GridLayout Overview

The ASP.NET MVC GridLayout component allows you to arrange the contents of the component in rows and columns in a grid structure. The arrangement of content relies on the CSS Grid functionality. For more information on the CSS Grid, refer to the official CSS Grid documentation.

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The GridLayout is part of Telerik UI for ASP.NET MVC, a professional grade UI library with 110+ components for building modern and feature-rich applications. To try it out sign up for a free 30-day trial.

The GridLayout is supported only when you use Kendo UI themes.

Initializing the GridLayout

Use the Grid HtmlHelper to add the component and set the desired options:

  • Use the Rows confiuguration option to define the number of rows and set individual row height, if desired.
  • Use the Columns confiuguration option to define the number of columns and set individual column width, if desired.
  • Use the Items configuration to position the items. Set the Row, Column,RowSpan, and ColumnSpan options to adjust the position of an item. Refer to the Items article for further details on the configuration options for the GridLayout items.

The following example demonstrates how to initialize a GridLayout with three rows and three columns:

            i.Add().Row(2).Column(1).ColumnSpan(2).RowSpan(2).Content("Some content here"));
                .Content("<div class='myClass'>Other content here</div>");

Functionality and Features

  • Items—the Items configuration allows you to adjust each Item's position in the defined GridLayout.
  • Rows and columns—To configure the appearance of the GridLayout, you can use the Rows and Columns configuration properties.

See Also

In this article