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Common Issues

This article provides solutions for common issues you might encounter while working with the Telerik UI Grid component for ASP.NET Core.

Grid Performs HTTP GET Requests instead of POST

By default, the Kendo UI Grid for ASP.NET MVC makes POST requests when configured for Ajax binding. This is implemented by a custom DataSource transport and schema. Those are defined in the kendo.aspnetmvc.min.js.

Solution Make sure this file is included after the other Kendo UI JavaScript files. For more information, refer to the ASP.NET Core introductory article.

The following example demonstrates the correct order of JavaScript files.

<script src="/Scripts/kendo.all.min.js"></script>
<script src="/Scripts/kendo.aspnetmvc.min.js"></script>

Ajax-Bound Grid Does Not Populate

The causes of this issue are various.


  1. Use your browser developer console to check for any JavaScript errors. In most browsers pressing F12 displays the developer console. Address all JavaScript errors.
  2. Check the Network—or Net in Firebug—tab of the browser developer console. Look for a failed HTTP request for the action method configured via the DataSource Grid setting.

    • HTTP status code 401 indicates that the required authentication has failed or has not been provided yet.
    • HTTP status code 403 indicates that the request is not authorized. Perhaps the current user does not have the required permissions.
    • HTTP status code 404 indicates that the requested URL cannot be found. Check if the controller and action names are spelled correctly.
    • HTTP status code 500 indicates that a server error occurred while processing the request. Check what the server response is. In most cases, it will contain the full .NET stacktrace. If the reason for the exception is not clear, put a break-point in the action method and break with the debugger. Also, refer to the article on well-known exceptions.
  3. Check if you are using the ToDataSourceResult extension method. That method returns the data in the JSON format expected by the Kendo UI Grid.

Client-Side Events Are Not Raised in Server-Bound Mode

Client-side events, which are related to data-binding (sorting, filtering, paging, grouping, etc.) and CRUD data operations, will not be raised when the Grid is configured for server binding.

For an Ajax() bound Grid, make sure that the `.ServerOperation(false)` property is disabled.

Column Templates Are Not Displayed

  • Case 1 The column template is not displayed if the server template is set but the Grid is configured for Ajax binding.

    Solution Set the ClientTemplate as well.

  • Case 2 The column template might also not be displayed if only the client template is set but the Grid is configured for server binding.

    Solution Set the Template as well.

"X" DataSource Configuration Option Is Not Available

Not all settings of the DataSource are exposed through the DataSource fluent API.

Solution To gain full control over the DataSource, consider using the CustomDataSource fluent API or the client-side version of the Kendo UI Grid.

Grid Fires Create Actions instead of Update Actions

If an ID value is not set for a given data item, the Grid treats it as new and calls the Create action.

Solution The ID value should be non-default for the used data field type.

Grid Does Not Display Numbers and Dates in the Right Culture Format

By default, the Kendo UI Grid formats dates and numbers using the en-US culture.

Solution If the Grid does not display numbers and dates in the right format that corresponds to your culture, change the culture by including the JavaScript for your culture and then call kendo.culture.

Grid Does Not Display Culture-Specific Kendo UI JavaScript

The following example demonstrates how to include culture-specific Kendo UI JavaScript.

<script src="/Scripts/cultures/"></script>

Grid Does Not Include JavaScript for Current Cultures

The following example demonstrates how to include JavaScript for the current culture.

        var culture = System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture.ToString();
    <script src="<%= Url.Content("~/Scripts/cultures/kendo.culture." + culture + ".min.js") %>"></script>
        kendo.culture("<%= culture %>");
        var culture = System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture.ToString();
    <script src="@Url.Content("~/Scripts/cultures/kendo.culture." + culture + ".min.js")"></script>

For additional information on this issue, refer to the article on globalization.

See Also

In this article