Blazor MaskedTextbox Overview

The Blazor MaskedTextbox component provides a mask and prompts the user to enter the data in the required format. The component prevents input that does not match the mask. Use it to show the user the required format for values like phone numbers, credit card numbers, ZIP codes, IP addresses, percentage values, and so on.

You can also add standard attributes such as custom CSS classes, name, placeholder, tabindex, and more, and also respond to events.

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The MaskedTextBox component is part of Telerik UI for Blazor, a professional grade UI library with 110+ native components for building modern and feature-rich applications. To try it out sign up for a free 30-day trial.

Creating Blazor MaskedTextBox

  1. Add the <TelerikMaskedTextBox> tag to your razor page.
  2. Set its Value parameter to a string. The parameter supports two-way binding.
  3. Set the desired Mask to prompt the user.

Basic MaskedTextBox with two-way Value binding and a credit card mask

<TelerikMaskedTextBox @bind-Value="@MaskedValue"
                      Width="300px" />

<br /><br />
The component value is: @MaskedValue

    private string MaskedValue { get; set; }


The component allows you to add custom elements as prefixes and suffixes. Read more about how to render custom adornments before and after the input element...


You can validate the content of the TelerikMaskedTextBox using the Data Annotation attributes. See the Input Validation article for an example on how to validate the content of the MaskedTextBox.


The MaskedTextBox component fires events for value changes and blur. Use them to respond to user actions.

The table below provides a quick overview of the mask-related parameters. See the Mask and Prompt article for additional details.

Parameter Type and Default value Description
IncludeLiterals bool Controls if the literal characters from the mask are included in the Value. These are the characters that don't carry a special meaning such as brackets or dashes.
Mask string The mask (pattern) that the user has to follow.
MaskOnFocus bool Controls if the mask appears only while the input is focused. When true and no value is set, the user sees the FloatingLabel or Placeholder instead of the mask. When a value is set, the user sees both the mask and value.
Prompt char
The character that will show in the mask where there is no user input already.
PromptPlaceholder char?
( space)
The character that is added to the raw Value for places where there is no user input yet.

MaskedTextBox Parameters

See the MaskedTextBox API Reference for a full list of parameters, methods and events.

Parameter Type and Default value Description
AriaDescribedBy string The aria-describedby attribute of the input.
AriaLabel string The aria-label attribute of the input.
AriaLabelledBy string The aria-labelledby attribute of the input.
AutoCapitalize string A string that maps to the autocapitalize attribute of the HTML element. It's applicable only for touch devices and virtual keyboards.
DebounceDelay int
The time in milliseconds between the last typed symbol and the value update.
Enabled bool
Controls if users can type in the component.
ReadOnly bool If set to true, the component will be readonly and will not allow user input. The component is not readonly by default and allows user input.
Id string The id attribute of the input.
InputMode string The inputmode attribute of the <input /> element.
Name string The name attribute of the input.
Placeholder string The placeholder attribute of the HTML element.
ShowClearButton bool Defines if the user can clear the component value through an x button rendered inside the input.
SpellCheck string A string that maps to the spellcheck attribute of the HTML element. Use it to disable browser spellchecking if it's intrusive to the user or due to privacy and security concerns.
TabIndex int The tabindex attribute of the input.
Title string The title attribute of input. Use it to add a Blazor Tooltip.
ValidateOn ValidationEvent enum
The event that will trigger validation (if validation is enabled). See Validation Modes for Simple Inputs.
Value string The value of the component. Supports two-way binding.

Styling and Appearance

The following parameters enable you to customize the appearance of the Blazor MaskedTextBox:

Parameter Type and Default value Description
Class string The custom CSS class of the <span class="k-maskedtextbox"> element.
Width string The component width.

To learn more about the appearance, anatomy, and accessibility of the MaskedTextBox, visit the Progress Design System documentation—an information portal offering rich component usage guidelines, descriptions of the available style variables, and globalization support details.

MaskedTextBox Reference and Methods

The MaskedTextBox proves a FocusAsync method that enables programmatic focus. To use it, obtain a reference to the component instance through #ref. Also check the dedicated KB article about programmatic input component focusing, which provides more examples and tips.

<TelerikButton OnClick="@FocusTextBox">Focus TextBox</TelerikButton>

<TelerikMaskedTextBox @ref="@MaskedTextBoxRef"
                      Width="300px" />

    private TelerikMaskedTextBox MaskedTextBoxRef { get; set; }

    private string MaskedValue { get; set; }

    private async Task FocusTextBox()
        await MaskedTextBoxRef.FocusAsync();

Mask Examples

The examples below demonstrates how to create a few masks for commonly used input types:

  • phone - Utilizes literals (the brackets and the plus sign for the country code; and dashes for readability) and rules for numbers.

  • credit card - Utilizes rules for the numbers and literals for the dashes.

  • SSN - Same as credit card.

  • UK post code - Uses rules for letters and numbers.

  • ZIP code - Uses rules for numbers.

  • ZIP+4 code - Literal for the dash between the rules for numbers.

  • percentage - Rules for numbers with a literal for the decimal separator taken from the current culture and a literal for the percentage sign. The example also shows how you can parse that to a double value.

  • customized mask - An example of mixing literals and rules to require an invoice number that has a certain portion of symbols that are not up to the user. Also shows how to escape characters that are rules so they act like literals.

Phone, credit card, SSN, UK post code, ZIP code, ZIP+4 code masks

@* type in the inputs to see the result. Depending on what you want to get, you may want to set IncludeLiterals=tru like for the percentage example at the end *@

<div style="white-space:pre;">

<TelerikMaskedTextBox Mask="(+999) 000-0000" @bind-Value="@Phone"></TelerikMaskedTextBox><br />
<TelerikMaskedTextBox Mask="0000-0000-0000-0000" @bind-Value="@CardNumber"></TelerikMaskedTextBox><br />
<TelerikMaskedTextBox Mask="000-00-0000" @bind-Value="@SSN"></TelerikMaskedTextBox><br />
<TelerikMaskedTextBox Mask="L0L 0LL" @bind-Value="@UkPostcode"></TelerikMaskedTextBox><br />
<TelerikMaskedTextBox Mask="00000" @bind-Value="@ZipCode"></TelerikMaskedTextBox><br />
<TelerikMaskedTextBox Mask="00000-0000" @bind-Value="@ZipPlus4Code"></TelerikMaskedTextBox><br />

    string Phone { get; set; }
    string CardNumber { get; set; }
    string SSN { get; set; }
    string UkPostcode { get; set; }
    string ZipCode { get; set; }
    string ZipPlus4Code { get; set; }

One way to get percentage input and values

@* See the method that parses the string into the desired numerical value - you can customize that as needed by your app *@

<div style="white-space:pre;">

<TelerikMaskedTextBox Mask="@PercentageMask"

    string PercentageMask { get; set; } = $"00{System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.NumberFormat.NumberDecimalSeparator}00%";
    string RawPercentage { get; set; }
    double? ActualPercentage => ParsePercentage();

    //note: this parses the value exactly and will result in numbers that can be between 0 and 100
    //and not like .NET usually treats percents as a value between 0 and 1
    //you can implement any preferred logic
    double? ParsePercentage()
        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(RawPercentage))
            return null;
        string trimmedValue = RawPercentage?.Replace("%", "").Replace(" ", "");
        double result;
        if(double.TryParse(trimmedValue, out result))
            return result;
        return null;

Custom mask that presets literals for the user

@* This example requires an invoice number that starts with a letter, has a second character that is a letter or a number, then a dash, then has the numbers "900" and four more numbers. For example A4-900123 *@


<TelerikMaskedTextBox Mask="LA-\9\0\00000" @bind-Value="@invoiceNumber" IncludeLiterals="true"></TelerikMaskedTextBox>

    string invoiceNumber { get; set; }

Next Steps

See Also

In this article