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DataSource Binding

The Spreadsheet component supports binding individual sheets to a DataSource instance that allows you to load data from a remote endpoint into the Spreadsheet and edit it.  

For a runnable example, refer to the demo on binding the Spreadsheet component to a DataSource. The Spreadsheet DataSource from that demo uses the read and submit transport options. The submit option is required to handle a scenario where the user creates, updates, and deletes items simultaneously.

When using separate create, update, and destroy handlers, one can fail while the others do not. That will result in a mismatch of the data state between the client (the Spreadsheet) and the remote source. The submit option handles all operations through a single request. The operation will not save any changes if a specified record is invalid.

Specific Behavior

The DataSource binding switches the sheet to a special data-bound mode. It differs from the standard behavior in the following ways:

  • Column headers are inferred from the data item fields. Configure the column headers and ordering by using the setDataSource() method of the sheet.
  • Cell styles, formulas, and formats are not persisted in the DataSource.
  • Row height and column width are not persisted in the DataSource.
  • Sorting and filtering are applied locally.

The CRUD data operations are also handled in a specific way:

  • Inserted rows are always appended at the end, regardless of the actual row index.
  • Updating cell content translates into update operations.
  • Deleting rows translates into destroy operations.
  • Inserting and removing columns is not supported.

Data Source Binding in Razor Pages

To bind the Telerik UI Spreadsheet for ASP.NET Core to a DataSource within a Razor Pages application, the specific behavior is still valid.

You need to configure the read and submit transport options to send requests to the respective handler in the PageModel. When handling the submit action, you must send the anti-forgery token through the request.

For the complete project, refer to the Spreadsheet in Razor Pages example.

    @model IndexModel

    @inject Microsoft.AspNetCore.Antiforgery.IAntiforgery Xsrf

    <div class="box-col">
        <h4>Save data changes</h4>
            <button id="save">Save changes</button>
            <button id="cancel">Cancel changes</button>

        .Sheets(s => s.Add()
            .DataSource<Product>(ds => ds
                .Transport(t => t
                .Events(e => e.Change("onChange"))
                .Schema(sch => sch
                    .Model(m =>
                        m.Id(i => i.ProductID);
            .Rows(rows =>
                rows.Add().Height(40).Cells(cells =>

        function onSubmit(e) {
                type: "POST",
                url: '@Url.Page("Index", "Data_Source_Products_Submit")',
                data: {
                    model:, // The sheet's data.
                    __RequestVerificationToken: kendo.antiForgeryTokens().__RequestVerificationToken // The anti-forgery token.
                dataType: "json",
                success: function (result) {
                    e.success(result.Updated, "update"); // Trigger `update` operation.
                    e.success(result.Created, "create"); // Trigger `create` operation.
                    e.success(result.Destroyed, "destroy"); // Trigger `destroy` operation.
                error: function (xhr, httpStatusMessage, customErrorMessage) {

        function onRead(options) {
                url: '@Url.Page("Index", "Data_Source_Products_Read")',
                dataType: "json",
                success: function (result) {
                    options.success(result.Data); // Set the received data from the remote endpoint to the sheet's DataSource.
                error: function (result) {

        function onChange(e) {
            $("#cancel, #save").toggleClass("k-disabled", !this.hasChanges()); // Enable the "Save changes" and "Cancel changes" buttons if a specified data item has changed.

        function getDataSource() {
            return $("#spreadsheet").data("kendoSpreadsheet").activeSheet().dataSource;

        $(document).ready( function () {
            $("#save").click(function() { // Handle the "click" event of the "Save changes" button.
                if (!$(this).hasClass("k-disabled")) {
                    getDataSource().sync(); // Call the sync() method of the DataSouce to trigger the "submit" handler.

            $("#cancel").click(function () { // Handle the "click" event of the "Cancel changes" button.
                if (!$(this).hasClass("k-disabled")) {
                    getDataSource().cancelChanges(); // Call the cancelChanges() method of the DataSouce to cancel the pending changes.
    public static IList<Product> SpreadData;

    public void OnGet()
        if (SpreadData == null)
            // Populate the "SpreadData" collection with data.
            SpreadData = Enumerable.Range(1, 50).Select(x => new Product() { 
                ProductID = x,
                CategoryID = x % 7,
                ProductName = "Product " + x

    public JsonResult OnGetData_Source_Products_Read([DataSourceRequest] DataSourceRequest request)
        return new JsonResult(SpreadData.ToDataSourceResult(request));

    public ActionResult OnPostData_Source_Products_Submit(SpreadsheetSubmitViewModel model)
        var result = new SpreadsheetSubmitViewModel()
            Created = new List<Product>(),
            Updated = new List<Product>(),
            Destroyed = new List<Product>()

        if ((model.Created != null || model.Updated != null || model.Destroyed != null) && ModelState.IsValid)
            if (model.Created != null)
                foreach (var created in model.Created)

            if (model.Updated != null)
                foreach (var updated in model.Updated)
                    var target = SpreadData.FirstOrDefault(x=>x.ProductID == updated.ProductID);
                    target = updated;

            if (model.Destroyed != null)
                foreach (var destroyed in model.Destroyed)
                    var target = SpreadData.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ProductID == destroyed.ProductID);

            return new JsonResult(result);
            return StatusCode(400, "The models contain invalid property values.");
    public class Product
        public int ProductID { get; set; }
        public int CategoryID { get; set; }
        public string ProductName { get; set; }

Unsupported Scenarios

  • The Sheet cannot be bound to a DataSource that does not contain any items because the header row in the sheet is generated based on the data item fields.
  • The records cannot be edited after sorting the sheet (a feature request).
  • The records cannot be edited after filtering the sheet (a feature request).

See Also

In this article