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Commands that invoke Rebind Implicitly

This topic lists which internal grid commands make an implicit call to the Rebind() method of RadGrid in order to refresh the control's content and fetch the latest information from the grid source.Here is the complete list of commands that trigger Rebind():


Command Name Field
ExpandCollapse RadGrid.ExpandCollapseCommandName
Update RadGrid.UpdateCommandName
Cancel RadGrid.CancelCommandName
Delete RadGrid.DeleteCommandName
Edit RadGrid.EditCommandName
InitInsert RadGrid.InitInsertCommandName
PerformInsert RadGrid.PerformInsertCommandName
RebindGrid RadGrid.RebindGridCommandName
Page RadGrid.PageCommandName
Sort RadGrid.SortCommandName
Filter RadGrid.FilterCommandName
Note that the following commands do not perform internal rebind:
Select RadGrid.SelectCommandName
Deselect RadGrid.DeselectCommandName

When RadGrid's ViewState is turned off, the NeedDataSource event does not fire after any of the above listed commands. This is so because it fires after Page_Load and the control already has a DataSource assigned when the command takes place. If you want to make the event fire in such scenarios, you need to first set RadGrid's DataSource to null/Nothing and then call Rebind().

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