Circular ProgressBar Overview

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The CircularProgressBar is part of Telerik UI for ASP.NET Core, a professional grade UI library with 110+ components for building modern and feature-rich applications. To try it out sign up for a free 30-day trial.

The Telerik UI Circular ProgressBar TagHelper and HtmlHelper for ASP.NET Core are server-side wrappers for the Kendo UI Circular ProgressBar widget.

The Circular ProgressBar allows you to display and track the progress of a task or process.

The component gives you the flexibility to customize its appearance with a template or set different colors for specific progress ranges.

Initializing the Circular ProgressBar

The following example demonstrates how to define a Circular ProgressBar.

    <kendo-circularprogressbar name="progressbar" value=0></kendo-circularprogressbar>

You can control the size of the Circular ProgressBar by setting its height through the HtmlAttributes() method when using the HtmlHelper definition or through the style attribute when using the TagHelper definition.

        .HtmlAttributes(new {style = "height: 500px;"})
    <kendo-circularprogressbar name="progressbar" value="10" style="height: 500px;">

Basic Configuration

The following example shows the basic configuration of the Circular ProgressBar with different colors based on the current value and a template that displays the current value in the center of the progress bar.

        .Colors(c =>
        .CenterTemplate("<span style='color: #: color #;'>#= value == 100 ? \"<span class='k-icon k-i-check'></span>\" : value + '%' #</span>")
    <script id="progress-template" type="text/kendo-ui-template">
        # if (value == 100) { #
        <span class='k-icon k-i-check'></span>
        # }else{#
           #: value # %

    <kendo-circularprogressbar name="progressbar" value=0 center-template-id="progress-template">
            <color to=25 color="#C0392B"/>
            <color from=25 to=50 color="#D35400"/>
            <color from=50 to=75 color="#D4AC0D"/>
            <color from=75 to=99 color="#58D68D"/>
            <color from=99 color="#229954"/>


The Circular ProgressBar supports infinite and finite modes.

  • The infinite mode renders a Circular ProgressBar that is always spinning without an indication of when the task will be complete. To enable the infinite mode, set the Indeterminate() configuration option to true or add the indeterminate attribute when using the TagHelper mode:

            .Colors(c =>
        <kendo-circularprogressbar name="progressbar" indeterminate="true">
                <color color="#0071bc"/>
  • The finite mode is the default mode of the Circular ProgressBar. The component indicates the task completion. To update the value of the Circular ProgressBar dynamically, use the value() API method.

    The following example showcases how to update the Circular ProgressBar value every 50 milliseconds.

            $(document).ready(function() {
                // Update the value every 50 milliseconds until it reaches 100%.
                let interval = setInterval(function () {
                    let pb = $("#progressbar").data("kendoCircularProgressBar");
                    let value = pb.value();
                    if (value >= 100) {
                    pb.value(value + 1);
                }, 50);
        <kendo-circularprogressbar name="progressbar" value=0></kendo-circularprogressbar>
            $(document).ready(function() {
                // Update the value every 50 milliseconds until it reaches 100%.
                let interval = setInterval(function () {
                    let pb = $("#progressbar").data("kendoCircularProgressBar");
                    let value = pb.value();
                    if (value >= 100) {
                    pb.value(value + 1);
                }, 50);


You can customize the appearance of the Circular ProgressBar by setting different colors for specific ranges of the progress it displays. To configure the colors, use the Colors configuration when using the HtmlHelper declaration or the <colors> tag when using the TagHelper declaration.

The following example demonstrates a Circular ProgressBar that changes its color based on the current value:

        .Colors(c =>
        .CenterTemplate("<span style='color: #: color #;'>#= value == 100 ? \"<span class='k-icon k-i-check'></span>\" : value + '%' #</span>")
    <script id="progress-template" type="text/kendo-ui-template">
        # if (value == 100) { #
        <span class='k-icon k-i-check'></span>
        # }else{#
           #: value # %

    <kendo-circularprogressbar name="progressbar" value=0 center-template-id="progress-template">
            <color to=25 color="#C0392B"/>
            <color from=25 to=50 color="#D35400"/>
            <color from=50 to=75 color="#D4AC0D"/>
            <color from=75 to=99 color="#58D68D"/>
            <color from=99 color="#229954"/>


The CenterTemplate() option or the center-template-id TagHelper attribute allows you to display a custom message or the current value in the center of the Circular ProgressBar.

The following example shows how to render the progress bar value in the center of the Circular ProgressBar and an icon that indicates when the progress bar completes.

        .CenterTemplate("<span style='color: #: color #;'>#= value == 100 ? \"<span class='k-icon k-i-check'></span>\" : value + '%' #</span>")
    <script id="progress-template" type="text/kendo-ui-template">
        # if (value == 100) { #
        <span class='k-icon k-i-check'></span>
        # }else{#
            #: value # %

    <kendo-circularprogressbar name="progressbar" value=0 center-template-id="progress-template">

Next Steps

See Also

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