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Series Configuration

This help article lists all the inner tags and properties of the ASP.NET AJAX Chart Series collections and illustrates how to configure them.

RadHtmlChart provides a rich set of properties which can help you configure the look and behavior of the defined RadHtmlChart Series. In this article you will find a list with the available Series inner tags and public properties.

You can add the series to the Main tag > PlotArea > Series tag. The series have many common properties and some specific properties according to the series type. To create Series Items programmatically, you must use the respective class for each series type.

  • AreaSeries, BarSeries, ColumnSeries, LineSeries, RadarAreaSeries, RadarColumnSeries and RadarLineSeries use the CategorySeriesItem class.

  • BoxPlotSeries use the BoxPlotSeriesItem class.

  • BubbleSeries use the BubbleSeriesItem class.

  • BulletSeries and VerticalBulletSeries use the BulletSeriesItem class.

  • CandlestickSeries use the CandlestickSeriesItem class.

  • DonutSeries and PieSeries use the PieSeriesItem class.

  • FunnelSeries use the FunnelSeriesItem class.

  • PolarAreaSeries, PolarLineSeries and PolarScatterSeries use the PolarSeriesItem class.

  • RangeBarSeries and RangeColumnSeries use the RangeSeriesItem class.

  • ScatterSeries and ScatterLineSeries use the ScatterSeriesItem class.

  • WaterfallSeries and HorizontalWaterfallSeries use the WaterfallSeriesItem class.

In order to access the properties of the series in the code-behind, you must cast the series to the respective series type (e.g., (RadHtmlChart1.PlotArea.Series[0] as ColumnSeries).SeriesItems[0].Y = 10;).

More information on the series properties is available below.

Attribute Properties of the Series

Name Description
AxisName Specifies the Name of the y-axis that will be used by the series. Applicable when multiple y-axes are used. Uses the default YAxis if left blank.
ColorField The field of the data source that will be used for the Color of the items in the series.
DataAngleField The field of the data source that will be used for the Angle value for PolarAreaSeries , PolarLineSeries and PolarScatterSeries.
DataCurrentField The field of the data source that will be used for the actual value of an item from a BulletSeries and VerticalBulletSeries.
DataDownColorField The field of the data source that will be used for the Down color—the Background color of the filled items (Open > Close) in the CandlestickSeries .
DataFieldSize The field of the data source that will be used for the Size value for BubbleSeries .
DataFieldTooltip The field of the data source that will be used for the default tooltip of the BubbleSeries items by default.
DataFieldX The field of the data source that will be used for the X value for ScatterSeries , ScatterLineSeries and BubbleSeries.
DataFieldY The field of the data source that will be used for the Y value.
DataFromField The field of the data source that will be used for the From value of RangeBarSeries and RangeColumnSeries .
DataCloseField The field of the data source that will be used for the Close price of the CandlestickSeries .
DataHighField The field of the data source that will be used for the High price of the CandlestickSeries .
DataLowField The field of the data source that will be used for the Low price of the CandlestickSeries.
DataLowerField The field of the data source that will be used for the lower value of BoxPlotSeries .
DataMeanField The field of the data source that will be used for the value of the mean of BoxPlotSeries .
DataMedianField The field of the data source that will be used for the value of the median (i.e., the second quartile) of BoxPlotSeries.
DataNameField The field of the data source that will be used for the Name of the FunnelSeries items which will be shown in the legend.
DataSummaryField The field of the data source that will be used for the Summary value of WaterfallSeries and HorizontalWaterfallSeries.
DataTargetField The field of the data source that will be used for the target value of an item from a BulletSeries and VerticalBulletSeries.
DataToField The field of the data source that will be used for the To value of RangeBarSeries and RangeColumnSeries.
DataOpenField The field of the data source that will be used for the Open price of the CandlestickSeries .
DataOutliersField The field of the data source that will be used for the outliers values of BoxPlotSeries . It is important to note that the DataOutliersField property must refer a data source field that contains an array of decimal numbers.
DataQ1Field The field of the data source that will be used for the value of the first quartile of BoxPlotSeries.
DataQ3Field The field of the data source that will be used for the value of the third quartile of BoxPlotSeries.
DataRadiusField The field of the data source that will be used for the Radius value for PolarAreaSeries , PolarLineSeries and PolarScatterSeries .
DataUpperField The field of the data source that will be used for the upper value of BoxPlotSeries .
DataVisibleInLegendField The field of the data source that will be used for the visibility of the FunnelSeries, PieSeries and DonutSeries items name in the legend.
DownColor The background color of the filled items from the CandlestickSeries having their Close price lower than the Open one. Can take a common color name or a hex value. If it is not set explicitly, the control will pick one according to the skin it has set.
DynamicHeightEnabled A boolean property that indicates whether all the segments from FunnelSeries will share the same size (when DynamicHeightEnabled =" false ") or the height of each segment is determined according to its value (when DynamicHeightEnabled =" true "). Default value is True .
DynamicSlopeEnabled A boolean property that indicates whether the form of each segment from FunnelSeries will be based on the ratio between the value from the current and the next segment. Default value is False .
ExplodeField The field of the data source that indicates whether the PieSeries or DonutSeries item will be exploded (separated from the rest). Boolean value; expects true or false .
Gap Gets or Sets the distance between the category clusters as proportion of the series width. For versions prior to R1 2019, the value of the property cannot be negative.
GroupName A string value indicating that the BarSeries or ColumnSeries should be stacked in a group with the specified name. If the property is left blank, all series will be placed in one default stack. Setting the GroupName property of any series automatically sets the Stacked property of the first series to true, so it is not required to be explicitly set.
HoleSize An integer property that controls the diameter of the hole in DonutSeries.
MissingValues Defines how missing ( null / Nothing ) values are treated by the LineSeries and ScatterLineSeries . It is an enumeration (Telerik.Web.UI.HtmlChart.MissingValuesBehavior) with one of the following values: Gap , Interpolate , Zero . Gap leaves a blank space (the series interrupts there); Interpolate adds a point interpolated from the adjacent values; Zero adds a point with value set to zero.
Name The name of the series that will be shown in the legend. For PieSeries and DonutSeries , the Name of each item is shown in the legend instead of the name of the series
NameField The field of the data source that will be used for the Name of the PieSeries and DonutSeries items that will be shown in the legend.
NeckRatio Specifies the ratio between the top and the bottom bases of the whole Funnel series. The property is neglected if DynamicSlopeEnabled property is set to true .
SegmentSpacing Specifies the space between the different segments of the Funnel chart in pixels.
Spacing Gets or Sets the space between the chart series as proportion of the series width. For versions prior to R1 2019, the value of the property cannot be negative.
Stacked Determines whether the BarSeries or ColumnSeries in the chart will be stacked next to/above each other. You must set this property for the first series of the chart to have effect.Setting this property is not required if the Series are stacked and grouped through the GroupName property.You may also need to adjust the maximum value of the y-axis to acoomodate the addition of all the series one row if Min / Max are hardcoded for it.
StartAngle The starting angle for the first PieSeries / DonutSeries item. The zero point is horizontal to the left and the positive direction is clockwise.
Visible A boolean property that indicates whether the series will be visible in the PlotArea . For Donut , Pie and Funnel series the property must be set on the items.
VisibleInLegend A boolean property that indicates whether the series name will be visible in the Legend . For Donut , Pie and Funnel series the property must be set on the items.
ZIndex A numeric property that indicates the order of the series.

Attribute Properties in [SeriesType] > Appearance > FillStyle

Name Description
BackgroundColor The background color of the items from this series. This property can take a common color name or a hex value. If it you have not set ths property explicitly, the control will pick one according to the skin it has set.

Attribute Properties in [SeriesType] > Appearance > Overlay

Name Description
Gradient The series overlay gradient that takes the following values listed in List 1

List 1: Values for the Gradient property.

  • None
  • Glass - Bar , Column , RangeBar , RangeColumn , Candlestick and BoxPlot series specific.
  • RoundedBevel - Pie and donut series specific.
  • SharpBevel - Pie and donut series specific.

Attribute Properties in [SeriesType] > HighlightAppearance

Name Description
Toggle A function that can be used to handle toggling the points highlight. The available argument fields can be seen here.
Visible If set to true the chart will highlight the series when the user hovers it with the mouse. By default chart series highlighting is enabled. .
Visual A function that can be used to set custom visual for the point highlight.

Attribute Properties in [SeriesType] > LabelsAppearance

Name Description
Color The text color of the labels for the items from this series. Can take a common color name or a hex value. If it is not set explicitly the control will pick one according to the Skin it has set.
BackgroundColor The background color of the labels for the items from this series. Can take a common color name or a hex value.
ClientTemplate A string for the client template that will be applied to the labels when they render. It can use any column from the data source given to the chart through the following syntax: #=dataItem.ColumnName# where the string delimited inside #=.....# is the expression to be evaluated. See here for more information.
DataField The field of the data source that will be used for the value of the labels for the items. Defaults to the numerical value for the Y value. Consider using a ClientTemplate to get formatting and ordering as desired, especially for non-numerical fields.
DataFormatString The format string that will form the label text. Supported for numerical DataFields only. You can use a ClientTemplate to get formatting and ordering as desired.
For AreaSeries , BarSeries , ColumnSeries , DonutSeries , FunnelSeries , LineSeries , PieSeries , RadarAreaSeries , RadarColumnSeries , RadarLineSeries , WaterfallSeries and HorizontalWaterfallSeries use the {0} placeholder that denote the Y value of the item; for ScatterSeries and ScatterLineSeries use the {0} and {1} placeholders that denote the X and Y values of the item; for PolarAreaSeries , PolarLineSeries and PolarScatterSeries use the {0} and {1} placeholders that denote accordingly the Angle and Radius values of the item; for BubbleSeries use the {0} , {1} , {2} and {3} placeholders that denote accordingly the X , Y , Size and Tooltip values of the item. The Series labels in BoxPlotSeries and CandlestickSeries are not supported.
Position Defines the position of the labels relative to their items. More details about the values used to define it are listed in List 2.
RotationAngle The angle at which the labels are rotated.
Visible Defines whether the labels will be shown. Values are True or False .

List 2: Available values for the Position property.

  • For BarSeries , ColumnSeries , WaterfallSeries and HorizontalWaterfallSeries - The Telerik.Web.UI.HtmlChart.BarColumnLabelsPosition enumeration:

    • Center - The label is positioned at the bar center.
    • InsideEnd - The label is positioned inside, near the end of the bar.
    • InsideBase - The label is positioned inside, near the base of the bar.
    • OutsideEnd - The label is positioned outside, near the end of the bar.Not applicable for stacked series
  • For PieSeries and DonutSeries - The Telerik.Web.UI.HtmlChart.PieAndDonutLabelsPosition enumeration:

    • Center - The labels are positioned at the center of the pie/donut.
    • InsideEnd - The labels are positioned inside, near the end of the pie/donut.
    • OutsideEnd - The labels are positioned outside, near the end of the pie/donut.
  • For LineSeries , ScatterSeries and ScatterLineSeries - The Telerik.Web.UI.HtmlChart.LineAndScatterLabelsPosition enumeration:

    • Above - The label is positioned at the top.
    • Right - The label is positioned at the right.
    • Below - The label is positioned at the bottom.
    • Left - The label is positioned at the left.

Attribute Properties in [RangeColumnSeries/RangeBarSeries] > LabelsAppearance > FromLabelsAppearance / ToLabelsAppearance

Inherits the LabelsAppearance class.

Attribute Properties in [SeriesType] > LabelsAppearance > TextStyle

See this article for more information on the text styles.

Name Description
Bold Specifies whether the font of the labels' text is bold. Values are True or False .
Color Specifies the color of the labels' text. Uses values of type System.Drawing.Color .
FontFamily Specifies the font family of the labels' text. Takes a string with the font family name.
FontSize Specifies the font size of the labels' text. Takes the size in pixels.
Italic Specifies whether the font of the labels' text is italic. Values are True or False .
Margin Specifies the margin of the labels' text. Takes the margin value in pixels. The Position property in [SeriesType] > Appearance > LabelsAppearance should not be set to Center in order for this setting to take effect.
Padding Specifies the padding of the labels' text. Takes the padding value in pixels. The Position property in [SeriesType] > Appearance > LabelsAppearance should not be set to Center in order for this setting to take effect.

Attribute Properties in [SeriesType] > LabelsAppearance > Border

Name Description
Color The color of the label borders for the series' items. Can take a common color name or a hex value.
DashType Sets the dash type of the label's border. An enumeration (Telerik.Web.UI.HtmlChart.Enums.DashType) with the following values: Dash , DashDot , Dot , LongDash, LongDashDot, LongDashDotDot, Solid .
Width The width of the border for the series' labels. Takes the width in pixels.

Attribute Properties in [SeriesType] > TooltipsAppearance

Name Description
BackgroundColor The background color of the tooltips for the items from this series. Can take a common color name or a hex value. If it is not set explicitly, the control will pick one according to the skin it has set.
Color The text color of the tooltips for the items from this series. Can take a common color name or a hex value. If it is not set explicitly the control will pick one according to the Skin it has set.
ClientTemplate A string for the client template that will be applied to the tooltips when they render. It can use any column from the data source given to the chart through the following syntax: #=dataItem.ColumnName# where the string delimited inside #=.....# is the expression to be evaluated. The tooltips are HTML so HTML can be used outside of the expression tags. See here for more information.
DataFormatString The format string that will form the tooltip's text. You can find more details about defining the value in List 3.
Visible Defines whether the tooltips will be shown. Values are True or False .

List 3: Values for the DataFormatString property.

  • AreaSeries , BarSeries , ColumnSeries , DonutSeries , FunnelSeries , LineSeries , PieSeries , RadarAreaSeries , RadarColumnSeries , RadarLineSeries , WaterfallSeries and HorizontalWaterfallSeries use the {0} placeholder that denote the Y value of the item.

  • BulletSeries and VerticalBulletSeries use the {0} and {1} placeholders that denote the Current and Target values of the item.

  • ScatterSeries and ScatterLineSeries use the {0} and {1} placeholders that denote the X and Y values of the item.

  • PolarAreaSeries , PolarLineSeries and PolarScatterSeries use the {0} and {1} placeholders that denote accordingly the Angle and Radius values of the item.

  • BubbleSeries use the {0} , {1} , {2} and {3} placeholders that denote accordingly the X , Y , Size and tooltip values of the item.

  • CandlestickSeries tooltips have a predefined pattern by design, they can be modified through {0} , {1} , {2} , {3} and {4} placeholders that denote accordingly the Open , High , Low , Close and the corresponding x-axis item's value.

  • BoxPlotSeries tooltips have already predefined pattern by design, however, it can be modified through {0} , {1} , {2} , {3} , {4} , {5} and {6} placeholders that denote accordingly the Lower , Q1 , Median , Q3 , Upper , Mean and the corresponding x-axis item's value.|

Attribute Properties in [AreaSeries, LineSeries, PolarAreaSeries, PolarLineSeries, RadarAreaSeries, RadarLineSeries and ScatterLineSeries] > LineAppearance

Attribute Properties in [BubbleSeries, BarSeries, ColumnSeries, DonutSeries, PieSeries, CandlestickSeries, BoxPlotSeries, VerticalBoxPlotSeries, WaterfallSeries, HorizontalWaterfallSeries, RangeBarSeries, RangeColumnSeries and RadarColumnSeries] > BorderAppearance

Name Description
Color The color of the outliers' borders for the items from this series. Can take a common color name or a hex value. If this property is not set explicitly, the control will inherit the color of Series itself.
DashType Sets the dash type of the border. An enumeration (Telerik.Web.UI.HtmlChart.Enums.DashType) with the following values: Dash , DashDot , Dot , LongDash, LongDashDot, LongDashDotDot, Solid .
Opacity The opacity of the border. By default the border is opaque.
Width The width of the border for the series. Takes the width in pixels.

Attribute Properties in [AreaSeries, LineSeries, PolarAreaSeries, PolarLineSeries, RadarAreaSeries, RadarLineSeries and ScatterLineSeries] > LineAppearance

Name Description
Width The width of the line for the series. Takes the width in pixels.
LineStyle A string property that takes the following values: Normal—data points from series will be connected with straight lines; Smooth—Data points from series will be connected with fitted curves; Step—Data points from series will be connected with lines that have right angle. Note that the Step property is available only for AreaSeries and LineSeries.
DashType Sets the dash type of the line. An enumeration (Telerik.Web.UI.HtmlChart.Enums.DashType) with the following values: Dash , DashDot , Dot , LongDash, LongDashDot, LongDashDotDot, Solid .

Attribute Properties in [AreaSeries, LineSeries, ScatterSeries and ScatterLineSeries] > MarkersAppearance

Name Description
BackgroundColor The background color of the markers for the items from this series. Can take a common color name or a hex value. If this property is not set explicitly, the control will pick one according to the skin it has set.
BorderColor The color of the markers' borders for the items from this series. Can take a common color name or a hex value. If it this property is not set explicitly, the control will inherit the color of series itself.
BorderWidth The width of the markers' borders for the items from this series. Takes the width in pixels.
MarkersType Sets the type of markers the series uses. An enumeration (Telerik.Web.UI.HtmlChart.MarkersType) with the following values: Circle , Cross , Square , Triangle .
Size Specifies the size of the markers the series uses. Takes the size in pixels.
Visible Defines whether the markers will be shown. Values are True or False .

Attribute Properties in [BoxPlotSeries] > [OutliersAppearance, ExtremesAppearance]

Name Description
BackgroundColor The background color of the outliers for the items from this series. Can take a common color name or a hex value. If this property is not set explicitly, the control will pick one according to the skin it has set.
MarkersType Chooses the shape of the outliers the series uses. An enumeration (Telerik.Web.UI.HtmlChart.OutliersMarkersType) with the following values: Circle , Cross , Square and Triangle .
RotationAngle The angle at which the outliers are rotated.
Size Specifies the size of the outliers the series uses. Takes the size in pixels.
Visible Defines whether the outliers will be shown. True or false.

Attribute Properties in [BoxPlotSeries] > [OutliersAppearance, ExtremesAppearance] > [BorderAppearance]

Name Description
Color The color of the outliers' borders for the items from this series. Can take a common color name or a hex value. If this property is not set explicitly, the control will inherit the color of Series itself.
Width The width of the outliers' borders for the items from this series. Takes the width in pixels.

See Also

In this article