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Showing a Validation Summary in a Grid Popup


Product Telerik UI for ASP.NET Core Grid
Created with Product Version 2024.2.514


How can I display the validation summary instead of tooltips in the Grid's Popup edit template?


The Telerik UI for ASP.NET Core Grid configured for Popup editing uses a Validator that shows the error messages as tooltips:

UI for ASP.NET Core Grid popup validation

You can show a validation summary with a few lines of JavaScript.

  1. Handle the Edit event of the Grid.
  2. Get a reference to the Kendo UI Validator and update its options by using the setOptions() method.
    @(Html.Kendo().Grid <OrderViewModel>()
        .Events(e => e.Edit("addValidationSummary"))
    @addTagHelper *, Kendo.Mvc

    <kendo-grid name="grid" on-edit="addValidationSummary">
        <!-- Other configuration -->
        function addValidationSummary(e) {
            var validator ="kendoValidator");
                errorTemplate: "", // Remove the "errorTemplate". This way, the tooltip will not show.
                validationSummary: true // Enable the validation summary option.

As a result, the error messages will be displayed as a list above the editors:

UI for ASP.NET Core Grid popup validation summary

To keep the tooltips, as well, do not reset the "errorTemplate" option:

        function addValidationSummary(e) {
            var validator ="kendoValidator");
                validationSummary: true

For more information on validation, refer to the following articles:

More ASP.NET Core Grid Resources

See Also

In this article