In this article you can find the client and server-side APIs exposed by RadListView for performing client-side binding and controlling the control behavior when bound this way.
Server properties
RadListView defines the following new properties in the ClientSettings.DataBinding settings:
** Property ** | ** Description ** |
ItemPlaceHolderID | ID of HTML element in the layout template that will contain the items |
ContainerID | ID of the container HTML element that will contain the rendered RadListView |
LayoutTemplate | HTML layout template. If this template is omitted, the server-side LayoutTemplate needs to be defined. |
ItemTemplate | HTML item template |
AlternatingItemTemplate | HTML alternating item template |
ItemSeparatorTemplate | HTML item separator template |
EmptyDataTemplate | HTML template rendered when RadListView contains no data |
SelectedItemTemplate | HTML template rendered when item is selected |
DataService.Location | web service location |
DataService.DataPath | path or method name to append to location when requesting data |
DataService.CountPath | path or method name to append to location when requesting item count |
DataService.HttpMethod | Post/Get; HTTP method to use when accessing web service. Default: Post |
DataService.DataPropertyName | field name in the JSON result containing the data array |
DataService.CountPropertyName | field name in the JSON result containing the item count |
DataService.EnableCaching | false/true; specifies if data caching is used. Default: false |
DataService.ResponseType | JSON/JSONP; specifies the response format. Default: JSON |
DataService.StartRowIndexParameterName | request parameter name specifying start row index |
DataService.MaximumRowsParameterName | request parameter name specifying the maximum rows |
DataService.SortParameterName | request parameter name specifying sort expression |
DataService.SortParameterType | List/Linq/OData/Sql; specifies the format of the sort expression. Default: List |
DataService.FilterParameterName | request parameter name specifying filter expression |
DataService.FilterParameterType | List/Linq/OData/Sql; specifies the format of the filter expression. Default: List |
Client APIs
Client-side databinding enabled many new APIs in the client RadListView component. With these new additions RadListView's client-side capabilities are greatly enhanced. Here is a list of the new properties and methods in RadListView, as well as the new client-side events that have been added:
Client properties
** Property ** | ** Description ** |
get_dataSource() | Returns the currently set datasource of the control. |
get_isDataBinding() | Indicates whether RadListView is currently databinding on the client-side. |
get_isInitializedOnClient() | Indicates whether RadListView is initialized entirely on the client-side with no server-side control. |
get_isDataBoundOnClient() | Indicates whether RadListView is setup for client-side databinding. |
set_dataSource() | Sets the datasource to which the control should bind. |
get_selectedIndexes() | Returns the indexes of all items that are currently selected. |
set_selectedIndexes() | Selects the items at the provided indexes. |
get_allowMultiItemSelection() | A boolean property indicating whether multi-item selection has been enabled. |
get_allowPaging() | A boolean property indicating whether paging has been enabled. |
set_allowPaging() | A boolean property used to enable/disable paging depending on the boolean value passed as an argument. |
get_pageCount() | Returns the current number of pages in the control. |
get_pageSize() | Returns an integer representing the page size in the listview. |
set_pageSize() | A property used to set the max number of items that would be displayed in one page. |
get_currentPageIndex() | Returns an integer representing the current page shown in the listview. |
set_currentPageIndex() | A property used to specify the current page shown. |
get_virtualItemCount() | Returns the virtual item count value for the RadListView. |
set_virtualItemCount() | Sets the virtual item count value for the RadListView. |
get_sortExpressions() | Returns a RadListViewSortExpressions object used for manipulating the sort expressions in RadListView. |
get_allowNaturalSort() | Returns whether natural sort is enabled (or "no sort" mode). |
get_filterExpressions() | Returns a RadListViewFilterExpressions object used for manipulating the filter expressions in RadListView. |
Client methods
** Method ** | ** Description ** |
Telerik.Web.UI.RadListView.create(elementId, itemPlaceHolderId, useElementContentAsLayout) | Creates a client RadListView component for use in no server control scenarios.Parameters: * elementId :* The id of an HTML element to associate with the control. * itemPlaceHolderId :* Optional: The id of an HTML element that will contain the RadListView items. * useElementContentAsLayout :* Optional: Specifies whether the innerHTML of the container element will be used as a LayoutTemplate. |
dataBind() | Binds the RadListView to the datasource provided through set_dataSource(). |
rebind() | Rebinds RadListView to its given data source. |
rebindItem(index) | Rebinds a single item specified by its index.Parameters: * index :* The index of the item to rebind. |
appendData(data) | Appends additional data to the current data source and creates new items for the new data. Existing items are not modified.Parameters: * data :* A javascript array of objects to append. |
selectItem(index, doNotRebind) | Selects an item in RadListView.Parameters: * index :* An integer index of the item to select. * doNotRebind :* Optional: A boolean value specifying whether RadListView should suppress rebinding. By default, RadListView rebinds when the selected items change. |
deselectItem(index, doNotRebind) | Deselects an item in RadListView.Parameters: * index :* An integer index of the item to deselect. * doNotRebind :* Optional: A boolean value specifying whether RadListView should suppress rebinding. By default, RadListView rebinds when the selected items change. |
toggleSelection(index, doNotRebind) | Toggles between the selected and deselected state of an item in RadListView.Parameters: * index :* An integer index of the item to toggle. * doNotRebind :* Optional: A boolean value specifying whether RadListView should suppress rebinding. By default, RadListView rebinds when the selected items change. |
selectAllItems(doNotRebind) | Selects all items in RadListView. * doNotRebind :* Optional: A boolean value specifying whether RadListView should suppress rebinding. By default, RadListView rebinds when the selected items change. |
clearSelectedItems(doNotRebind) | Clears all selected items in RadListView. * doNotRebind :* Optional: A boolean value specifying whether RadListView should suppress rebinding. By default, RadListView rebinds when the selected items change. |
page(command, doNotFireCommand) | Navigates RadListView to the page specified as an argument. * command :* The actual page to which the user will be navigated. Possible values are 'First', 'Prev', 'Next', 'Last' and numeric values. * doNotFireCommand :* Optional: Indicates whether RadListView should prevent firing the Page command. By default, Page command is fired. |
sort(field, order, doNotFireCommand) | Sorts the data in RadListView. * field :* The field name to sort by. If no sort order is specified, the sort order is toggled. * order :* Optional: One of the sort order values to specify: 'ASC', 'DESC' or 'NONE'. If this parameter is omitted, RadListView toggles the sort order of the field. * doNotFireCommand :* Optional: A boolean value indicating whether RadListView should suppress firing the Sort command. By default, Sort command is fired after each sort. |
clearSort(field, doNotFireCommand) | Clears the sorting of the specified field or all the sort expressions if no field is specified. * field :* Optional: The field name whose sorting to clear. If this parameter is omitted, all sort expressions are cleared. * doNotFireCommand :* Optional: A boolean value indicating whether RadListView should suppress firing the Sort command. By default, Sort command is fired after each change in the sort expressions. |
filter(field, filterFunction, value, doNotFireCommand) | Applied a filter to the data in RadListView. * field :* The field name to filter. * filterFunction :* The filter function to use. Accepted values are specified by the Telerik.Web.UI.RadListViewFilterFunction object. * value :* The filter value to use for the specified field. * doNotFireCommand :* Optional: A boolean value indicating whether RadListView should suppress firing the Filter command. By default, Filter command is fired when filtering. |
clearFilter(field, doNotFireCommand) | Clears the filter expressions for the specified field. If no field is specified, clears all filter expression in RadListView. * field :* Optional: The field name to remove the filter of. If this parameter is omitted, all filter expressions will be cleared. * doNotFireCommand :* Optional: A boolean value indicating whether RadListView should suppress firing the Filter command. By default, Filter command is fired when filtering. |
Client events
All events are exposed through the RadListView.ClientSettings.ClientEvents server settings, or through their respective add_[Event] and remove_[Event] javascript methods.
** Event ** | ** Description ** | ** Arguments ** |
OnCommand | Raised for the following commants in RadListView: RebindListView, Edit Update, Delete, Cancel, InitInsert, PerformInsert, CancelInsert, Select, Deselect, Sort. Note: The client-side OnCommand RadListView event does not fire when the following client-side methods are called: set_pageSize(), set_currentPageIndex() . |
OnDataBinding | Raised when RadListView is databinding on the client-side. Calling dataBind() will fire this event. |
OnDataBound | Raised when RadListView has finished databinding. | N/A |
OnDataBindingFailed | Raised when automatic databinding to web services has failed. |
OnDataSourceResolved | Raised when RadListView successfully receives data from a web service when automatic databinding to web services. |
OnItemDeselecting | Raised before an item is deselected and its template rebound. Can be canceled. |
OnItemDeselected | Raised after an item is deselected. |
OnItemSelecting | Raised before an item is selected and its template rebound. Can be canceled. |
OnItemSelected | Raised after an item is selected. |
OnTemplateCreated | Raised for each template during databinding before the template is databound. |
OnTemplateDataBound | Raised for each template during databinding after the template is databound and before the resulting HTML is added to the DOM. |