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Common Scenarios

This article provides common scenarios you might encounter when working with the Telerik UI Sortable component for ASP.NET Core.

Persisting the Current Items Order

By default, the Sortable does not persist the order of the current items. To detect when changes in the items order occur and save them either in local storage or submit them to the server with jQuery.ajax, use the change event. To restore the Sortable layout, render the DOM elements in their last order.

The following example demonstrates how to persist the order of the current items in local storage.

    <div id="sortable"></div>

    <button id="reset">Reset</button>

    <script id="tmp" type="text/x-kendo-template">
        <div class="sortable">Item #:data#</div>

        var initialData = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7], //initial items order (used if there is no saved data
            localStorageSupport = (('localStorage' in window && window['localStorage'] !== null)),

        if (localStorageSupport) {
            // Retrieve local storage data if such is available. Otherwise, use the default order.
            data = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("sortableData")) || initialData;
        } else {
            alert("your browser does not support local storage");
            data = initialData;

        html = kendo.render(kendo.template($("#tmp").html()), data); // Render the HTML with the data.
        $("#sortable").html(html); //append the HTML to the Sortable container

        function onChange(e) {
            var item = data.splice(e.oldIndex, 1)[0]; // Remove the item that has changed its order.
            data.splice(e.newIndex, 0, item); // Add the item back using the newIndex.

            localStorage.setItem("sortableData", kendo.stringify(data)); // Set the updated data in the local storage.

        $("#reset").click(function () {
            localStorage.clear(); // Clear the local storage.
            alert("Local storage is cleared. Please reload the page!");

            .Events(ev => ev.Change("onChange"))

        #sortable {
            -webkit-user-select: none;
            -moz-user-select: none;
            -ms-user-select: none;
            user-select: none;
            width: 300px;

        .sortable {
            padding: 10px 0;
            margin: 1px 0;
            width: 358px;
            text-align: center;
            color: #ffffff;
            background-color: #51A0ED;
    <div id="sortable"></div>

    <button id="reset">Reset</button>

    <script id="tmp" type="text/x-kendo-template">
        <div class="sortable">Item #:data#</div>

        var initialData = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7], //initial items order (used if there is no saved data
            localStorageSupport = (('localStorage' in window && window['localStorage'] !== null)),

        if (localStorageSupport) {
            // Retrieve local storage data if such is available. Otherwise, use the default order.
            data = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("sortableData")) || initialData;
        } else {
            alert("your browser does not support local storage");
            data = initialData;

        html = kendo.render(kendo.template($("#tmp").html()), data); // Render the HTML with the data.
        $("#sortable").html(html); //append the HTML to the Sortable container

        function onChange(e) {
            var item = data.splice(e.oldIndex, 1)[0]; // Remove the item that has changed its order.
            data.splice(e.newIndex, 0, item); // Add the item back using the newIndex.

            localStorage.setItem("sortableData", kendo.stringify(data)); // Set the updated data in the local storage.

        $("#reset").click(function () {
            localStorage.clear(); // Clear the local storage.
            alert("Local storage is cleared. Please reload the page!");

    <kendo-sortable name="sortable" filter=".sortable" on-change="onChange" >

        #sortable {
            -webkit-user-select: none;
            -moz-user-select: none;
            -ms-user-select: none;
            user-select: none;
            width: 300px;

        .sortable {
            padding: 10px 0;
            margin: 1px 0;
            width: 358px;
            text-align: center;
            color: #ffffff;
            background-color: #51A0ED;

Handling Items with input Elements

The <input> elements inside Sortable items cannot be focused because the items are draggable. To avoid this behavior, use the Ignore option.

    <ul id="sortable">
        <li>ItemA1 <input type="text" /></li>
        <li>ItemA2 <input type="text" /></li>
        <li>ItemA3 <input type="text" /></li>

    <ul id="sortable">
        <li>ItemA1 <input type="text" /></li>
        <li>ItemA2 <input type="text" /></li>
        <li>ItemA3 <input type="text" /></li>

    <kendo-sortable name="sortable" ignore="input">

Handling Radio Button Selections

A Sortable with radio buttons and a hint cloned from the Sortable element will lose the selected radio button if dragged because the clone will take over the selection. To avoid this behavior, clear the name of the radio button in the hint.

    <ul id="sortable-basic">
        <li class="sortable"><input type="radio" name="foo" />Papercut <span>3:04</span></li>
        <li class="sortable"><input type="radio" name="foo" />One Step Closer <span>2:35</span></li>
        <li class="sortable"><input type="radio" name="foo" />With You <span>3:23</span></li>
        <li class="sortable"><input type="radio" name="foo" />Points of Authority <span>3:20</span></li>
        <li class="sortable"><input type="radio" name="foo" />Crawling <span>3:29</span></li>


        function hintCustom(element) {
            var hint = element.clone().addClass("hint");
            // Alternatively, remove the input from the hint.
            hint.find("input").attr("name", "");
            return hint;

        function placeholderCustom(element) {
            return element.clone().addClass("placeholder").text("drop here");
    <ul id="sortable-basic">
        <li class="sortable"><input type="radio" name="foo" />Papercut <span>3:04</span></li>
        <li class="sortable"><input type="radio" name="foo" />One Step Closer <span>2:35</span></li>
        <li class="sortable"><input type="radio" name="foo" />With You <span>3:23</span></li>
        <li class="sortable"><input type="radio" name="foo" />Points of Authority <span>3:20</span></li>
        <li class="sortable"><input type="radio" name="foo" />Crawling <span>3:29</span></li>

    <kendo-sortable name="sortable" hint="hintCustom" placeholder="placeholderCustom" >

        function hintCustom(element) {
            var hint = element.clone().addClass("hint");
            // Alternatively, remove the input from the hint.
            hint.find("input").attr("name", "");
            return hint;

        function placeholderCustom(element) {
            return element.clone().addClass("placeholder").text("drop here");

See Also

In this article