RadChart has been replaced by RadHtmlChart, Telerik's client-side charting component. If you are considering RadChart for new development, examine the RadHtmlChart documentation and online demos first to see if it will fit your development needs. If you are already using RadChart in your projects, you can migrate to RadHtmlChart by following these articles: Migrating Series, Migrating Axes, Migrating Date Axes, Migrating Databinding, Features parity. Support for RadChart is discontinued as of Q3 2014, but the control will remain in the assembly so it can still be used. We encourage you to use RadHtmlChart for new development.
The AutoLayout functionality instructs the control to perform layout arrangement automatically for optimal utilization of the whole chart area and ensures that all chart elements are fully readable and do not overlap with one another. To enable this feature set the RadChart AutoLayout to True.
<telerik:RadChart ID="RadChart1" runat="server" AutoLayout="true" SeriesOrientation="Horizontal">
In the example below the Chart Title text block "Ten Most Expensive Products" is rotated to a 45 degree angle. Without AutoLayout enabled, the title would overlap other parts of the chart content. With AutoLayout enabled, the chart title is placed in an appropriately sized area. There is no need to adjust the margins of the chart elements manually in order to achieve the desired appearance. Also notice in the screenshot below how the chart with AutoLayout = False has has titles along the left cut off and that there is dead space along the right hand side (legend should be positioned there but it is hidden at the moment). In the screeshot with AutoScale = True, the axis item labels along the left are provided with enough space and the dead space along the right is removed.
Example with AutoLayout = False
Example with AutoLayout = True
The ASP.NET example code below produces the chart above with AutoScale enabled:
<telerik:RadChart ID="RadChart2" runat="server" DataSourceID="AccessDataSource1"
Skin="WEbBlue" AutoLayout="true" Height="500px" Width="700px" SeriesOrientation="Horizontal">
<telerik:ChartSeries DataYColumn="UnitPrice" Name="Product Unit Price">
<XAxis AutoScale="true">
<telerik:ChartAxisItem TextBlock-Text="C?te de Blaye" />
<telerik:ChartAxisItem TextBlock-Text="Th?ringer Rostbratwurst" />
<telerik:ChartAxisItem TextBlock-Text="Mishi Kobe Niku" />
<telerik:ChartAxisItem TextBlock-Text="Sir Rodney's Marmalade" />
<telerik:ChartAxisItem TextBlock-Text="Carnarvon Tigers" />
<telerik:ChartAxisItem TextBlock-Text="Raclette Courdavault" />
<telerik:ChartAxisItem TextBlock-Text="Manjimup Dried Apples" />
<telerik:ChartAxisItem TextBlock-Text="Tarte au sucre" />
<telerik:ChartAxisItem TextBlock-Text="Ipoh Coffee" />
<telerik:ChartAxisItem TextBlock-Text="R?ssle Sauerkraut" />
<Appearance RotationAngle="45">
<TextBlock Text="Ten Most Expensive Products" />
<Legend Appearance-Position-AlignedPosition="right" Visible="false"></Legend>
There are limitations with this out-of-the-box functionality, however:
User-specified margin values for chart elements are not taken into account.
If you have enabled the AutoLayout feature - the supported AlignedPosition options for Title and Legend elements are Top, Bottom, Left, Right only.