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Series Items Configuration

This help article lists all the properties of the SeriesItems collection for the corresponding ASP.NET AJAX Chart types and illustrates how to configure these properties in the code-behind.

Attribute Properties in [SeriesType] > SeriesItems > [SeriesItemClass]

Name Description
Angle The angle for the item from PolarAreaSeries , PolarLineSeries and PolarScatterSeries .
BackgroundColor For items from a BarSeries , BoxPlotSeries , BubbleSeries , ColumnSeries , CandlestickSeries , FunnelSeries , PieSeries or DonutSeries , this property is the background color of the item itself. For items from an AreaSeries , LineSeries , ScatterSeries or ScatterLineSeries , this property is the border color of the marker. It can take a common color name or a hex value. If you have not set this property explicitly, the control will pick one according to the skin it has set.
Close The value of the close price for an item from a CandlestickSeries .
Current The actual value of an item from a BulletSeries and VerticalBulletSeries.
Exploded Sets whether the item from a PieSeries or DonutSeries is exploded (i.e., separated from the others).
From The low value for an item from a RangeBarSeries and RangeColumnSeries .
High The value of the high price for an item from a CandlestickSeries .
Low The value of the low price for an item from a CandlestickSeries .
Lower The lower value for an item from a BoxPlotSeries .
Mean The value of the mean for an item from a BoxPlotSeries .
Median The value of the median (i.e., the second quartile) for an item from a BoxPlotSeries .
Name Defines the string shown in the legend for the item from a PieSeries or DonutSeries .
Open The value of the open price for an item from a CandlestickSeries .
Outliers A collection of objects for an item from a BoxPlotSeries . Each <Outlier> object exposes a Value property.
Q1 The value of the first quartile for an item from a BoxPlotSeries .
Q3 The value of the third quartile for an item from a BoxPlotSeries .
Radius The radius for the item from PolarAreaSeries , PolarLineSeries and PolarScatterSeries .
Size The value for the circle size of an item from a BubbleSeries .
Summary Defines the type of the WaterfallSeriesItem from WaterfallSeries and HorizontalWaterfallSeries. Default - Displays the Y value of the item. RunningTotal - Displays the sum of all items since the last "RunningTotal" point. Total - Displays the sum of all previous items.
Target The target value of an item from a BulletSeries and VerticalBulletSeries.
Tooltip The string shown in the tooltip of an item from a BubbleSeries by default (in case format strings or template are not applied).
To The high value for an item from a RangeBarSeries and RangeColumnSeries .
Upper The upper value for an item from a BoxPlotSeries .
X The value for the x-axis of the chart for an item from a ScatterSeries or BubbleSeries .
Y The value for the item from any series type. Must be a positive value for a DonutSeries , FunnelSeries , PieSeries , RadarAreaSeries , RadarColumnSeries and RadarLineSeries .
Visible A boolean property that indicates whether the series item will be visible in the PlotArea . Applicable for Donut , Pie and Funnel series. For other series the property must be set to the series itself.
VisibleInLegend A boolean property that indicates whether the series name will be visible in the Legend . Applicable for Donut , Pie and Funnel series. For other series the property must be set to the series itself.

Configure SeriesItems in the Code-behind

To create series items programmatically, you should use the respective class for each series type:

  • AreaSeries, BarSeries, ColumnSeries, LineSeries, RadarAreaSeries, RadarColumnSeries and RadarLineSeries use the CategorySeriesItem class.

  • BoxPlotSeries use the BoxPlotSeriesItem class.

  • BubbleSeries use the BubbleSeriesItem class.

  • BulletSeries and VerticalBulletSeries use the BulletSeriesItem class.

  • CandlestickSeries use the CandlestickSeriesItem class.

  • DonutSeries and PieSeries use the PieSeriesItem class.

  • FunnelSeries use the FunnelSeriesItem class.

  • PolarAreaSeries, PolarLineSeries and PolarScatterSeries use the PolarSeriesItem class.

  • RangeBarSeries and RangeColumnSeries use the RangeSeriesItem class.

  • ScatterSeries and ScatterLineSeries use the ScatterSeriesItem class.

  • WaterfallSeries and HorizontalWaterfallSeries use the WaterfallSeriesItem class.

In order to access the properties of the series in the code-behind, the series must be cast to the respective series type (e.g. (RadHtmlChart1.PlotArea.Series[0] as ColumnSeries).SeriesItems[0].Y = 10;).

You can see how to create the series of the chart and bind their items on the server-side in the last section of the following article: HtmlChart Server-side Overview

See Also

In this article