Client Templates
RadGantt uses Kendo UI Templates to provide full control over the rendering of Tasks, Columns, Column headers, View headers, and Toolbar. The control supports the following templates:
You can use the following expressions to evaluate code in the ClientTemplates:
- #= ... # - Data - Evaluates the JavaScript code expression or a string property from the data item and outputs the result in the template.
- # ... # - Code - Evaluates the JavaScript code expression inside. Does not output value.
- #: ... # - HTML-encode - Same as the data expression, but HTML-encodes the result.
For runnable examples on how to use templates in RadGantt check out the Client Templates demo.
Task Template
To customize the way the tasks of the Gantt are rendered, use the ClientTemplate inner tag of the RadGantt.
This is the template that is rendered for each individual task in the timeline veiw. It receives the data
parameter that points to the dataItem for the corresponding task, so you can use all its data source fields
<div class="template" style="background-color: #: color#;">
<div class="wrapper">
<img class="resource-img" src="images/#: data.manager#.png" />
<div class="info-container">
<strong class="title">#= data.title # </strong>
<span class="manager">Manager: #= data.manager # </span>
Column Template and Column Header Template
The TreeList portion of the RadGantt can also be customized using templates. Since R2 2021 Gantt control exposes client-side templates for the columns and their headers.
<telerik:GanttBoundColumn DataField="Title" AllowEdit="true" DataType="String">
<strong><a href="">Task</a></strong>
<a href= #= "" + data.title #> #= data.title #</a>
View Header Template
In the same manner the headers of the Views of RadGantt can also be customized using client templates. Each of the four default views - Day, Week, Month, and Year, contain a header field and time span header cells that can be modified with templates. The Header templates fo each view can be defined in the respective inner tag.
For instance:
<TimeHeaderTemplate>#=kendo.toString(start, 't')#</TimeHeaderTemplate>
<DayHeaderTemplate>#=kendo.toString(start, 'ddd M/dd')#</DayHeaderTemplate>
<DayHeaderTemplate>#=kendo.toString(start, 'ddd M/dd')#</DayHeaderTemplate>
<WeekHeaderTemplate>#=kendo.toString(start, 'ddd M/dd')# - #=kendo.toString(, -1), 'ddd M/dd')#</WeekHeaderTemplate>
<WeekHeaderTemplate>#=kendo.toString(start, 'ddd M/dd')# - #=kendo.toString(, -1), 'ddd M/dd')#</WeekHeaderTemplate>
<MonthHeaderTemplate>#=kendo.toString(start, 'MMMM, yyyy')#</MonthHeaderTemplate>
<YearView UserSelectable="true">
<MonthHeaderTemplate>#=kendo.toString(start, 'MMM')#</MonthHeaderTemplate>
<YearHeaderTemplate>#=kendo.toString(start, 'yyyy')#</YearHeaderTemplate>
Toolbar Template
As of R2 2021 the Toolbar of RadGantt gets customizable. New client templates are exposed - one for or the Toolbar itself and one for its items.
The Toolbar template is declared in the ClientTemplate inner tag. When this template is used, the default action buttons are not rendered.
<Toolbar> <ClientTemplate> <%--Custom Toolbar definition--%> </ClientTemplate> </Toolbar>
In the Items inner tag, the default action buttons can be defined declaratively. Additional custom Toolbar Items can also be added, including such with client-side templates:
<Toolbar> <Items> <telerik:GanttToolbarItem Name="pdf" Text="Pdf export" /> <telerik:GanttToolbarItem Name="append" Text="add new task" /> <telerik:GanttToolbarItem Name="custom" Text="Custom" /> <telerik:GanttToolbarItem Name="test"> <ClientTemplate> <a class="k-button" href="" onclick="return toolbar_click()">Command</a> </ClientTemplate> </telerik:GanttToolbarItem> </Items> </Toolbar>
The "Add New Task" button will only work when the RadGantt is editable (
property is not set to true). For the "Export to PDF" action button to work you need to setEnablePdfExport
property to true.
Task Tooltip Template
With R2 2021 a Task Tooltip Template is also available in the RadGantt component. It can be used for customizing the tooltip rendered when hovering over a task in the Gantt Timeline. The client-side Tooltip template is defined inside the TaskTooltipSettings, like shown below:
<div class="#=kendo.htmlEncode(styles.taskDetails)#" >
<div class="#=styles.taskDetailsPercent#">
Progress: #=kendo.toString(task.percentComplete, "p0")#
<ul class="#=styles.reset#">
<li>#=messages.start#: #=kendo.toString(task.start, "h:mm tt ddd, MMM d")#</li>
<li>#=messages.end#: #=kendo.toString(task.end, "h:mm tt ddd, MMM d")#</li>
<span class="manager"> #= task.manager # </span>