageSize() A property used to set the max number of items that would be displayed in one page.
get_currentPageIndex() Returns an integer representing the current page shown in the listview.
set_currentPageIndex() A property used to specify the current page shown.
get_virtualItemCount() Returns the virtual item count value for the RadListView.
set_virtualItemCount() Sets the virtual item count value for the RadListView.
get_sortExpressions() Returns a RadListViewSortExpressions object used for manipulating the sort expressions in RadListView.
get_allowNaturalSort() Returns whether natural sort is enabled (or "no sort" mode).
get_filterExpressions() Returns a RadListViewFilterExpressions object used for manipulating the filter expressions in RadListView.

Client methods


** Method ** ** Description **
Telerik.Web.UI.RadListView.create(elementId, itemPlaceHolderId, useElementContentAsLayout) Creates a client RadListView component for use in no server control scenarios.Parameters: * elementId :* The id of an HTML element to associate with the control. * itemPlaceHolderId :* Optional: The id of an HTML element that will contain the RadListView items. * useElementContentAsLayout :* Optional: Specifies whether the innerHTML of the container element will be used as a LayoutTemplate.
dataBind() Binds the RadListView to the datasource provided through set_dataSource().
rebind() Rebinds RadListView to its given data source.
rebindItem(index) Rebinds a single item specified by its index.Parameters: * index :* The index of the item to rebind.
appendData(data) Appends additional data to the current data source and creates new items for the new data. Existing items are not modified.Parameters: * data :* A javascript array of objects to append.
selectItem(index, doNotRebind) Selects an item in RadListView.Parameters: * index :* An integer index of the item to select. * doNotRebind :* Optional: A boolean value specifying whether RadListView should suppress rebinding. By default, RadListView rebinds when the selected items change.
deselectItem(index, doNotRebind) Deselects an item in RadListView.Parameters: * index :* An integer index of the item to deselect. * doNotRebind :* Optional: A boolean value specifying whether RadListView should suppress rebinding. By default, RadListView rebinds when the selected items change.
toggleSelection(index, doNotRebind) Toggles between the selected and deselected state of an item in RadListView.Parameters: * index :* An integer index of the item to toggle. * doNotRebind :* Optional: A boolean value specifying whether RadListView should suppress rebinding. By default, RadListView rebinds when the selected items change.
selectAllItems(doNotRebind) Selects all items in RadListView. * doNotRebind :* Optional: A boolean value specifying whether RadListView should suppress rebinding. By default, RadListView rebinds when the selected items change.
clearSelectedItems(doNotRebind) Clears all selected items in RadListView. * doNotRebind :* Optional: A boolean value specifying whether RadListView should suppress rebinding. By default, RadListView rebinds when the selected items change.
page(command, doNotFireCommand) Navigates RadListView to the page specified as an argument. * command :* The actual page to which the user will be navigated. Possible values are 'First', 'Prev', 'Next', 'Last' and numeric values. * doNotFireCommand :* Optional: Indicates whether RadListView should prevent firing the Page command. By default, Page command is fired.
sort(field, order, doNotFireCommand) Sorts the data in RadListView. * field :* The field name to sort by. If no sort order is specified, the sort order is toggled. * order :* Optional: One of the sort order values to specify: 'ASC', 'DESC' or 'NONE'. If this parameter is omitted, RadListView toggles the sort order of the field. * doNotFireCommand :* Optional: A boolean value indicating whether RadListView should suppress firing the Sort command. By default, Sort command is fired after each sort.
clearSort(field, doNotFireCommand) Clears the sorting of the specified field or all the sort expressions if no field is specified. * field :* Optional: The field name whose sorting to clear. If this parameter is omitted, all sort expressions are cleared. * doNotFireCommand :* Optional: A boolean value indicating whether RadListView should suppress firing the Sort command. By default, Sort command is fired after each change in the sort expressions.
filter(field, filterFunction, value, doNotFireCommand) Applied a filter to the data in RadListView. * field :* The field name to filter. * filterFunction :* The filter function to use. Accepted values are specified by the Telerik.Web.UI.RadListViewFilterFunction object. * value :* The filter value to use for the specified field. * doNotFireCommand :* Optional: A boolean value indicating whether RadListView should suppress firing the Filter command. By default, Filter command is fired when filtering.
clearFilter(field, doNotFireCommand) Clears the filter expressions for the specified field. If no field is specified, clears all filter expression in RadListView. * field :* Optional: The field name to remove the filter of. If this parameter is omitted, all filter expressions will be cleared. * doNotFireCommand :* Optional: A boolean value indicating whether RadListView should suppress firing the Filter command. By default, Filter command is fired when filtering.

Client events

All events are exposed through the RadListView.ClientSettings.ClientEvents server settings, or through their respective add_[Event] and remove_[Event] javascript methods.


** Event ** ** Description ** ** Arguments **
OnCommand Raised for the following commants in RadListView: RebindListView, Edit Update, Delete, Cancel, InitInsert, PerformInsert, CancelInsert, Select, Deselect, Sort. Note: The client-side OnCommand RadListView event does not fire when the following client-side methods are called: set_pageSize(), set_currentPageIndex() .
  • get_cancel() - indicates whether the event will be cancelled.
  • set_cancel(shouldCancel) - cancels the event if called with true as an argument.
  • get_commandArgument() - returns the the name of the command which is about to be processed.
  • get_commandName() - returnsthe command argument(s) value(s).
    OnDataBinding Raised when RadListView is databinding on the client-side. Calling dataBind() will fire this event.
    • get_ajaxSettings() - returns the settings for the ajax call to the data service.
    • get_cancel() - indicates whether the event will be cancelled.
    • set_cancel(shouldCancel) - cancels the event if called with true as an argument.
    • get_dataServiceSettings() - returns the settings for using the data service.
      OnDataBound Raised when RadListView has finished databinding. N/A
      OnDataBindingFailed Raised when automatic databinding to web services has failed.
      • get_exception() - returns the deserialized response text.
      • get_responseText() - returns the response text from the service.
        OnDataSourceResolved Raised when RadListView successfully receives data from a web service when automatic databinding to web services.
        • get_data() - returns the data from the resolved datasource.
        • set_data(data) - sets the data for binding the listview.
        • get_response() - the response from the web service.
          OnItemDeselecting Raised before an item is deselected and its template rebound. Can be canceled.
          • get_cancel() - indicates whether the event will be cancelled.
          • set_cancel(shouldCancel) - cancels the event if called with true as an argument.
          • get_itemIndex() - returns the index of the item that is about to be deselected.
            OnItemDeselected Raised after an item is deselected.
            • get_itemIndex() - returns the index of the item that is deselected.
              OnItemSelecting Raised before an item is selected and its template rebound. Can be canceled.
              • get_cancel() - indicates whether the event will be cancelled.
              • set_cancel(shouldCancel) - cancels the event if called with true as an argument.
              • get_itemIndex() - returns the index of the item that is about to be selected.
                OnItemSelected Raised after an item is selected.
                • get_itemIndex() - returns the index of the item that is selected.
                  OnTemplateCreated Raised for each template during databinding before the template is databound.
                  • get_context() - returns the binding context of the template.
                  • get_template() - returns the template object.
                  • set_template() - sets the template object.
                  • get_name() - returns the name of the template.
                    OnTemplateDataBound Raised for each template during databinding after the template is databound and before the resulting HTML is added to the DOM.
                    • get_context() - returns the binding context of the template
                    • get_html() - returns the HTML of the template
                    • set_html() - sets the HTML of the template
                    • get_name() - returns the name of the template
                    • get_template() - returns the template object
                      In this article