Operate with the FilterExpression Manually
There are two ways you can determine what filter function the grid is currently employing:
Provide a handler for the ItemCommand event. In the ItemCommand event handler, check that e.CommandName is "Filter" (or, more robustly, RadGrid.FilterCommandName):
The e.CommandArgument value is a Pair object that holds the filter function name and the column's unique name.
The e.Item value is the GridFilteringItem. Using the column name, you can access the text box that holds the filter pattern.You can also customize the filter operation at this point by setting the table view's FilterExpression. For details on how to do this, see Custom option for filtering (FilterListOptions -> VaryByDataTypeAllowCustom).
When binding a grid using the NeedDataSource event, check the RadGrid.MasterTableView.FilterExpression property in the NeedDataSource event handler. This string represents the current filter function in the same way as the DataView.Filter property (that is, it is the text of a WHERE clause for filtering items).
If you want to customize filtering using your own custom statements, clear the FilterExpression string (to prevent the default filtering) and bind the grid to a filtered data set.
The following example shows how to access the filter information in the ItemCommand event handler. It saves this information to a set of messages that can be displayed (by the grid's DataBound event handler) to provide feedback about the current filter function:
protected void RadGrid1_ItemCommand(object source, GridCommandEventArgs e)
if (e.CommandName == RadGrid.FilterCommandName)
Pair filterPair = (Pair)e.CommandArgument;
gridMessage1 = "Current Filter function: '" + filterPair.First + "' for column '" + filterPair.Second + "'";
TextBox filterBox = (e.Item as GridFilteringItem)[filterPair.Second.ToString()].Controls[0] as TextBox;
gridMessage2 = "<br> Entered pattern for search: " + filterBox.Text;
private string gridMessage1 = null, gridMessage2 = null;
protected void RadGrid1_DataBound(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(gridMessage1))
private void DisplayMessage(string text)
RadGrid1.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(string.Format("<span style='color:red'>{0}</span>", text)));
Protected Sub RadGrid1_ItemCommand(ByVal source As Object, ByVal e As GridCommandEventArgs) Handles RadGrid1.ItemCommand
If e.CommandName = RadGrid.FilterCommandName Then
Dim filterPair As Pair = DirectCast(e.CommandArgument, Pair)
gridMessage1 = "Current Filter function: '" + filterPair.First + "' for column '" + filterPair.Second + "'"
Dim filterBox As TextBox = CType((CType(e.Item, GridFilteringItem))(filterPair.Second.ToString()).Controls(0), TextBox)
gridMessage2 = "<br> Entered pattern for search: " + filterBox.Text
End If
End Sub
Private gridMessage1 As String = Nothing
Private gridMessage2 As String = Nothing
Protected Sub RadGrid1_DataBound(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles RadGrid1.DataBound
If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(gridMessage1) Then
End If
End Sub
Private Sub DisplayMessage(ByVal text As String)
RadGrid1.Controls.Add(New LiteralControl(String.Format("<span style='color:red'>{0}</span>", text)))
End Sub
With the .NET 3.5 build of RadGrid for ASP.NET AJAX and LINQ filter expressions enabled (EnableLinqExpressions = true), the filter expressions set for the grid either internally by its filtering mechanism or manually in code should conform to the LINQ expression syntax instead of the old T-SQL syntax. Only thus they will be evaluated properly by the control.
From Q2 2015 version of UI for ASP.NET we introduce a new method on the GridTableView object called GetEntitySqlFilterExpression. The method allows you to get the filter expression in the Entity SQL syntax. However you still need to enable the EnableLinqExpressions property in order to use this method. Otherwise you will receive an exception. The code snippet below demonstrates how to use the method.
string EntitySQL = RadGrid5.MasterTableView.GetEntitySqlFilterExpression();
Dim EntitySQL As String = RadGrid5.MasterTableView.GetEntitySqlFilterExpression()
The value of the FilterExpression for the grid is a string, including vital information concerning the field (column) which needs to be filtered, along with the value entered by the end user in the filter text box, and the filter option chosen. Internally, the filter expression is created in accordance with the T-SQL syntax (in case we are using the .NET 2.0 built of the control), or follow the newer LINQ expression syntax (when using the .NET 3.5 version).
In most cases the programmer does not need to worry about these details, since the filtering is automatically handled by RadGrid. In some scenarios, however, it is useful to have a better knowledge on how these expressions are constructed. This is the case, for example, when the grid needs to be filtered initially, or when a more complex, custom filter expression should be constructed.
The following table shows the representation of the grid FilterExpression for each filter function when the filter value type is string or numeric. To make it practical, it assumes that we are filtering a string column named CustomerID by a value of 'ALFKI' and a column of a numeric type, called OrderID by a value of '10248' accordingly.
In some of the expressions additional parameters are used. For example in this filter function: @"
(it["" the particular DataType is Int32:""])= {numeric value}";
SqlDataSource 3.5 EnableLinqExpression="true" | SqlDataSource 3.5/2.0EnableLinqExpression="false" | |||
Filter Function | string | int | string | int |
Contains | @"it[""CustomerID""].ToString().Contains(""ALFKI"")"; | N/A | "([CustomerID] LIKE '%ALFKI%')"; | N/A |
DoesNotContain | @"!it[""CustomerID""].ToString().Contains(""ALFKI"")"; | N/A | "([CustomerID NOT LIKE '%ALFKI%')"; | N/A |
StartsWith | @"it[""{0}""].ToString().StartsWith(""ALFKI"")"; | N/A | "([CustomerID] LIKE 'ALFKI%')"; | N/A |
EndsWith | @"it[""CustomerID""].ToString().EndsWith(""ALFKI"")"; | N/A | "([CustomerID] LIKE '%ALFKI')"; | N/A |
EqualTo | "(Convert.ToString(it[\"CustomerID\"]) = \"ALFKI\")"; | @"Int32(it[""OrderID""]) = 10248"; | "([CustomerID] = 'ALFKI')"; | "([OrderID] = 10248)"; |
NotEqualTo | "(Convert.ToString(it[\"CustomerID\"]) <> \"ALFKI\")"; | @"Int32(it[""OrderID""]) <> 10248"; | "([CustomerID] <> 'ALFKI')"; | "([OrderID] <> 10248)"; |
GreaterThan | "(Convert.ToString(it[\"CustomerID\"]) > \"ALFKI\")"; | @"Int32(it[""OrderID""]) > 10248"; | "([CustomerID] > 'ALFKI')"; | "([OrderID] > 10248)"; |
LessThan | "(Convert.ToString(it[\"CustomerID\"]) < \"ALFKI\")"; | @"Int32(it[""OrderID""]) < 10248"; | "([CustomerID] < 'ALFKI')"; | "([OrderID] < 10248)"; |
GreaterThanOrEqualTo | "(Convert.ToString(it[\"CustomerID\"]) >= \"ALFKI\")"; | @"Int32(it[""OrderID""]) >= 10248"; | "([CustomerID] >= 'ALFKI')"; | "([OrderID] >= 10248"; |
LessThanOrEqualTo | "(Convert.ToString(it[\"CustomerID\"]) <= \"ALFKI\")"; | @"Int32(it[""OrderID""]) <= 10248"; | "([CustomerID] <= 'ALFKI')"; | "([OrderID] <= 10248)"; |
Between | "((Convert.ToString(it[\"CustomerID\"]) >= \"ALFKI\") AND ( Convert.ToString(it[\"CustomerID\"]) <= \"ANTON\"))"; | @"(Int32(it[""OrderID""]) >= 10248) AND (Int32 (it[""OrderID""]) <= 10252)"; | "(([CustomerID] >= 'ALFKI') AND ([CustomerID] <= 'ANTON'))"; | "(([OrderID] >= 10248) AND ([OrderID] <= 10252))"; |
NotBetween | "((Convert.ToString(it[\"CustomerID\"]) < \"ALFKI\") AND ( Convert.ToString(it[\"CustomerID\"]) > \"ANTON\"))"; | @"(Int32(it[""OrderID""]) < 10248) OR ( Int32 (it[""OrderID""]) > 10252 )"; | "(([CustomerID] < ' ALFKI ') OR ([CustomerID] > 'ANTON'))"; | "(([OrderID] < 10248) OR ([OrderID] > 10252))"; |
IsEmpty | @"it[""CustomerID""] = """""; | N/A | "([CustomerID] = '')"; | N/A |
NotIsEmpty | @"it[""CustomerID""] <> """""; | N/A | "([CustomerID] <> '')"; | N/A |
IsNull | @"it[""CustomerID""] == Convert.DBNull"; | @"it[""OrderID""] == Convert.DBNull"; | "([CustomerID] IS NULL)"; | "([OrderID] IS NULL)"; |
NotIsNull | @"(it[""CustomerID""] != Convert.DBNull)"; | @"(it[""OrderID""] != Convert.DBNull)"; | "(NOT ([CustomerID] IS NULL)) "; | "(NOT ([OrderID] IS NULL))"; |
LinqDataSource | EntityDataSource | |||
Filter Function | string | int | string | int |
Contains | "(CustomerID.Contains(\"ALFKI\"))" | N/A | @"it.CustomerID LIKE ""%ALFKI%"""; | N/A |
DoesNotContain | "(!CustomerID.Contains(\"ALFKI\"))" | N/A | @"it.CustomerID NOT LIKE ""%ALFKI%"""; | N/A |
StartsWith | "(CustomerID.StartsWith(\"ALFKI\"))" | N/A | @"it.CustomerID LIKE ""ALFKI%"""; | N/A |
EndsWith | "(CustomerID.EndsWith(\"ALFKI\"))" | N/A | @"it.CustomerID LIKE ""%ALFKI"""; | N/A |
EqualTo | "(CustomerID.Equals(\"ALFKI\"))"; | "(OrderID.Equals(10248))"; | "it.CustomerID = ALFKI"; | "(it.OrderID = 10248)"; |
NotEqualTo | "(!CustomerID.Equals(\"ALFKI\"))"; | "(!OrderID.Equals(10248))"; | "it.CustomerID <> ALFKI"; | "(it.OrderID <> 10248)"; |
GreaterThan | "(CustomerID > \"ALFKI\")" | "(OrderID > 10248)"; | "it.CustomerID > ALFKI"; | "(it.OrderID > 10248)"; |
LessThan | "(CustomerID < \"ALFKI\")" | "(OrderID < 10248)"; | "it.CustomerID < ALFKI"; | "(it.OrderID < 10248)"; |
GreaterThanOrEqualTo | "(CustomerID >= \"ALFKI\")" | "(OrderID >= 10248)"; | "it.CustomerID >= ALFKI"; | "(it.OrderID >= 10248)"; |
LessThanOrEqualTo | "(CustomerID <= \"ALFKI\")" | "(OrderID <= 10248)"; | "it.CustomerID <= ALFKI"; | "(it.OrderID <= 10248)"; |
Between | "((CustomerID >= \"ALFKI\") AND (CustomerID <= \"ANTON\"))" | "((OrderID >= 10248) AND (OrderID <= 10252))"; | "(it.CustomerID >= ALFKI) AND (it.{0} <= ANTON)"; | "((it.OrderID >= 10248) AND (it.OrderID <= 10252))"; |
NotBetween | "((CustomerID < \"ALFKI\") OR (CustomerID > \"ANTON\"))" | "((OrderID < 10248) OR (OrderID > 10252))"; | "(it.CustomerID < ALFKI) OR (it.CustomerID > ANTON)"; | "((it.OrderID < 10248) OR (it.OrderID > 10252))"; |
IsEmpty | "(CustomerID == \"\")"; | N/A | @"it.CustomerID = """""; | N/A |
NotIsEmpty | "(CustomerID != \"\")"; | N/A | @"it. CustomerID <> """""; | N/A |
IsNull | "(CustomerID == null)"; | "(OrderID == null)"; | "it.CustomerID == null", | "(it.OrderID == null)"; |
NotIsNull | "(CustomerID != null)"; | "(OrderID != null)"; | "(it.CustomerID != null)"; | "((it.OrderID != null))"; |