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Migrate Series Configuration

This article illustrates how to migrate the configuration of series and series items from RadChart to the ASP.NET AJAX Chart. The migration of the series configuration in the provided examples below is illustrated declaratively. However, the same classes and properties of the series and series items can be used for the programmatic creation as well.

Configuring Series

Configuring RadChart Series

Series in RadChart are configured in the Series tag through the ChartSeries class. The type of the series is defined through the ChartSeries.Type property. Example 1 illustrates how to declare Line series in RadChart.

Example 1: Declare Line series in RadChart.

<telerik:RadChart ID="RadChart1" runat="server" Width="600" Height="400">
        <telerik:ChartSeries Type="Line">

Configuring RadHtmlChart Series

Series in RadHtmlChart are configured in the PlotArea.Series tag through a specific class for the particular series type. Example 2 illustrates how to declare Line series in RadHtmlChart.

Example 2: Declare Line series in RadHtmlChart.

<telerik:RadHtmlChart ID="RadHtmlChart1" runat="server" Width="600" Height="400">

The orientation of series in RadHtmlChart cannot be changed (there is no SeriesOrientation property). You can, however, find some series analogue as follows:

  • Bar series with the SeriesOrientation="Horizontal" property in RadChart are declared as BarSeries in RadHtmlChart .
  • Bar series with the SeriesOrientation="Vertical" property in RadChart are declared as ColumnSeries in RadHtmlChart .

Configuring Series Items

Configuring RadChart Series Items

Series items' properties in RadChart are configured in the ChartSeriesItem class of the ChartSeries.Items collection. The corresponding y-axis related properties are YValue, YValue2, YValue3 and YValue4. The corresponding x-axis related properties are XValue and XValue2. Example 3 illustrates how to configure series items in a Line series with RadChart.

Example 3: Configure series items in a Line series with RadChart.

<telerik:RadChart ID="RadChart2" runat="server" Width="600" Height="400">
        <telerik:ChartSeries Type="Line">
                <telerik:ChartSeriesItem YValue="30"></telerik:ChartSeriesItem>
                <telerik:ChartSeriesItem YValue="10"></telerik:ChartSeriesItem>
                <telerik:ChartSeriesItem YValue="20"></telerik:ChartSeriesItem>

Configuring RadHtmlChart Series Items

RadHtmlChart exposes specific series item objects and properties for each series type, which makes the configuration much easier and intuitive. Table 1 lists the corresponding series items for each series type.

Table 1: List of series item objects and properties for the corresponding series types.

Series type Series item Series item properties
Candlestick telerik:CandlestickSeriesItem Open, High, Low, Close
Bar, Column, Area, Line telerik:CategorySeriesItem Y
Scatter, ScatterLine telerik:ScatterSeriesItem Y, X
Bubble telerik:BubbleSeriesItem Y, X, Size, ToolTip
Pie telerik:PieSeriesItem Y

Example 4 illustrates how to configure series items in a Line series with RadHtmlChart.

Example 4: Configure series items in a Line series with RadHtmlChart

<telerik:RadHtmlChart ID="RadHtmlChart2" runat="server" Width="600" Height="400">
                    <telerik:CategorySeriesItem Y="30" />
                    <telerik:CategorySeriesItem Y="10" />
                    <telerik:CategorySeriesItem Y="20" />
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