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Popup Editing

You can define commands and set the edit mode to configure the Telerik UI TreeList for ASP.NET MVC for popup editing.

For runnable examples, refer to the demos on implementing the editing approaches in the TreeList.

To set the popup edit mode of the TreeList:

  1. Add a new class to the ~/Models folder. The following example uses the EmployeeDirectoryModelPopUp name.

     public class EmployeeDirectoryModelPopUp
         public int EmployeeId { get; set; }
         public string FirstName { get; set; }
         public string LastName { get; set; }
         public int? ReportsTo { get; set; }
  2. Add an empty MVC Controller TreeListController.cs and add a new action method ReadOrders which will return the Directories as JSON in the expected format. The TreeList will make Ajax requests to this action.

     public JsonResult All([DataSourceRequest] DataSourceRequest request)
         var result = GetDirectory().ToTreeDataSourceResult(request,
             e => e.EmployeeId,
             e => e.ReportsTo,
             e => e
         return Json(result);
  3. Add a new action method to TreeListController.cs. It will be responsible for saving the new data items. Name the method Create. The Create method has to return a collection of the created records with the assigned Id field.

     public JsonResult Create([DataSourceRequest] DataSourceRequest request, EmployeeDirectoryModel employee)
         if (ModelState.IsValid)
             employeeDirectory.Insert(employee, ModelState);
         return Json(new[] { employee }.ToTreeDataSourceResult(request, ModelState));
  4. Add a new action method to TreeListController.cs. It will be responsible for saving the updated data items. Name the method Update.

     public JsonResult Update([DataSourceRequest] DataSourceRequest request, EmployeeDirectoryModel employee)
         if (ModelState.IsValid)
             employeeDirectory.Update(employee, ModelState);
         return Json(new[] { employee }.ToTreeDataSourceResult(request, ModelState));
  5. Add a new action method to TreeListController.cs. It will be responsible for saving the deleted data items. Name the method Destroy.

     public JsonResult Destroy([DataSourceRequest] DataSourceRequest request, EmployeeDirectoryModel employee)
         if (ModelState.IsValid)
             employeeDirectory.Delete(employee, ModelState);
         return Json(new[] { employee }.ToTreeDataSourceResult(request, ModelState));
  6. In the view, configure the TreeList to use the action methods created in the previous steps. The Create, Update, and Destroy action methods have to return a collection with the modified or deleted records so the DataSource on the client is aware of the server-side changes.

            .Toolbar(toolbar => toolbar.Create())
            .Columns(columns =>
                columns.Add().Field(e => e.FirstName).Width(220).Title("First Name");
                columns.Add().Field(e => e.LastName).Width(100).Title("Last Name");
                columns.Add().Width(300).Command(c =>
                    c.CreateChild().Text("Add child");
            .Editable(e => e.Mode("popup"))
            .DataSource(dataSource => dataSource
                .Create(create => create.Action("Create", "EmployeeDirectory"))
                .Read(read => read.Action("All", "EmployeeDirectory"))
                .Update(update => update.Action("Update", "EmployeeDirectory"))
                .Destroy(delete => delete.Action("Destroy", "EmployeeDirectory"))
                .Model(m =>
                    m.Id(f => f.EmployeeId);
                    m.ParentId(f => f.ReportsTo);

See Also

In this article
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