GridExcelBuilder for ExcelML (XLS) Export
GridExcelBuilder is a namespace that unifies the classes, methods and properties used by RadGrid to build an ExcelML file. The following picture illustrates the structure of the namespace in a hierarchical view.
To work with the GridExcelBuilder you will need to use the Telerik.Web.UI.GridExcelBuilder
Since this contains Classes that might be available in other Libraries or Namespaces, we suggest that you use a unique name in the using and Imports statement or always use the Fully Qualified Namespace Telerik.Web.UI.GridExcelBuilder.
using GridExcelBuilder = Telerik.Web.UI.GridExcelBuilder;
public partial class Default : System.Web.UI.Page
private void myFunction()
// Example: Unique name for the using/Imports statement
GridExcelBuilder.WorkBook workbook1 = new GridExcelBuilder.WorkBook();
GridExcelBuilder.WorksheetElement worksheetElement1 = workbook1.Worksheets[0];
// Example: Unique name for the using/Imports statement
Telerik.Web.UI.GridExcelBuilder.WorkBook workbook2 = new Telerik.Web.UI.GridExcelBuilder.WorkBook();
Telerik.Web.UI.GridExcelBuilder.WorksheetElement worksheetElement2 = workbook2.Worksheets[0];
Imports GridExcelBuilder = Telerik.Web.UI.GridExcelBuilder
Partial Class Default
Inherits System.Web.UI.Page
Private Sub myFunction()
'Example: Unique name for the using/Imports statement
Dim workbook1 As GridExcelBuilder.WorkBook = New GridExcelBuilder.WorkBook()
Dim worksheetElement1 As GridExcelBuilder.WorksheetElement = workbook1.Worksheets(0)
'Example: Unique name for the using/Imports statement
Dim workbook2 As Telerik.Web.UI.GridExcelBuilder.WorkBook = New Telerik.Web.UI.GridExcelBuilder.WorkBook()
Dim worksheetElement2 As Telerik.Web.UI.GridExcelBuilder.WorksheetElement = workbook2.Worksheets(0)
End Sub
End Class
Styles (
) - Gets the collection of StyleElement -
Worksheets (
) - Gets the collection of WorksheetElement
AlignmentElement (
) - Gets the AlignmentElement used for manipulating the horizontal/vertical alignment. - Borders - represents the cell borders - please go to the ExcelML export topic for more information.
- CellProtection - the CellProtectionElement contains information whether the current cell is protected.
- FontStyle - FontStyleElement - contains the font-related information.
- Id - the Style Id
- InteriorStyle - background options provided by the InteriorStyleElement.
- NumberFormat - the NumberFormatStyleElement is used to set the number format of a given style manually.
AutoFilter (
) - Gets the AutoFilterElement. -
IsProtected (
) - Gets or Sets (enable/disable) the worksheet protection (used in conjunction with the cell protection). -
Name (
) - Gets or Sets the name of the Worksheet - Table - Gets the TableElement which holds the actual content of the worksheet Rows/Cells/Columns.
WorksheetOptions (
) - Gets the WorksheetOptionsElement that can be used for various Worksheet-related options.
- Range - Gets or Set the range of the AutoFilter in the Table header. To remove the filter controls from the header row set the Range property to empty string.
worksheet.AutoFilter.Range = "";
- Rows - RowElement collection.
- Columns - ColumnElement collection.
- Cells - CellElement collection.
- Hidden - True specifies that this row is hidden. False (or omitted) specifies that this row is shown.
- Cells.GetCellByUniqueName method - accepts a Column name as parameter and returns a CellElement.
- ColumnName - the name of the Column the CellElement belongs to.
- Data - the DataElement represents the content of the current cell.
- HRef - enables the content of a cell to work as a hyperlink with the specified target:
protected void RadGrid1_ExcelMLExportRowCreated(object sender, GridExportExcelMLRowCreatedArgs e)
CellElement cell = e.Row.Cells.GetCellByName("ContactName");
cell.HRef = String.Format("{0}&btnG=Google+Search", cell.Data.DataItem.ToString());
Protected Sub RadGrid1_ExcelMLExportRowCreated(sender As Object, e As GridExportExcelMLRowCreatedArgs)
Dim cell As CellElement = e.Row.Cells.GetCellByName("ContactName")
cell.HRef = [String].Format("{0}&btnG=Google+Search", cell.Data.DataItem.ToString())
End Sub
- MergeAcross - specifies the number of cells to merge across (right in LTR mode).
- MergeDown - specifies the number of cells to merge down.
- StyleValue - the Style ID of the relevant cell.
- DataItem - cell contents.
- DataType - represents the data type bound to the cell. Read-only.
-Width - Specifies the width of a column. This value must be greater than or equal to 0. -Hidden - True specifies that this column is hidden. False (or omitted) specifies that this column is shown.
- AllowFreezePanes - enable theFrozen Panes functionality.
- LeftColumnRightPaneNumber - contains the column number of the leftmost visible column in the right pane of a worksheet window.
- FitToPage - boolean property, which specifies whether all columns should be fitted in a single page when printing or not.
- PageSetup - PageSetupElement - used to set Page -specific options like orientation, margins, footer/header, etc.
- SplitHorizontalOffset - contains the number of points from the top of the window that a worksheet is split horizontally.
- SplitVerticalOffset - contains the number of points from the left of the window that a worksheet is split vertically.
- TopRowBottomPanelNumber - contains the row number of the topmost visible row in the bottom pane of a worksheet window.
- Zoom - specifies the percentage in which the content is zoomed when opening the exported file.
- FitHeight - specifies the maximum count of the pages in which the content is distributed to. Meaningful when FitToPage is true.
- PaperSize - specifies the paper size in a value from the PaperKind enumeration.
- PageHeaderElement - represents the Page Header.
- PageFooterElement - represents the Page Footer.
- PageLayoutElement - contains various options to control the page layout.
- PageMarginsElement - defines the page margins - top, bottom, left, right.
PageHeaderElement / PageFooterElement
- Data - the contents of the footer/header.
- Margin - the margin of the footer/header (in inches; default = 0.5).
- IsCenteredHorizontal - you can set this property to true to center the page horizontally on the page.
- IsCenteredVertical - this property determines whether the page is centered vertically on the page.
- PageOrientation - used to set the page orientation - Portrait (default) or Landscape.
- Top - top margin (in inches; default = 1).
- Bottom - bottom margin (in inches; default = 1).
- Right - right margin (in inches; default = 0.75).
- Left - left margin (in inches; default = 0.75).
- HorizontalAlignment - determines the horizontal alignment for the current cell.
- VerticalAlignment - determines the vertical alignment for the current cell.
- IsProtected - the cell will be protected (read-only) if this property is set to true (default).
- Bold - sets/gets the relevant font style.
- Color - contains the font color.
- FontName - specifies the name of the font (case insensitive).
- Italic - sets/gets the relevant font style.
- Size - specifies the font size in points.
- Underline -sets/gets the relevant font style.
- Color - the interior (background) color.
- Pattern - determines the fill type for the current cell.
- FormatType - used to get/set the number format for the relevant cell. Visit ExcelML export topic for more information.